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Everything posted by emeans

  1. The building of this team is turning out to be very awesome!! BK is slowly building a contender!! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  2. Exactly....if it is lottery protected this is good. They wanted to get Chillz and Al Harrington for Joe Johnson. They didn't just want Boris Diaw. They were not going to let him walk for free!!
  3. This is fair for both teams. It will probably be lottery protected future 1st round picks.
  4. on this forum.....and Diesel is the chairman, CEO, and founder of that league.......LOL. I couldn't resist!!
  5. JJ wants to play in the Atlanta!!!! TORONTO -- Restricted free agent Joe Johnson, who next week plans to sign a lucrative offer sheet from the Atlanta Hawks, told ESPN.com on Friday night that he has asked the Phoenix Suns not to match the offer. In town for Steve Nash's charity game at Air Canada Centre, Johnson revealed that he directly informed Phoenix managing partner Robert Sarver earlier this week that he would prefer to continue his career as a Hawk. "We had a discussion," Johnson said in his first extended interview about his future since free agency began July 1. "I did tell them that." Asked why he wants to leave the Suns after a breakthrough season, for himself and the team, Johnson said: "It's a lot of things. How things were handled [with Johnson's contract] last summer, how things have been handled this summer. There's been some things going on that aren't great." Informed late Friday of Johnson's comments, Suns officials declined to respond. Johnson hoped to sign a six-year, $50 million extension with Phoenix before last season, but the talks stalled with the sides about $5 million apart. At the time, Sarver was hesitant to make another splashy expenditure after committing to front the $400 million purchase of the franchise and then signing Nash and Quentin Richardson to long-term deals worth a combined $110 million. The Suns offered Johnson a six-year deal in the $60 million range this summer, some $30 million less than he's eligible to receive from his current team. Hoping for significantly more after averaging 17.1 points and shooting 48 percent on 3-pointers to help Phoenix win a stunning 62 games and advance to the Western Conference finals, Johnson and agent Arn Tellem quickly entered into negotiations with the Hawks. According to sources close to the situation, Johnson is also unhappy with what he perceives as his standing as a "fourth wheel" behind the All-Star trio of Nash, Amare Stoudemire and Marion. Besides the opportunity to be the star man on its youthful roster, Atlanta is offering as much as the rules allow without holding Johnson's Larry Bird rights -- a frontloaded five-year deal worth an estimated $70 million, with an up-front payment as high as $20 million in Year 1. The Hawks have been planning for weeks to sign Johnson to an offer sheet as soon as the leaguewide moratorium on free-agent signings is lifted. That day, originally scheduled for July 22, is expected to come Tuesday. The Suns, who would have seven days to match an offer sheet, have consistently said they intend to do just that, and NBA front-office sources reiterated Friday that Phoenix hasn't changed its stance. Even Johnson, when asked to describe the Suns' reaction to his request to be set free, said: "They say they're going to match." Phoenix chairman Jerry Colangelo and team president Bryan Colangelo delivered that message to Tellem in a July 9 meeting during a summer-league game in Las Vegas. To increase its matching flexibility, Phoenix agreed Wednesday to trade center Jake Voskuhl to Charlotte and thus remove nearly $2 million from next season's payroll. It remains to be seen whether Johnson will indeed sign with the Hawks as soon the moratorium ends. If he is intent on going to Atlanta, he and Tellem could choose to hold off on signing the offer sheet in an attempt to draw an improved contract offer out of the Suns or to convince the Suns to engage Atlanta in sign-and-trade talks. A sign-and-trade could ultimately appeal to the Suns as well, if they decide over the weekend that Johnson's let-me-go plea is more than a mere statement of frustration with negotiations. It's unlikely they would be willing to lose one of their prized assets without compensation, even if management changes course and determines that it's best to sever ties with a player who says he wants to leave. Johnson, though, insists that his play and commitment to the Suns wouldn't be affected if a signed Hawks offer sheet results in a return to the desert. "I would come back and work as hard as I ever have," Johnson said. "If they match, all this stuff is behind me from that minute on. I hope everybody [in Phoenix] puts everything behind them, too." The prospect of Johnson switching teams made Friday's inaugural Steve Nash Foundation Charity Classic perhaps the last time Nash, Marion and Johnson will play together as teammates. Stoudemire was also scheduled to play but joined Philadelphia's Allen Iverson as a late withdrawal. "I'm really trying not to think about that," Nash said. "No one wants us to keep Joe more than I do. I've been talking to him and trying to persuade him to stay, because we really have a special thing going in Phoenix, but I want whatever he feels is best for him." Nash added that Johnson's new public stance doesn't change how much his teammates want him to stay, repeating his oft-cited belief that Johnson's shooting and ballhandling skills are as important to the Suns' success as Nash's chemistry with finishers Stoudemire and Marion. Marion echoed that, saying: "I understand that this is a business and everybody's got to do [what's best] for their family, but we're hoping Joe don't need nothing more than a Suns jersey next year." "They're in my ear every five minutes," Johnson said with a laugh, referring to persistent lobbying from Nash and Marion. Some league executives have privately questioned whether the Suns would indeed match a max offer sheet to Johnson, given Sarver's stated aversion to letting his annual payroll stray far beyond $50 million. With Johnson earning an average annual wage of $12 million and Stoudemire soon to receive a maximum contract extension that would kick in starting with the 2006-07 season, Phoenix would be in the rare position of carrying four players who earn roughly $50 million by themselves. If Johnson winds up with the Hawks, Nash plans to intensify his efforts to recruit Michael Finley of the Dallas Mavericks as a replacement. Unless the Mavericks can trade Finley first, in hopes of keeping Finley out of the Western Conference, they are expected to use the new amnesty clause to release the 32-year-old and spare themselves from nearly $52 million in luxury-tax payments. The Hawks, dating to last summer, have had no success in their high-dollar attempts to land a prominent restricted free agent. Yet they remain quietly hopeful that they'll soon be able to play Johnson as a point guard should they finally score this time. Johnson's playmaking ability is viewed by scouts as a critical component to the Suns' success. Phoenix doesn't have another dependable ballhandler to punish opponents who try to force the ball out of Nash's hands. "I love the idea," Johnson said. "I'd love that, having the ball in my hands. I think I'm a great shooter, but that's where I think I'm most effective, making decisions." Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for ESPN.com. To e-mail him, click here. Also, click here to send a question for possible use on ESPNEWS
  6. If we don't get JJ or Curry, we then can get Chandler. Chicago can't sign Curry and Chandler.
  7. This delaying of the CBA is killing Atlanta. The Suns have no pressure and all the time in the world to figure out a way to sign JJ through releasing players, etc. The beauty of an offer sheet is that a team only has 7 days to figure out what they can do. We haven't even gotten to the 7 days to match yet. They will have had everything figured out by the time we even sign an offer sheet. If we had done this a month ago JJ would have been ours!!! The NBA is screwing us this offseason.
  8. I am totally with you on this one KB!! I say stay the course. While people feel that BK is failing, I am one that strongly disagrees with that sentiment. A lot of people and fans are starting to get excited about what this team is doing and where it seems to be going. If we can get JJ this year we are building exactly what BK has envisioned at all positions and that is long, athletic and difficult players to match up against. The only position he would have to address would be Center and if he gets Chandler that goal will be accomplished and then it will only be about chemistry and adding depth, which he would do in the draft and FA next year. And after two years he has done all of that and still has us financial sound.....how can anyone possibly say BK has done a terrible job.
  9. emeans


