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Everything posted by emeans

  1. I wouldn't mind signing Walker, drafting Paul and resigning Ekezie. But the rest of that plan is not good. Signing Stoudamire to that much money at his age and position would be stupid.
  2. I also don't see us getting a good deal for Walker either. I hope we don't lose him for nothing. If that is the case then we need to sign him for a reasonable contract and do a better job of coaching and controlling him on the court. I think we lose on a Walker trade. His value is not as high as some people on this forum think. I don't think we will get a 1st round pick and a good player for Walker. We may get a good player and some crappy contracts back messing up our salary cap, but that is about it. We may have to explore different avenues, like signing Walker. It is a catch 22 situation right now.
  3. With our 1st pick we need to draft the big 7'4" European Center. Then package our 2nd round picks to move up for another late 1st round pick or pick up another 1st round pick with the Walker trade and grab the best available Point Guard out of the 4 point guards in the ACC (Felton, Jack, Paul or the Maryland guard), or the Illinois guard.
  4. Couldn't have said it better!!
  5. I would see your point about salary scale replacement "if" they were not a championship caliber team vying for a ring. If they don't get a big body for Johnson they are not trading him. Pheonix management has said that according to ESPN reports. They will keep him if they don't get a big body. So it makes no sense for them to be trading for Chillz. He doesn't fit the bill. Sorry...this will never happen. Wasted time talking and thinking about it. Sometimes I scratch my head when I read some of these post. Where in the living world are you getting these fantasy trades from?? Are you just waking up one day saying, man I think I will post a Shaq for Jason Collier trade? Wow!! Some of this stuff you are posting is not even rumor. Are you dreaming these trades up or are you getting information that leads you to think something like these trades will happen??
  6. First of all, why would Pheonix do a trade like this? They are looking for big bodies for the playoffs not a frail body like Chillz. This doesn't help Pheonix at all. They are in the thick of a championship run. They are not rebuilding. Pheonix would never do this!!
  7. Exactly.....He did an excellent job of saying Walker is gone without actually saying it and also saying Harrington is hear to stay without actually saying it. The future is Harrington and Smooth at the Forward positions even though they want Harrington at Small forward which is his natural postion. They are going to play together and/or spell each other depending on the Big Man we get.
  8. Based on this article it seems as if Walker is gone and Harrington is here to stay.....Like I have been telling you all for months!!! http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/h...05/26hawks.html More pressing needs The Hawks' most glaring needs are in the paint and at point guard. Teams with solid big men have given them trouble all season. Curry scored 19 points in 24 minutes in Chicago's blowout win over the Hawks on Monday night. With Smith and Harrington filling out the forward spots — though Smith can be used at guard if necessary — there's a need for complementary players, not guys who'll disrupt whatever chemistry is being developed this season. Serviceable big men are just as hard to find as quality point guards. The difference between a so-so post player and difference maker is greater than you might expect. There's only one Shaquille O'Neal. There's only one Jermaine O'Neal, for that matter. "We need a big man that wants to come in here and go crazy in the paint," said Harrington , who Hawks coach Mike Woodson prefers to play at small forward, his natural position, rather than power forward, where he ends up often during games simply because of the matchups. "I've played with those kind of guys before and played against them on a nightly basis. "Those [types] always make a difference when you have them, mostly because the most dominant players in the league are playing that position right now. In Tim Duncan, KG [Kevin Garnett], Jermaine and even Amare Stoudemire, you have guys that can change the way their teams play because they're going to get their 20 [points] and 10 [rebounds] working primarily inside. And that frees up the rest of the floor for other guys to do work." Change is inevitable Whatever the case, change is once again coming for the Hawks. The expiring contracts of veterans like Antoine Walker, who said he wants to stay with the team, Kevin Willis and Kenny Anderson make that inevitable. The Hawks' on-court struggles only make the need for change more obvious. "When you're in the single digits this late in the season, you've got to make some changes," Woodson said. "You can't just sit and say, 'This is how it's going to be.' We're trying to get better, as an organization and for the years to come. "That's the whole reason for coming here. Because this is about not only the 12 to 15 guys on the roster, it's also about the fans here in Atlanta. The fans here need something to cheer about. They have to know we're doing things to make this team better. And I know Billy and our management and our ownership is committed to doing that the right