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Everything posted by emeans

  1. If we get the 1st pick and if we don't make any trades for extra 1st round picks, I think drafting Gilchrist at 30 would be a very nice draft for Atlanta. Gilchrist could use another year in college but he was one of the ACC's best guards the last two years.
  2. I totally agree about BIGS being our 1st priority. We need a legitmate NBA center or Power Forward that can sometimes play Center like Amare Stoudemire. Priority should be Center then Point Guard in the Draft/Offseason and then look for a legitimate Power Forward. All I am saying is Lue and Ivey are not the answer at PG next year or the future. They would be excellent backups but we need to get another legitimate star Point Guard either through FA or the draft.
  3. Yep....Ivey and Lue are career backups!! Don't get too excited by one game. We need a superstar Point Guard.
  4. Demarr Johnson has turned into the outside threat we need. He shoots 3s with ease and has proven himself to be a real commodity in the NBA and the Denver Nuggets. He is starting to live up to his 1st round pick expectations. The fact that he is long and athletic fits right into BK type of player. I know this is water under the bridge and old news, but from what I am seeing, I wish we would have stuck with this kid after his accident!!!
  5. The fact that we need a guard and Jay Williams was going to be a good guard in the NBA before his injury.....I would give him a chance and sign him after he passes a physical and workout in front of the Hawks Management. Bogut and a healthy Williams signed in the offseason would be nice.
  6. emeans

    Sean May.....

    You must be dreaming. May is not too small to be a Power Forward in the NBA. He has a big body and naturally has some beautiful post moves and can shoot with both hands. His footwork is excellent in the low post!! Like Diesel said I compare him to an Elton Brand. That is a very good comparison.
  7. Absolutely Yes!!! However, I wouldn't be mad with May or Bogut. We need both!!!
  8. Agreed!!! BK better take a close look at Sean May.
  9. emeans

    Sean May.....

    BK needs to pick Sean May.....period!!! We need a Power Forward and he is the one we need!!
  10. emeans

    Sean May.....