    Chad Ford really doesn't like BK. He rarely says anything good about the our GM other than he needs or might be packing his bags. BK has only been here 3 years. He acts like he has been here for 15 years or so. Will someone remind him of that!! He came into a bad situation, looking to get worse and he corrected that problem. Now he is building the team from the ground up and doing a pretty good job of it. His worth shouldn't be judged on whether he lured a FA in only 2 years of work. Now in 4 to 5 years he hasn't been able to lure anyone then fine, he may need the criticism, but it is too early to judge him by just that criteria of 2 offseasons. What is Chad Ford's email address?
  10. This is not good. Someone is really dropping the ball in the NBA. They have had ample time to have all of this done. This especially hurts Atlanta because teams have loads of time to figure out how they are going to sign their restricted free agents. It gives them more time to contemplate on whether to keep the Joe Johnson's, Curry's, Chandler's. Whether to pay the luxury tax, etc. Dalamberts is a good example of what I am saying. The more time passes it also looks like Atlanta is not doing anything, which gives a bad perception to other free agents to follow momentum type signings. Right now Atlanta has signed know one, however it is all because of these delays with the NBA. Like an earlier posted said if this were New York or LA that had the most money to spend...I guarantee this would have been done much earlier.
  11. I second that statement, especially the STFU part!!
  12. emeans

