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Everything posted by emeans

  1. I have one question? Are you smoking something??? If you are please stop. Why in the hell would Chicago trade anyone key to their recent rebuilding success, essentially rebuilding again?? Hinrich is extremely instrumental in their success and they absolutely love him in Chicago. They aren't going to trade him. Wow....you are starting to worry me for real. I don't understand you thought processes at all. You are an extreme dreamer. Do you question yourself before you put these ridiculus proposals on this forum? And the bad part about it.....is that you are dead serious!!! You actually have convinced yourself that these fantasy trades may happen, when there is greater chance the Hawks will win the Championship this year than all of your proposals. Get some real information and rumors from reliable sources, not what you dreamed last night. Amazing!!
  2. Well said CBA. You pretty much summed it up. Sometimes you have to go all the way to the bottom in order to go all the way to the top and we are just in a process that will hopefully get better and better as we get some experience. We couldn't continue to give away draft picks and staying average every year. Lets do something through the draft now. Unfortunately it takes time for these guys to learn the game, but when they do.....watch out!!
  3. Our Young guns are playing pretty good since his departure. They have been in position to win their two games without Walker and they are playing very good team ball. The Hawks will be just fine without Walker. His fits with Boston better than Atlanta, However I love how Atlanta is playing right now. They had a late 4th quarter lapse that cost them the game last night, but they again led pretty much the entire game.
  4. I concur...BK is rebuilding with a plan and I really like what he is doing. Sometimes you have to go all the way to the bottom in order to come back up and get better or you can continue to be average year in and year out (Hawks of the 90s). BK has decided to TOTALLY rebuild and he is doing a good job so far.
  5. Hotlanta I feel you on a lot of your sentiments and I have no problem with being negative if something is negative. I believe in being real about things, but it is way too early to give up on Harrington and Harrington does have a nice little mid range jumper. I almost look at Harrington as one of the rookies because in a scense he is and he has a lot to learn, but when he does I think he will be very good. Lets face it "This is a Young Team" that will make individual mistakes. I think people feel that Harrington is some sort of veteran. This guy is starting for the 1st time in his career and he came right out of high school.
  6. I mean I would trade him for right deal too, anyone can be traded for the right deal....but, I am not looking to trade him because Harrington still has some upside and he is talented. I think it is way way too early to give up Harrington. Like I said earlier lets give Harrington more time before we start saying get rid of him. It is too early!!
  7. Why everytime we have a talented player we want to get rid of him and later end up regretting it. Same thing happened with Steve Smith. Same thing happened with Mookie. When will you people learn that we need to keep our best talent. Don't give it away. When Smooth gets really good I bet people will be on this forum talking about it's time to trade him. Listen we traded Walker because of his situation (FA and money) not his talent. Harrington is not in that situation. We have a talented Forward very cheap and young. Harrington, Chillz, and Smooth should be the core to build around. These three are still learning how to play the game and people want to get rid of Harrington. Stop with that talk. Harrington is here to stay!! We need to be talking about who we are going to bring in around these 3 guys. We need to draft Bogut with our 1st pick and draft Jack/Gilchrist/Louis Williams with that 2nd pick in the 1st round. We then need to sign 1 or 2 solid young big veterans to complete a talented young squad. Charles Barkley said tonight that this was a very good trade for Atlanta and that Atlanta will be scary in 2 to 3 years.......I totaly agree with him. We are doing it the right way. Stop with the Harrington trade talk. He is still learning the game too!!
  8. Exactly....At first I thought this was a terrible trade, but then I found out we received a 1st round pick and immediately smiled. Lets face it, that is all we wanted anyway was another pick in the 1st round to get our PG. I think we will cut all of these guys. They will probably not where a Hawks uniform and all of their contracts will be off the books at the end of the year. Also, the Chillz and Smooth will get a lot more playing time, shots and opportunities to grow as basketball players. Walker was solid but this was a good move. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!
  9. He has turned in his Hawks Membership card...He is over on the Boston board now. LOL!!
  10. It all depends on the makeup of this team next year. With Walker and Harrington sucking up balls like pac-man he doesn't have the number of attempts to really make a dent on the scorecard. He should at least be averaging 10ppg this year. Him being a rookie and the team rotation, coaching, makeup, etc. has a lot to do with how much this kid will grow as a complete basketball player. Confidence and experience will help him out tremendously. The more he plays the better he will get and lookout...the sky is the limit!! If Walker or Harrington is not here next year and Woodson starts to get a clue, he will at least double his ppg guaranteed. In 3 years he will be phenomenal from the outside and inside!!
  11. We have not had this much postive good publicity since the Nique' days. Congratulations Josh Smith for putting someone in the Hawks Organization on the National Map!!! Those slams were Sick!!!!
  12. Chillz is playing awesome. I am now so impressed by this kid that I truly think he will one day be an all-star in this league. Right now he is playing the best ball out of all rookies drafted including Howard and Okafur. BK did really well in the draft. If performances continues to improve like they are doing.......Would you call this the best draft in Atlanta Hawks History?? I know time will tell and it takes a few years to determine that definitively, but what are your thoughts??
  13. The guy can shoot from 3 point land with consistency. He single handedly kept Denver in the game with his shooting. Demarr would have paired up nicely with Walker and Harrington along with Chillz and Smooth. Talk about an athletic team. He looked good!!
