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Everything posted by emeans

  1. Exactly....you can't win with these people. I don't care what you do there will be compulsive complainers. Hell we could win the championship next year and people will be complaining because we didn't win in 4 games, etc. You can't pay these guys any attention, they know nothing and that is why they will NEVER have any type of decision making authority with any sports organization.
  2. emeans

    Kudos ...

    Exactly....I don't want a PG that can't shoot, that is why I think the Salim pick was a good one.
  3. It all depends on how he plays the Point when games start. ESPN analyst (not clueless Chad Ford) said he will be the STARTING Atlanta Hawks point guard when he was drafted. Vitale thinks he is probably the best sleeper PG in the draft.
  4. Salim didn't come off to me to be a big turnover guy. A shooter yes, a turnover magnet no. I will look up his Assist to Turnover ratio to confirm. I think Salim will do a solid job at the Point.
  5. Championships have been won by all types of different philosophies (i.e. Shooting PGs, No Centers, Two SG lineups, etc.) Teams win without being pigeon holed into a tradition way of building a team (i.e. PG must not shoot...only distribute, Must have a 7'0 Center, etc.) Detroit, the Chicago dynasty teams, The Lakers with Magic. Just about every Championship team didn't have a tradition PG, traditional SG, traditional SF, traditional PF, tradition Center. There are always non-tradition players and positions on probably every championship team. I say this because I am sick and tired of seeing all of this negativity about players having to be a certain type in order for the TEAM to do well. THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE AND I AM SICK OF SEEING THESE NEGATIVE POST!! I can't think of many Championship Teams that have had the "Tradition Standard player at Every Position". That just doesn't happen. Just because Salim Stoudemire can shoot, he can't player PG is absolutely ignorant and people on this forum need to stop with this non-sense. Salims handles and ability to distribute the ball can be just as good as anyone else in this draft. He just happened to be the best shooter on Arizona's team and he had to shoot. That is a good thing!! Atlanta had an EXCELLENT draft. They are slowly putting together a hell of a roster. Add in a few FAs and you have a scary team from top to bottom. I reiterate that is NO ABSOLUTE FORMULA TO WINNING, so stop acting like we had to get, what you guys call a Pure PG. There are no "PURE" positional players at every position for a lot of Championship Teams I can remember. Detroit is a very good example!! Shut-up with this non-sense and praise BK for doing a very good job!!!!Most of you sound like whining children!! Excellent draft...
  6. Exactly I heard the entire interview this morning. He distinctly said that Salim IS THE HAWKS POINT GUARD. HE SAID THAT CHILLZ IS OUR SHOOTING GUARD. That is his philosophy and I think it will work.
  7. People keep saying we didn't fill a need. Hell we had the worst shooting team in the league from the outside. We filled a MAJOR need!!
  8. Salim is a Point Guard that can shoot lights out, but he is a point guard.
  9. We got our PG and shooter and we got the best player in the draft!!! What a draft!!
  10. Don't worry about that trade....it will never happen.
  11. All the reports I read says that New Orleans is getting a guard. They were impressed with Paul and Deron. They are going to draft one of those guys. The Hawks will draft Williams and keep him.
  12. Exactly....Don't make it difficult and don't make a mistake by trading him. Draft Marvin Williams and keep him. Plain and simple!!!
  13. 1. Marvin Williams 2. Andrew Bogut 3. Chris Paul 4. Deron Williams 5. Gerald Green
  14. Dude....you are funny. I mean hilarious. It is understood and known that you have some kind of hatred or dislike of Marvin Williams for some unknown reason. That is your position and that is fine, but dude...you are really pulling for lost straws trying to find something to debate about with this post. Talk about trying to find something to say to justify something that is just not there. The bottom line is Diesel is one person on Hawksquawk forum who has an opinion. A terrible opinion I must mention. All of the scouts, GMs and others have all said that this kid has the most upside/potential than ANYONE in the draft. Now why would anyone in their right mind believe "Diesel"...the ONE guy who puts more BS fantasy trade mess(that he believes will actually happen!!)on this forum than anyone OVER NBA professional scouts, GMs, coaches, writers, national media, etc. who all say he and Bogut are the gems of this draft. Let me see.......Diesel vs. NBA scouts, GMs, Owners, etc. Does anyone need to say who they will believe?? You are pulling for straws and the straws are just not there. Give it a break dude, you are wasting your time and energy trying to legitimize an argument against Marvin. Quite frankly there is none, other than age and experience.
  15. I agree KB. Every team and their mama wants to move up to get Marvin. Marvin is argueably the prize of this entire draft and we have relatively untalented team (only three players of some potential - 1 only being a proven player). Chillz and Smoove have a long way to go. I can see if 50% (at least 6 players) of our team was in place and we knew they were proven. I definately would move down and get a guard, but people we are not even remotely at the point right now. This will not be an overnight fix even if we drafted Deron or Paul. We still have to get much more talent. BK HAS TO DRAFT MARVIN at this point. The people on this forum who are saying pass on him will be the same ones complaining about the choice that BK made in the 2005 draft when Marvin is starting to make All-Star games and putting up double doubles everynight!! Mark my words those same people will be complaining.