way." Still, there's the question of how long it will take. Even with the significant changes this summer, a nucleus of Harrington, Smith and fellow rookies Josh Childress, Royal Ivey and Donta Smith isn't exactly an imposing sight for most opponents. "I hope we're only two free agents away," Harrington said. "That said, I think what our rookies are doing is way beyond what the normal rookie would be doing. These guys are playing minutes and going through things a lot of rookies don't see until later in their careers. "But hopefully we can compete [for a playoff spot] next year, provided we get the right guys in here. Because every year in the East is a chance for some team to rise up and be that 'surprise' team. We have to be realistic this season and understand that we've dug a hole so deep that it'll be hard to climb all the way out. But everything we do on the floor from now until the last game has to be about building for the future." Again Harrington ain't going nowhere. He is here for the long haul of the rebuilding process. Walker will be traded very soon....you watch.
  9. I totally agree Wretch. I think Walker will be traded before the deadline and you will see a big difference in Chillz and Smooth. They play much better when one of these guys are on the bench giving a rookie a chance. And usually the rookie plays well, especially Chillz.
  10. I personally like Childress's game and what he brings to the Hawks. All he needs to do now is gain about 25 pounds of muscle in the offseason and have a regiment of about 1000 jump shots a day. He will be fine in the NBA. He has shown flashes of what he can do and it looks good. When/if we move AW before the trading deadline you will see more of his talent on the court. I actually like the lineup of: Lue/Delk Chillz Smooth Harrington Drobs When we finally get to this rotation you always see flashes of brilliance from our rookies. The team plays with much more energy and they don't make a lot of turnovers and the ball is distributed much more evenly in terms of shots. Chillz is definately a keeper and a good pick. Better than picking Deng?.....only time will tell!!
  11. I agree and disagree with your post. You make some very valid points about the 6 pick. I think the 6 pick should be somewhat of an impact player. However, I am willing to give Childress more time. He needs to bulk up about 20 more pounds in the offseason and shoot 1000 jumpers everyday. He is a work in progress. Secondly, the jury is still out in my mind about Woodson too. The thing that makes me mad about Woodson is that he has double standards with his players based on years in the league. I have seen AW and Al turn the ball over 3 to 4 times straight and he would not pull them. Let Josh Childress or JSmooth miss one shot and they get pulled quicker than you can switch the channel. That burns me about Woodson. Why not get in his 2 stars butts for making dumb plays. I actually see the team playing better sometimes with AW or Al on the bench because they are not turning the ball over 100 times or forcing shots with 5 people on them. Woodson is very hypocritical when it comes to this. Lastly, we should of kept some of Babcocks players on this team. Right now we need the shooting of a Dickau and/or JT. We need the playmaking of a Sura. We need a center named Nazr. He should of at least kept two or three of the Babcock era players. It is not there fought that Babcock selected them or traded for them. I do think that was ego and that could ultimately railroad BK if he doesn't turn this ship around soon.
  12. Antoine Walker's shooting 52.7% is very unacceptable. While he has talent, this talent is useless when he makes bone headed turnovers during crucial times of the game. Also, AW has straight up tunnel vision. While he makes the tough shots, he also misses a boat load of easy shots and he turns the ball over too much because he is playing selfish ball (Not looking to pass out of double and triple teams at the right times). Like I said earlier he is a turnover waiting to happen. I really don't know what his trade value is right now, but(52.7% FT) hurts his value, but they need to trade him while we have some interest.
  13. I am talking about the entire season. Not just one game. We haven't had a shooter the entire season. Our best 3 point shooter is a Center (Drobs) and a Forward (Walker) and Walker can't shoot free throws. You can't win in this league without a Shooting Guard or a point guard that can nail the jumper. We have neither. We have to rely on our Center and Forward to hit 3 point shots. Everyone has to be successful in the paint in order for this team to be successful. That is why we beat Milwaukee easily. They haven no interior defense.
  14. This is probably the sorriest shooting team I have seen in recent history. We have absolutely no outside shooters!! None. I look at Ben Gordan and Hinrich and now I truly see the Hawks problem....Nobody can shoot consistently from the perimeter. We have to make all of our points in the paint. If we had one consistent outside shooter this team would be much better. We don't even have one. That should be our biggest priority in the offseason. We need some outside shooters period!!! Antoine Walker is a turnover waiting to happen in crucial moments of the game and still can't shoot freethrows. None of our point guards can shoot and we have no Shooting Guard!!
  15. emeans