    Hawks Win

    Salim Stoudemire is going to be the man in the ATL. This kid has superstar written all over him. Being drafted in the 2nd round was a steal for this guy. Atlanta got a gem!! You are right Sean May is a beast. He has played well in every single game in the Summer League. Sean May will be the next Charles Barkley. Royal Ivey will not make this team. He is not even playing by the coaches decision.
  13. Will we still have rights to him in 2 to 3 years? How does that work? Can another team draft him?
  14. Gooden is not better than Al!! I wouldn't do that trade at all.
  15. Lue and Ivey are career backup quality PG's. I wouldn't kill me if we lost both of them. They can be easily replaced.
  16. I agree. Bring this kid over right now. I wonder if he is another Ginobili. It sounds like he has a similar game. This kid sounds like a steal. When can/will he come over an play for the Hawks??
  17. Salim is a straight baller. He is coming with a chip on his shoulder and we really need that type of player. I think he is going to be a great player for the Hawks for years to come.
  18. Stop worrying dude...it is just summer league. Don't read into summer league too deeply. I learned that last year with Chillz. Now look at him. Marvin will be fine and he will be a stud in this league.
  19. emeans

    Travis Hansen

    Travis Hansen, SG/SF, TAU Vitoria Hansen spent one lackluster year on the Hawks before heading overseas last year. After a rocky start at TAU, Hansen turned it on in the last two months of the season and was great. He helped his team get all the way to the Euroleague Finals and did it in front of a host of NBA GMs and scouts. Hansen is a great athlete, plays tenacious defense, can play multiple positions and has turned himself into a very good 3-point shooter. The Nuggets and Rockets have shown the most interest, but you have to wonder why teams such as the Cavs (assistant GM Chris Grant drafted him in 2003), Heat, Bobcats, Magic and Jazz aren't in the mix. LOL...A shooter that got away, now other teams are wanting this kid. I loved his game as a rookie.
  20. The main reason the organization is looking to get help at the SG position is purely because of Chillz outside shooting. He has to become a threat from the outside to become an effective SG. Right now he is effective but not as a SG. If he can consistently nail the jumper he will be awesome!! But that is a BIG if.
  21. I agree. Curry is the most talented of Dally and Chandler. We need to do what we have to do to get this kid.
  22. I think Ivey and Wright would have been battling for the last spot. Wright is a better offensive player than Ivey and Wright plays solid defense, maybe not as good as Ivey but close. Weren't they drafted about the same spot just different years??
  23. Dude...We won't win 13 games with just Collier and another 2nd or 3rd rate Center. Collier is flatout garbage!! We are in the position we have to overpay whoever we get and right now we HAVE to get Curry or Chandler. There is no other recourse. We have to overpay these guys or we are winning 8 games next year.
  24. This is not good for Atlanta. I honestly thought we were going to go after Kwame. He may be an underachiever, but the kid has talent and I thought a new environment would help that. Oh well....I guess we HAVE to sign Curry or Chandler now. No questions!! If we don't we are going to get killed this year in the paint.
  25. I heard on the radio today that Salim Stoudemire is a flatout stud so far at practices. Not only is he excellent at running the team effectively at the PG position, I understand he makes excellent decisions with the ball (no turnovers) and is showing surprising discipline in taking his shots. And of course he never misses, even behind the 3rd point arc. All I have heard are raving reviews. I have never seen Mike Woodson talk so highly about a rookie......ever, not Chillz, not Josh, not even Marvin. He flatout loves Salim and what he does on the court. Salim may be one of the best guards in this draft!! Also I hope Rashad Wright of UGA makes this team at PG also. He is an very good PG and would be in the NBA right now if Indiana didn't have a log jam of veteran guards. I understand he was lights out across seas. We may already have our PGs of the future!!!
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