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Swish's Hawksquawk Member Power Rankings



OK, the inaguaural SHSMPR....here goes...

15. Traceman

A "charter" member, so to speak, Traceman has season tickets and contributes objectively, regularly, and kindly to the Squawk. Its posters like Trace who are the glue.

14. Hotlanta1981

Earns the spot for quantity alone. Also for managing to smash anything Hawks related.

13. DrReality

The name says it all. A strong dose of reality for Diesel and other hallucinators.

12. HawksFanatic

Contributing invaluable financial, mathematical and cap information keeps HawksFanatic one of my favorite posters. If you have a cap question, go here. He may have a better hold on things than Rick Sund and ASG.

11. Libid21

For stepping in and helping out with technical advice when the forum switch was made and keeping us all technically in check, Libid21's stock is rising. Is there an apprentice moderator title dolfan?

10. sturt

Founder and part of the faction that balances out Diesel, the only problem with sturt is his lack of quantity.

9. NorthCyde

ASG's resident apologist, 'cyde provides a different side to things occasionally.

8. chillzatl

Though I've never read a chillz post and he apparently makes himself very scarce, he rates high because of status.

7. Brotha2thanite

His apparently valid communication with Chillz sends him skyrocketing up the relevance list for now.

6. exodus

Always present and an excellent arguer, exodus provides many insightful posts and manages to usually back up his arguments with valid statistics and facts.

5. DJLaysitup

For combining dry wit and post quantity, DJ can't be topped.

4. kudzu23

Don't know too much about him, but have to give admin's their props.

3. ifthenwouldi (MrHOnline)

Always a substanceful (new word!) poster and not one to argue, and racking up the favorite poster votes lands the late MrH the third spot.

2. Diesel

What can you say? When the Dieselputer is on, its really on. When its off, well, yeah. Diesel is the engine of the forum, always starting a good new topic for discussion and constantly thinking of new trades for Marvin Williams.

1. Dolfan23

Admin, programmer, moderator and good guy (apparently?) dolfan is always ready to help with your technical questions and throw in his basketball knowledge.


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Haha, you already know this forum better than most of us here! But I don't think I should be on it, really. I try to help others out, but I don't contribute as much as some other members do in terms of basketball talk and whatnot. Walter, Atlas, NJHAWK, etc. All these guys contribute more than I'll ever be able to. I just read the posts that these guys make worthy to read. :)

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Hey whatever happened to @swish? And what about these anti-spam trackbacks going on here @Dolfan23?

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