    Josh Smith

    I totally agree with your point. Josh Smith is not a Lebron in any way. Lebrons only come around once in a decade. However, Josh Smith was more than worthy of being picked at the 6 spot and that was my point. A lot of people on this forum was angry that we picked him at 17?????? Explain that?? So you know they called me crazy for wanting him at 6 and I didn't understand why. But no I agree he still has a long way to go. But I will say this Josh Smith can shoot the ball given a chance. Coach Woodson has told him to defer his shots to Walker and Harrington and it is obvious that he is doing this. He has been instructed to do what he is doing and he is just following orders from his coach, but don't get flustered in not thinking this kid can't shoot the rock. He can shoot the rock from the outside given the chance. Once he gets a chance to do this full time you will see. He shot a high percentage on his 3s in Summer League.
  16. emeans

    Josh Smith

    Thanks Diesel!!! There is the proof before the draft. Let the record show I was saying it would be crazy if he fell to 6 and we didn't get him. I couldn't remember who was giving me hell about taking him at 6......It was my old buddy Traceman. Traceman said: Quote: Why MUST we draft him if he's there at #6? You guys are DREAMING if you think he is going to come into the league like Lebron and Carmelo and be an impact player off the bat. I think he is more like Jonathan Bender or best case Al Harrington in that it is going to take him some time to develop. If we do take him, fine. I just hope everyone doesn't expect him to do anything of significance until his 3rd year or so. Actually, I thought JR Smith looked like the better prospect between the two in the McDonald's game. JR certainly has a FAR better J at this stage and he's just as athletic. JR lacks great handles and he's not as tall as Josh but I think he is the more skilled player at this point. Traceman is all good however. We agree on a lot of things but we didn't agree on Josh Smith being taken at 6. KB21 defended me on Josh Smith however!!
  17. emeans

    Josh Smith

    Not to toot my own horn. But I was the only one on this forum, with probably the exception of Diesel and maybe one more person, who before we drafted him I was saying we should draft him at 6. I even went on to tell people he was at one time the 2nd best prep rated player in the draft before he got a bad rap. People called me crazy for wanting to draft him at six. Now all of those same people are on the bandwagon. Again I knew what we were getting and I was jumping for joy when he fell all the way down to 17. I thought there was absolutely no way he would fall that low. Thank god he got a bad rap by one or two insiders who are absolutely clueless. I knew that was a steal from DAY 1!!!! Straight up highway robery at 17!!
  18. I have to admit Walker actually grew on me. I didn't like his game in the beginning of the season and I still have issues with some of his turnovers, Free Throw problems and untimely shots. But Walker has a lot of heart and he plays his butt off and he has skills. If Woodson can work on his decision making a little bit this is a legitimate All-Star. I say keep Walker (still at a reasonable price) and Al and build around them.
  19. emeans

    GT vs UNC

    I wouldn't be mad if we draft any one of those guards...Jack, Paul or Felton. They are all good and point guards are hard to come by. If you told me to rank them I would rank them like this: 1. Paul 2. Felton 3. Jack
  20. Your are right KG had about the same kind of year Josh Smith is having, but keep in mind KG averaged 28.7 minutes per game his rookie year and they had absolutely no goto scorers like Antoine and Al. 8 times out of 10 when Antoine gets his hands on the ball he is going to shoot it. Josh is averaging about 20 minutes a game and he is playing with No 1 and 2 option Antoine Walker and Al Harrington. They get their shots 1st and then everyone else gets the crumbs. So it is not exactly an apples to apples comparison, but you can consider KG as the one, two or three rookies out of High School that has done this well his rookie year. KG is one of my favorite players. Dwight Howard and Josh Smith are definately the best High Schoolers out of this years class!! The sky is the limit for this guy.
  21. That will come with time, he is still a rookie. Believe it or not J-Smooth can shoot from the outside relatively good for a High School kid. He is has been instructed not to take outside shots unless he is wide open and look to get his shots on the inside. He is making good decisions in that aspect of his game. If you remember he was stroking 3s in Summer League and when he takes a jumper he has a decent shot. His shot will improve with time, he is just playing smart and playing to his strength right now. If he absolutely had to shoot I am pretty sure he could do it and would improve as we see his game improving.
  22. LOL!! Snicker Bar....I hear ya on that one. Yeah I would definately trade Diaw. Donte can fill his shoes easily. You are going to have to package him in some kind of deal. It may be a package of Walker/Diaw, however I hope we resign Walker. Diaw is definately trade bate right now.
  23. Yes Yes...that is my man!! The Sports Illustrated article on him was very good too. He is putting the Hawks on the National Scene with his high flying dunks and blocks. There are probably only two other High School rookies that have had a very good first year like this out of high school. Garnett, Kobe, McGrady, and more didn't have 1st years like this. Granted he is on a sorry team. This kids is something!! Now who on here want to debate me now that he wasn't worthy of the 6 pick? Diesel you were on this board when I was debating all of those people about him being the 2nd best player in the draft and we should scoop him at 6. Remember one time you and I didn't think he would be there at 6. People called us crazy.....you actually backed me on that!! Now look at everyone singing praises now. People are so funny. I love Chillz game too. That is turning out to be a good pick. He is going to be special too!! BK did excellent in this draft and hopefully all 4 players will stick on this team. Lue and Ivey make a pretty good guard rotation. I am really liking Lue. The future looks Bright!!
  24. and take the loss and keep Ekezie? What cap hit will that have next year?
  25. This is a guy who give us more of a physical presence on the boards. This was a good signing. I am glad to see him back. He was solid in pre-season 2 years ago.
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