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Everything posted by emeans

  1. I agree with you Trace. Diesel would get fired as GM before he walked in the door. Nothing against Diesel, I think he knows a little about B-Ball, but most of his trade proposal will not only never happen, they are quite comical and a recipe for definite failure. I use to complain about him putting this fantasy stuff on this forum, but he lives and breathes fantasy trades (he would go into depression if he didn't) so I digressed on moving that stuff over to the right forum. He gets obsessed with getting rid of a player and then starts throwing out all kinds of fantasy stuff based on his personal preference. Again I am glad we can laugh on this forum about his trades because we would be in big trouble if he had any power to actually do anything with the Hawks. Thankgod it is in BKs hands.
  2. We will see about the workouts, however as of right now picking Deron at No. 2 is a reach. Picking him at 5 is not.
  3. Take Deron Williams over Marvin Williams at 2??? Good thing you are not running any team in any city. You wouldn't make it pass the 1st month without being fired. There is no question about No. 1 and No. 2 and Deron is not even in that equation. You are reaching for a player you could probably get 2 to 3 picks lower.
  4. For one I was very impressed with Deron's play in the tournament and I think he would be an asset to a team. However, what I am trying to put to questioning is that is he more of an asset than a Marvin Williams or a Bogut?? That is the million dollar question. Do you trade your guaranteed talent at 1 or 2 for question marks? My answer is NO. I would pass on a potential Superstar like Marvin Williams or a rare Center prospect like Bogut for a guy who's game may not be good in the NBA. That is the question and I would say most experts and GMs will say keep that No. 2 pick!!
  5. While all players have weakness. His weaknesses as reported by nbadraft.net scares me to the point I would be scared to pass up on getting one of the top 2 players (Marvin and Bogut) in this draft, whose superstadum is not really questioned. Now don't get me wrong, I thought Deron played a hell of a year and tournament, but keep in mind this is not the NCAA, this is the NBA. Quote: Weaknesses: Speed is an issue as he’s not the quickest player on the court … His thick body type can be much a weakness as a plus as it limits his mobility ... Lacks great open court speed and a quick first step ... Relies on strength and overall body size too much… Defending quicker players will be a problem… A good defender, but will has lateral foot speed be an issue? ... Can get caught trying to do too much at times and fires up shots instead of getting his teammates involved… You can't compare him to a Jason Kidd, because Jason in his prime was fast and quick. Deron is not. His defense might not be as good as it was in college. NBA players are much quicker and his lateral foot speed may be a problem. I don't care about his trying to do to much. I kind of like that about him and the Hawks do need some of that mentality, so I have no problem with that. While I wouldn't be mad if we acquired him, I do think I would be upset to pass on a superstar to get him. I say stay where you are and get one of the best 2 players in the draft. After these two there is a dropoff!!!
  6. I agree. I would love to get at 31. This is a deep draft at the guard position that is why he will probably be drafted in the 2nd round, but he is a 1st round talent. His situation is similar to Josh Smith last year in that he was ranked very high early on and dropped as the year went on. Louis was ranked in the top 10 players of this draft at one point. Look how Josh Smith turned out. The same would happen with Louis. He will one day be an impact player and he is very good friends with Smoove. Marvin Williams and Lous Williams would be a very nice draft in mind. 2 Joshes (last year) 2 Williams (this year)
  7. I look at this situation a little differently than you guys and I think BK is looking at it differently too. The thing with Al is that people tend to forget, he is very young too and he is still developing his game. He will be much better this year than last year which wasn't bad. The solution: You keep them all. Think about it for a minute, you need 2 SG, 2 SF and 2 PF. What do we have? SG: Chillz, ?? SF: Smoove, Marvin Williams PF: Al Harrington, Smoove We don't have 2 SG. Next year Smoove will start with Williams backing him up. Al will start at PF will Smoove backing him up. When Al is out it will be Williams and Smoove at the Forward positions. Not to mention you have to take in account THERE WILL BE INJURIES. No team can avoid them. I think you keep them all and play them all. I don't think it is as much of a log jam as most people make it out to be.
