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Posts posted by dalamchops

  1. Quote:

    There had to be something personal. They were in full court press up by thirty in the first half. I never saw that before. Nolan Richardson would not have done that.

    Phil will be humbled for that.

    definitely, i was pretty pissed off about that. PJ was probably just pissed off about losing to THE HAWKS the meeting before that.

  2. Quote:

    Jamal Crawford is a low percentage chunker. Bad trade and a stupid idea. Every good team has good role players. Crawford doesn't cut it on a team looking to win. Who is knocking down the door to acquire Jamal Crawford? How hard is it to score 20PPG when you play 41MPG and jack up shots at will? Jamal is a SG version of Antonie Walker. He can stay in NY.

    I'm willing to bet Salim can put up the same numbers in NY if he gets a chance to take that many shots

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