  14. terrible refereeing during the last two minutes cost us this game. Not Walker, not Donte and not Woody. Those were very crucial misses and turnover. The Refs were terrible the entire game. They missed Smooths block off of their guards head out of bounds. They missed several fouls and they called palming several times which is unheard of. Plus Denver should have gotten a technical foul for calling a timeout they didn't have. TERRIBLE REFS!!! Choking at the FT line in crunch time killed us again.
  15. Not me...I was never sold on Dalambert. That is Diesels pet toy for all kind of fantasy trades. Like a poster said he is good enough to spark a lot of interest, but also not good enough to be a sure success. He has potential but I am not sure he is our answer at Center. We need to draft Bogut and try to get someone out of FA to pair with him at Center. Keep Drobs and Ekezie and call it a day. That would be very good quality depth at the Center postion.
  16. I am like you Trace. I am not convinced Dalambert is the answer to our problems at Center. He is an average Center. I still scratch my head on BK signing Collier instead of Pryz. Now Pryz is not a savior either and is average also, but like you said we should of had him at 1.7 Mil/year. We are talking about signing Dalambert for BIG bucks. I am not sold yet!!
  17. The answer is NO. I would not trade Al to move up to get Felton. No way I do that. If we can keep Al and/or Walker I am keeping them at all cost. If we have to trade one of them I am trading Walker because of economic reasons. I don't want to spend too much on Walker, but I would spend something reasonable on him. Bogut is our man with the 1st pick however!!! Hopefully we can get a late 1st round pick to get Jack or Gilchrist.
  18. BK made some very excellent picks last year with all four of his picks (Chillz, Smooth, Ivey and Donte). All are going to stick with this team for a while. BK just can't pass on Bogut and take a 5'10" point guard who struggles with taller players. Lets look to get Jack or Gilchrist later in the 1st round. Bogut is a safe solid pick at #1.
  19. Exactly tmac13. We would be crazy not to draft Bogut. As a matter of fact I am hoping we get the 1st pick of the draft this year so we can get Bogut. He is exactly what we need with our 1st pick. The kid has all the good and plays excellent defense!! I would feel better getting a big man with our 1st pick rather than a Point Guard. Point Guards go very deep in this draft. You can get a point guard deep in the 1st round that may do just as well as Paul is going to do. We need to pick up another 1st round pick however with a trade. I am hoping we can get something with the trade of Walker or whoever that will net us a point guard either through FA or the draft.
  20. I thought we were debating why Walker didn't get the nod over Jamison. Where did Miami come in this debate?? This is between Jamison and Walker. By the way Arenas is part of the reason the Wizards are winning. Remember they had Arenas last year without Jamison and the Wizards sucked. Jamison has helped that team out a lot this year. He was the difference between this years winning and last years losing. That team was terrible last without Jamison. Win/Lose stats don't lie.
  21. Jamison is more valuable right now because Washington is winning and Atlanta is not. Walker hasn't turned this franchise into a winning franchise, Jamison has. Walker doesn't hit his freethrows pretty much the entire game and definately not during crunch time....Jamison does hit his freethrows. Jamison deserves to go to the All-Star game more than Walker.
  22. I concur!! I am not sold on Paul either. He hasn't truly impressed me as the 1st or 2nd pick in the draft. Since this draft is so PG heavy. If there is no clear cut big man, I would trade down and pick up a point guard like Felton or Jack. Paul just haven't proven his worthiness of the top pick yet.
  23. From USAToday: Quote: To call many of the blue-chippers at this position "shooting" guards is a misnomer; many of the best guys prefer to do their damage off the dribble and generally avoid jump shooting. The other defining characteristic of this position is the high number of undersized players. In order to play professionally, many of the top prospects either must achieve Ben Gordon-like success at the college level or learn to play point guard. It's that simple. But there's also good news; because a few of these electrifying scorers lack ideal NBA height, it's likely they'll stick around longer in college. Top Dog: Comparisons to Allen Iverson are unfair to any player, but Louis Williams was sensational in late June. He has superb athleticism and long arms that enable him to play bigger than his 6-2 height. No other player hits as many contested, improbable jump shots. From what I have seen, this guy can really shoot from the outside well. If you saw the game last night he was raining 3's, especially in the 1st half, and hitting them with ease and they were hitting bottom net.
  24. Louis is a hell of a leaper, that is what is separating him from other guards. Not only can he shoot the jumper, the guy can leap out the gym. Of course he is not Francis and Allen right now, but he will be talked about in that regard in the NBA. I am just saying we need to keep an eye on this kid and not let him slip by us especially if there is not a clear #1 pick. Maybe we can trade that pick and move down in the 1st round and get the guard that we want. If there is no clear cut #1 or #2, if I were BK I would move down and pick up our guard.
  25. I have seen this kid several times this year and his game reminds me of a young Kobe Bryant/Allen Iverson with a better shooting stroke than Kobe or Allen at that age and a very high basketball IQ. I would really be scared to pass on this kid. He is truly skilled. He can shoot the lights out and he is extremely athletic and has true point guard handles. I know I am only looking at High School competition but I can honestly say I like his upside more than Paul, Felton or Jack. Mark my words this is the next Kobe type player to come in the NBA....he is amazing!! Your thoughts??
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