  8. Billy Knight is NOT going to trade this pick. There are two consensus No. 1 pick candidates and he is going to get one of them. This is why Billy says "this is a franchise sort of pick. THIS GUY will be part of our organization for a long time." Notice he didn't say THESE GUYS will be a part of this organization and he didn't say THESE are franchise pick(S). He is going with Williams or Bogut point blank. He may try and move up into the 1st round without giving away his No. 2 pick, but he is not giving that pick away. I also don't think he is even considering trading Al Harrington like so many of you guys in your fantasy trades think. He may try to move Diaw and a future 1st round pick, but he is not about to give away his best player....at least not right now. Not enough talent on this team right now to do that unless it is a drop dead blockbuster deal for Atlanta. It really has to tremendously help Atlanta in order for him to do that.
  9. Exactly...this is kind of how I think things are going to shape out. I want the hawks to draft Williams. There are two sure fire 1st pick candidates and fortunate we are at No. 2. We should draft Williams or Bogut. Also, pick 31 is not so bad either, being that this draft is so deep in terms of potential. There will be impact players (even superstars) drafted in the 2nd round this year. 2 and 31 are very good picks in terms of getting key players.
  10. KB, I think you and I are on the same page. This is going to be a two year process, not an overnight process. I say keep the pick and draft Marvin Williams with the 2nd pick. I also say pick Louis Williams with the 31st pick. Louis is an Allen Iverson clone re-encarnated. See how the chips fall with all of our forwards and make a trade based on performance to pick up a 1st round pick in 2006. That may be Al or it may not. We should have 3 1st round picks in 2006 and Baby Shack (Ogden??) will be a Senior an eligible for the draft. Make sure we get him and get talent with the other picks or package the picks and get him. At this point we should be very talented, experienced and ready to compete for big change!!
  11. Those are good points Diesel, however my main reason I don't think we even come close to getting (Dally and Chandler)those guys is that their former teams are in no way going to let them go, regardless of the price (because they have no REPLACEMENT). Being a restricted free agent and big men changes the landscape. Who is going to replace Dally in Philly? Who is going to replace Curry in Chicago? Answer: No one Their teams are not going to let them walk, even if they have to restructure some other player contracts.
  12. First of all you need more than just cap room, as you saw last year with Dalambert and Martin. Players have to want to come to Atlanta. Unfortunately, having the worst record in the league doesn't help that cause. Secondly, Chicago's success was largely do from Chandler's play. They would be taking 12 steps back if they lose Chandler....they will match whatever any team throws at him. Thirdly, Philly doesn't have any centers either other than Dalambert and Mo isn't going to lose his center. Centers are too hard to come by and there aren't many good ones. Teams will hold on to their good big men....period!! Word to the wise...Get those two names out of your vocabulary because it ain't happening!!!
  13. emeans

    Reality Time

    Thank you....Someone other than me are talking reality scenarios. I have been saying that for the longest and still some people on this forum continue to put up unrealistic Chandler/Dally to Hawks for blah blah blah. Wake up People. We don't have that many options with big men (Kwame, Curry and Swift) are the best options and that is it. And Kwame and Swift are really not centers.
  14. Thankyou....I have absolutely no idea why people on this forum continue think we are going to get Chandler. CHICAGO IS NOT LETTING CHANDLER GO!!! Stop putting him in your fantasy trades!! Secondly, people need to stop putting Dally in their fantasy trades too. He isn't going anywhere!!! The only big man options the Hawks have is Kwame, Curry and Swift. That is about it people.
  15. After listening to Billy this morning, there is no question in my mind, Billy is going to pick Marvin Williams. I don't think he is going to trade down from this pick either and again I agree with him. I also don't see him trading Al, because Williams is a potential project and not proven yet. I do see him trading maybe Diaw and a future 1st round pick maybe, but I think Al stays on this team. We need everthing on this team. I see us using FA to get a PG and a Center, which I prefer more anyway because you are getting veterans in those two key positions.
