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Posts posted by dalamchops

  1. opponents have been getting layup after layup because no one else knows how to play D. How many times i see a player just stand and watch and not challenge people going up to the basket. It includes EVERYONE. Opposing players are not intimidated at all right now when they drive into the lane, they know that the hawks will just roll out the red carpet for them.

  2. Quote:




    this is just not a good thread. Do you even watch the games?? Smith had absolutely ZERO inside game whatsoever last year. This year there are times when no one on the opponents team that can stop him, and that is his true peak.

    I dont think you were referring to me on this one, moreso the original poster.

    well, the entire thread is pointless, but most blame definitely on the OP. Thank god he's not the GM, cuz he'll just let JS walk while any team w/ enough cap would offer him plenty of money, because the talent is obviously there.

    I knew the homers would come out and see this as an attack.

    Why is it a pointless thread ? Can you honestly say Smith is playing up to his potential ? Do you ever see him box out ? How many times have you seen Smith fight a player for position before they have the ball when playing post defense ? You like his shot selection ? In Smith's 4th year do you not think he should have stopped some of these bad habits that are normally gone after your rookie or 2nd year ?

    Guys come on now, I mentioned Smith improved post game if you read my post that began this thread, its in the 2nd paragraph. Yet several posters act like I am blind to that.

    I never said Smith should walk in free agency either....... My only point was that his improvement as a player is beginning to stagnate under the current coaching staff. Sure Smith is to blame for his own play and poor decision(that goes without saying does it not ?). His bad decisions and poor shot selection is what is holding him back. I guess "The Truth" could not pick up that bad shot selection is part of shooting all those 3's while shooting only 25% from long range.

    The point is not to get rid of Smith. It is to make Smith live up to his potentential so the Haws can live up to their potential. The 2nd best player on playoff team simply cannot make the same poor decisions on a nighty basis. I have seen no improvment in Smith decisions making and little improvement in his shot selection. I have seen no improvement on his position defense in the post and he rarlyboxes out. Those are things another coach coaching staff hopefully can change about Smith b/c he obviously tuned the current staff out.

    I'm not picking on Smith. Smith has the ability to be a top 20 player in the NBA if he would wise up and make better decision. The wins will not start piling up until that happens.

    actually you said that Smoove has reached his potential and he will not longer get any better in this system. And you can't really judge by just using one Nets game, JJ was guarding VC most of the night and he didn't do anything to stop him.

  3. Quote:


    this is just not a good thread. Do you even watch the games?? Smith had absolutely ZERO inside game whatsoever last year. This year there are times when no one on the opponents team that can stop him, and that is his true peak.

    I dont think you were referring to me on this one, moreso the original poster.

    well, the entire thread is pointless, but most blame definitely on the OP. Thank god he's not the GM, cuz he'll just let JS walk while any team w/ enough cap would offer him plenty of money, because the talent is obviously there.

  4. this is just not a good thread. Do you even watch the games?? Smith had absolutely ZERO inside game whatsoever last year. This year there are times when no one on the opponents team that can stop him, and that is his true peak.

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