  16. Good info KB. I also like the elitedraft mock too.
  17. Diesel you know I love Smoove, so I am not knocking him at all. I think he will be a superstar in this league. I also think Marvin will be a superstar in this league too and they bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table. There isn't probably anybody in the NBA more athletic than Smooth. However Marvin is pretty damn athletic too, so saying he is not as athletic as Smoove is really a null point. Who is more athletic than Smoove in the NBA?? Marvin will be in the top 90% echelon of atheltic players in the NBA too. Defensively smooth is good for weakside help. He blocks shots from behind. He is not yet good defensively facing up to his defender. He has a lot to work on in this part of his defensive game. Woodson stays on him for this. Shorter guys just seem to shoot over him too easily. But don't drive to the basket he will swat it everytime. Again I think both will be superstars!!
  18. I love Smoove and his potential superstar qualities, however Smoove can't handle the rock like Marvin, nor can he shoot the rock from the outside like Marvin right now. Those are two important skills that Marvin has mastered and Smoove is still learning. In the long run I think Smoove and Marvin are both going to be Superstars!! In the near future we will have one of the best Forward tandems in the league bar none.
  19. If I had a choice, I would like Paul over Deron too. Paul will be special. I really wish we good get another high 1st round pick somehow and get either one of those guys. I see absolutely no way to do it however. BK is going to go with the safe pick and choose Marvin at No. 2. How can we get No. 4 or No. 5 pick?
  20. A change of venue would do wonders for Kwame Brown. If he came to Atlanta he would start living up to his lofty No. 1 pick expectations. I would sign him in a heartbeat.
  21. Again this team needs everything....all positions RIGHT NOW. Next year may be different because we may have solidly filled Gay's position. Like I said earlier Chillz and Smooth may not pan out like we think they will. Right now they both have some MAJOR weaknesses with their game at their positions. Time will only tell. While I will be the 1st one to say that there are no absolutes when it comes to the draft. I will say this..... Marvin Williams is PROJECTED to be a better player than Deron Williams on the next level. Again let me preface this by saying that could be totally wrong. Deron could turn out to be better than Marvin, but based on PROJECTIONS, Marvin has the most upside of anyone in this draft and is PROJECTED to be a superstar. Deron is PROJECTED to be a very good player in the NBA. That is why you have to take Marvin. On a side note, from the little highlights I saw yesterday Marvin looked very good. What impressed me the most was his dribbling through the cones. As he was changing directions on one of his turns he did a behind the back cross-over that was deadly and proceeded to throw it down with a thunder slam. It was impressive!! He also was consistently hitting the 15 to 20 foot range jumpers with perfect form. I like this kid!!
  22. Quote: At some point, we have to stop duplicating positions and we have to start drafting for NEED so that we can build that team. Diesel this is a very true statement and I totally agree. However, this team is not at that point yet. With the exception of Al this team has no locked downed starters and positions. Chillz and Smoove are still rookies and are still going to have to prove themselve in year 2. They both may not be the answer at the 2 and 3 for this team. Once the dust settles from this years draft with the No. 2 pick, we will then need specifically target certain positions. At No. 2 you have to get the best talent. Also, not only do we need to stop duplicating positions, we need to stop trading the best talent we have every year too. You have to start somewhere. You will never get over the hump.
  23. He would probably go with both lineups depending on the matchups. I think the C, F, F, F, PG match up would be nice if the right PG is running it and we get a legimate Center.
  24. Quote: I told you guys and told you guys that BK sees AL as being part of the future and his illustration of a 3 forward rotation proves just that. No disrespect, but let the record show that I and one or two other guys like KB21, told YOU guys that Al was staying and that he was in BKs plan. BK has never said that he was even remotely thinking of moving Al. You had Al being traded every 30 minutes on this forum. This want necessarily be the same team if you draft Randolph Morris at 31. Sign Kwame Brown and maybe Earl Watson. Take a shot at Joe Johnson. Cut everyone else except Lue. You have a pretty nice squad.
  25. I agree......He is probably going to fill some of the Hawks holes through free agency. We are not going to win next year people. This is a 3 year process. You will start seeing better results in 2006. Right now BK is stock piling talent because quite frankly this team is lacking in that area. If I were BK I would sign Kwame Brown and Earl Watson. I don't think Dalambert is a possibility. I would draft Randolph at 31. The team would look something like this next year: Lue/Watson Chillz/FA???(Joe Johnson) Williams/Smoove/Harrington Smoove/Williams/Harrington Brown/Drobs/Randolph Next year we have to keep on building until we contend!!
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