    I don't know about you guys, but the best player in the tournament and the best player on North Carolina's team is not Marvin Williams nor Raymon Felton. It is Sean May!!! Marvin doesn't impress me as the 1st through 3rd pick possibility. He is above average and I don't see superstar possibility in this kid. I don't see the hype!! If the Hawks are looking for a PF....here is your man!!! Tough inside, can score with either hand with a big body to bang. And most of all he is CLUTCH!! I have never seen this guy bomb on the court in pressure situations. Sean May is the real deal people!!! If we trade down or don't get the 1st pick I would seriously consider Sean May.
  11. Well said......I am so tired of seeing everyone always trying to trade the best talent we have. At some point we have to keep our talent, even if it is marginal superstar talent. Like you said keep Al (presently our best player) and bring in guys better than him to be our superstar that compliment Al. Don't keep getting rid of our best talent because he is not a superstar. That is ignorant!! He is still a talent and a piece of the puzzle. Maybe not the answer but still a piece of the puzzle. If you continue to keep replacing our best talent because they don't turnout to be superstars you will never get anywhere!!
  12. Someone should protest the Hall if Nique ain't in the Hall the 1st go around. He should have been one of the 50 greatest players of All time in the NBA. Why are they robbing Nique??? Is this a conspiracy against Atlanta??
  13. Josh is going to be a fine player in this league. People keep forgetting that this is still a teenager in his 1st year in the NBA. Looking at the McDonald's All-American game, Josh is leaps and bounds ahead of anyone of those guys in his development and he just played in that game LAST YEAR!! He is a rookie, teenager and straight out of high school. Three major knocks on anyone in the NBA. In 3 to 4 years from now we are going to be saying Wow, look how far he has come compared to his rookie year. He is doing very good being a rookie people!!
  14. If the Atlanta Hawks don't get a spot in the Top 3 picks this year.....I am totally convinced that all Atlanta franchises are cursed!!! Knowing Atlanta's luck......Why do I have this feeling we are going to make history in getting the worse pick for a team with the worse record in the lottery. Why am I envisioning this nightmare??? Is it because Atlanta franchises never get good news (except for Braves in 95 and the Falcons recent success), especially when it comes to lotteries, coin flips, drafts, etc. The Atlanta Falcons have lost 2 coin flips in a row in the last two drafts. I am going to be on pins and needles when they do the lotto during the playoffs and if we don't get the top spot.....I am going to be angry. I may do some research on who cursed this city when it comes to professional sports. Even the 95 championship in Atlanta has an asterick by it because it was a strike shortened season. The Calgary Flames won their 1st Championship the year after they left Atlanta. This city has only 1 major professional sports championship and it has an asterick by it...Amazing!!!
  15. The problem with the Hawks is the fact that we don't have any perimeter shooting presence at all. If we get Bogut we need to address our perimeter game thru the draft or FA. We need a SG like Reddick or McCants in this draft also. The Hawks are probably the worst outside shooting team in the league!!!
  16. Oh I totally agree. He plays like a 3 and he is effective playing as a 3. I would hate to force him into playing the 2, however I will give him more time to develop. I really like the idea of having Reddick as our SG next year with Chillz and Smooth at the 3. When Reddick is out then Chillz could switch to the 2 and Smooth could play the 3. Harrington could play the 3 or the 4 depending on the rotation. My wish for this draft is: Bogut and Reddick!! They would help tremendously!!
  17. Give both Smith's some time to work on their game and get stronger and you will see a big different in their outside games. The potential is there, they just don't understand the game enough right now. Josh Smith need to work on his dribbling a lot in the offseason. He gets crossed up a lot in traffic and he is not confident when he has to put the ball on the court. He seems to panic when no one is open to pass the ball too and he usually turns the ball over. He has to work on this in the offseason. When he works on his handles he will be a much better player and it will even help his jump shot off the dribble. Josh Childress need to work on his jumper. He doesn't shot well on the move. He is very crafty on the inside, but he has not developed as a true SG yet. He plays like a natural 3. We may need to address SG through FA or the draft. I would love to have Reddick from Duke as our SG!!
  18. Just because Bogut plays in the MWC doesn't mean he isn't going to do well in the NBA. In his case you have evaluate him on his potential, olympics and other skilled areas. Hell we are drafting High School players that haven't played against any competition their entire lives and they do well in the NBA. You can't judge a player entirely on the fact that he hasn't played against ACC/SEC/Big East talent. Again do High Schoolers play against ACC/SEC/Big East talent???? We draft a ton of them in the 1st round and a lot of them pan out to be just fine.
  19. Diesel, Man the more I read your post the more I think you are dreaming and need to wake up. Trade a 1 for what??? a 5/25 or a 9/13?? I am so glad you are not a GM for any team. You would be fired before your first meeting. They would run you out of town before you could even present some of your fantasy plans. You would never get a job as a GM. No way I would even remotedly consider that and BK is not remotely considering that. The only semi-rational trade would be for a 2/20. However...if we get the 1st pick...Keep it!!! Repeat after me....WE DON'T NEED TO TRADE DOWN....WE DON'T NEED TO TRADE DOWN. If we get the 1st pick in the draft....use it. We have enough 2nd round picks and a another sure 1st round pick this year or next year to add to our 1st pick.
  20. What are you talking about??? Yes I know this team is not talented enough to win most of their games, but they are talented enough to win some of their games, especially the 3 of the last 5 games they played. All of those games they were winning 95% of the game and would have won 2 to 3 of those game if not for Woodson's questionable substitutions at key stretches of the game. Listen I want the 1st pick of the draft too, but I don't want to set any franchise records for losing streaks either. We need to win a game here or there for confidence reason only, not to move down in the draft. We have a nice cushion to get the most lottery balls that we can pull a game or two out for a win. It will do wonders for confidence and growth of our young guys. They need to know that they can win without Walker....and they can!!! Win but stay in last place is the goal.
  21. Well Said.....If you look at the stats we are actually better after the trade of Walker. It is not showing up in the the win column (more because of coaching) but it wasn't showing up when Walker was here either. This team should have won at least 3 games since Walker was gone. Don't get me wrong this team is not very talented (No big man, and no outside threat), but they are playing competitive ball and they are winning 75% of the game. The last 25% they lose in my estimation because of coaching.
  22. I have to agree. Woodson lost he Milwaukee game by making the wrong substitutions at the wrong time. He took out the lineup that was very effective defensively and offensively against Milwaukee and they proceeded to lose with his substitution. He did the same with Boston. Woodson is losing us a lot of these games people!!!His substitution patterns are very questionable at the wrong times. We have the talent to win some of these close games, now it is going to take excellent coaching to get a game or two in the win column. We have been in every game except one since Walker was traded and we should have won at least 3 of them.
  23. I am totally split on this subject. While I think Paul is going to be a solid PG in the NBA. Is he trully worth the No. 1 pick. I tend to go with the popular thinking that you go with the big body over the little guy if they are basically ranked the same on the draft board. If we get he 1st pick, I would have to go with Bogut before Paul. If the balls don't fall our way and we end up getting 2 - 3 then I would get Paul or the big kid from North Carolina. It all depends on the Lottery Balls. Lets put it this way, this year I wouldn't be disappointed to get either 1 - 3 because there is no clear cut No. 1 pick in this years draft!!! I think there is a clear cut 1 - 4 picks in this years draft if you include the 7'4" European player. But know one is truly standing out as the No. 1 consensus player in the world like Lebron James was.
  24. Thanks Diesel....Chris Jackson is who Robertson reminds me of. Same kind of quick release and efficiency on his jumper. Everyone needs to give this guy a look. I do think he will be one of those SLEEPERS in the NBA. I would draft Bogut 1st and look at drafting a PG like Robertson in the 2nd round if he falls that far. He is not even listed in the 1st or 2nd round on nbadraft.net. That amazes me!!
  25. Anthony Robertson is awesome!! He is in my estimation better than Jack and/or Gilchrist. He is one of the best PG in the country and he can shoot the lights out. I have seen him several times this year and he has impressed me every time. His shooting stroke is so natural. He shoots with ease. He reminds of the Chris kid that came out of LSU (Changed his name to Abdul??? something in the NBA). Can't think of his name but he has that same kind of stroke and game. He can be very deadly with his shot. I would love to have Robertson if we don't get Paul. I would even put Robertson over Felton. I am glad to see I am not the only one that thinks the same about this kid. I was going to post about this kid a couple of weeks ago and never got to it. Very good eye LastDon!!
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