  16. The Hawks are going to draft Williams. Jay Bilas (jerk) thinks Williams should be the 1st pick. Williams is the next best talent in the draft. Although Center and PG is our most glaring need, the reality is that we need EVERTHING, so getting Williams will not hurt.
  17. Chandler and Dally are not going anywhere especially with Mo in Philly and Chandler being key to Chicago's success. Both of their respective former teams are going to resign them. They are not coming to Atlanta. Realistically, we have only three options for big men. Swift, Kwame or Curry. I personally we pick up Kwame and/or Curry.
  18. 25% is better than any other them.......however, 25% odds is still terrible. 75% odds is pretty good but not 25%. That is why only 4 teams out of 20 years with the worst record actually won. I hope everyone on this forum have their rabbits foot, good luck charms, bible and everything else they need to get this 1st pick tonight.
  19. Ditto....Al is staying. Everybody and their momma have Al traded on this forum. I personally don't think BK is going to trade Al and I think he is going to offer him a contract to stay with the Hawks........and I would agree with this move. Al is our best player right now, why in the world would you get rid of your best player for pennies and unproven talent??? BK knows what he is doing.
  20. Yeah you are right. This really scares me a lot, we have the worst record and could possibly end up with the 4th pick. That really would make this a bad week. I think we can get into real possibilities after tomorrow and this forum will once again get back to business of realistic scenarios. All of the proposed stuff and thrown around fantasy trades are fun, but we really need to start looking at realistic scenarios for this team.
  21. has the worst team record won the 1st pick in the lottery. Read the article: http://www.ajc.com/hawks/content/sports/ha...draftchart.html This not look good for us getting the 1st pick of the draft. We may not have a choice of drafting Bogut. We may have to draft Williams or Paul by default. Bogut may not be an option if we don't get the 1st pick, which by the numbers we will not win the 1st pick. 4 times out of 20 years is discouraging. And lets not talk about Atlanta franchises history.....we never have any good luck. We may by default end up with Paul, however I hope we can have a choice by winning the 1st pick.
  22. I agree. This draft is PG heavy. And all of these point guards are potentially going to be good on the next level. Draft Bogut first and you will still get an excellent PG at 31 if you make no more moves and stay there. I hear a lot of people talk of trading Al to move up in the 1st round and get your PG. I disagree with that move however. I say keep Al and get an excellent PG at 31. I even like Louis Williams at 31. I would be happy with a draft of Bogut and Williams for next year. Then you pick up Kwame and Dally in FA and you have a pretty good team. Imagine: Lue/Williams Chillz/FA Smooth/Harrington Harrington/Kwame Dally/Bogut Of course add 3 more players to make 12 on the roster. This is a pretty good core of players!!
  23. I agree. Josh Smith and Chillz need a lot of work to fit those positions and become effective in those positions. They both are going to have to learn how to shoot from the outside. Smith is going to have to learn how to dribble without getting ball stolen from him.
  24. I don't disagree with that statement one bit. Even though Al is our best player, that is still not saying a whole lot. I agree with that statement. I think people on this forum have a misconception of how talented this team is. This team is not very talented from an NBA stand point. As far as I am concerned their are only 3 players on this roster worth keeping and that is why I say we can't afford to give away one of these 3 (Smith, Chillz and Al) and definately don't want to GIVE away the best of the 3. Should we trade him? Maybe and only if we get better talent for him or multiple talent to fill this roster. If not then the answer is simply NO. Most of these guys proposals are just giving him away, which is stupid. Right now this team needs at least 6 to 7 more talented bodies ranging from PG all the way to Center. And to top it off all 3 of our best players are playing out of their natural position. We need a lot of bodies. Luckily we have Cap space and a high draft spot to fill some of our needs, but we have a long way to go.
  25. You are still missing the point. Chillz and Smooth are not ready to take the load of being the main scorer right now. Chillz is not as strong physically and can't create his own shots as Al and Smooth can't dribble. To say Chillz is better is flatout false. When Chillz gains about 20 pounds of muscle and use that muscle on the court and when he can dribble around, pull up and shoot the mid-range jumper with consistency then you can start comparing the two. But again you are fooling yourself if you think Chillz is better than Al right now.
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