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Just Seen The Dark Knight



Wassup yall this is Deeman, my name used to be Smitty, but I thought that was corny so I changed it. I just seen TDK today, and It did live up to the hype. Heath Ledger was great as the Joker (although the lip smacking thing was annoying lol) I am sure he will he will get a couple of Oscar nominations. I definitly would recommend yall to see this. For the people who saw it what did you think of TDK?

I'm new with this whole blog stuff so just bear with me Peace. :Talking Ear Off: :Talking Ear Off: :Talking Ear Off:

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Oh man the lip smacking was part of what made his character extra creepy. I loved it.

Give the blog thing some time, I'm sure not many of us blog and it's totally new to Hawksquawk. Just keep posting your thoughts and people will eventually get used to reading.

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