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Everything posted by emeans

  1. I have to agree with Employee8 on this subject. Walker is not the sole reason why we are losing. As a matter of fact I have determined that we would be far behind on the score board if it wasn't for Walker and his play. I like what Walker brings to this club and I hope that we can somehow keep him. I don't think that will happen but he has shown me a lot of heart and he has been clutch when we needed a score badly. The thing that is killing Walker is his FT shooting during key moments of the game and his sparadic FG% from the 3 point line and the timing of those 3 point shots. It really burns me too, but Walker brings more positives than negatives to this team. I hope Walker accepts a huge pay cut and stay with this club. He could be tremendous as a core piece of the rebuilding of this club.
  2. I have to agree. Not drafting Deng was a mistake. Even if you had to trade Deng because of a long jam at the Forward position, his value is much higher than Chillz right now. We have absolutely no consistent outside shooters. Walker is our best outside shooter and he is very streaky and he is not our SG. With the exception of Drobs, our Centers are just taking space on the court and contributing little in defense and offense. We haven't solved our PG situation yet (Delk, Ivey, Lue, KA) are serviceable but not the true answer we want at PG. We have a lot of gaping holes on this squad. We have to solve them in this offseason, no excuses. We will have the No. 1 or No. 2 pick this year and we will have tons of money to spend.
  3. Collier need to be cut after this year. The only Center I would keep from this years roster is Drobnak. We have to get a big man that can be a defensive presense in the offseason preferrably through FA. There are plenty of very good PG in this years draft right out of the ACC.
  4. Exactly... Thank you DocHawk....Finally someone speaking some common sense around here. You took the words right out of my mouth. This has nothing to do with Walker and his game. The guy can play and is a talent too. If we are able to sign him then cool. I will be very happy, but we also have to think realistically and smartly about how much we are going to pay him. The Al Harrington trade discussion shouldn't even be discussed. Al is not going to be traded.
  5. No...The problem with this guy is that he always trying to get smart when someone has an opinion about Walker. Saying Walker need to be traded because of economics is nothing to get angry or smarty pants about. It is a simple statement that makes a lot of sense. That is nothing personal about Walker and his game so why get angry?? That is peoples problem with this guy.
  6. First of all 'homeboy' I haven't call you a name (buffoon) or gotten personal with you in any of my post and I am going to take the high road on your personal comments this time. Secondly, if you get upset everytime someone says something about Walker that you don't agree with then you need a reality check. Walker has many flaws and he is very expensive. Thirdly, for you to say I am always backing Al Harrington is extremely false. I have criticized him for bone head plays, just like I have praise him for good plays. I don't like his turnovers and his forced shots. I hate them and I have criticized him for that...OBJECTIVELY!! You on the other hand think Walker is this almighty GOD of a player and he is not. He is talented yes, but don't sit there and get mad everytime someone criticizes his short comings!! It is one thing to be a fan of Walker, it is another thing to blindly support someone without seeing their faults and other issues like money, etc. You are too SUBJECTIVE in your evaluation of Walker. If Walker stays then cool. I don't have nothing against Walker. All I am saying is that economically it makes more sense to trade him than Al......nothing more nothing less.
  7. Man please stop this non-sense!!! Al Harrington is not going to be traded. Stop pulling this BS out of thin air. Again Al is not going to be traded. Move on to another one of your million fantasy trades that will never happen.
  8. Dude....how many times do people have to tell you that the reason Walker will be traded more so than Al is because of economics. Is Walker paying you?? You sure defend him like you are getting paid from the man. Are you his lawyer or something?? Al is a very good player and so is Walker, but it is asinine to think that Al would be traded before Walker. The guy is younger, cheaper and he is a talent. Anyone with half common sense can see this. Certainly BK sees this. Get off of Walker's balls and start seeing things objectively and not subjectively!!
  9. Yes Josh Smith will be as good as any superstar in the league, including Garnett, Duncan and McGrady!!! Again I will stand by this until his playing days are over....Smith was the second best player in the draft.
  10. I love this team too. I see the makings of a hell of team. We have some of the best young talent in the league right now. I just hope we can hold on to them. Josh Smith has become and is becoming what I thought he was before the draft. No one on this board is now debating me on whether he should have been the Hawks 1st pick. I am not going to mention names but people on this forum blasted me when I suggested that and now they are silently and secretly eating a lot of crow. Some people didn't want Smith at 17???? Go figure. Josh Childress is going to be special too. To get both of these talents in one draft is amazing and I have to give BK credit for pulling this off. I am still amazed 16 teams passed on Josh Smith. What were they thinking??? I am now one that thinks we should bring Antoine and Harrington back next year and build around them. The offseason should be solely concentrating on getting a physical inside shot blocking presence and a star point guard. If we can shore those two weaknesses we are playoff bound and only going to get better because we are so young.
  11. Your proposal makes a lot of sense. While I don't see Washington parting with Kwame realistically, that would probably be the only deal I would accept in trading Harrington. I think Harrington can play the PF spot and Smooth the SF spot and be very effective. However, Kwame is more of a PF so that deal would make a lot sense to me. The bottom line is if we were to depart with Harrington we would have to get a legitimate star Power Foward or Center back. I wouldn't give him up for draft picks which is an unknown commodity. Harrington has proven himself to be a good NBA player at a very reasonable price.
  12. Quote: Oh and where did I say that Harrington was NOT Versatile? I said Walker is MORE VERSATILE than Harrington.... I didn't say you said Harrington was NOT versatile. Where did you get that from? LETS READ shall we...I said... Quote: shooting some type of versatility theory out of thin air, AS IF AS IF Harrington is not versatile. "as if" and "was not" have two totally different meanings. You're right Reading is Fundamental and COMPREHENSION is even more important. BK thinks Harrington is very versatile too. The bottom line is that they both bring different strengths to the table and they are both versatile, but Harrington is cheaper.
  13. Huh.....No I think you are dreaming if you think Walker plays good defense. Walker can't half way jump off the ground. Walkers strength is offense not defense my friend. Keep dreaming if you think he plays good defense!!
  14. You just answered your own question. Quote: After all, the only reason he won't be dealt this year is because he has several years remaining on his current deal There you go....He is relatively cheap right now, he is still very very young and he has superb basketball skills. Is it me or is that you in particular always forget that Walker is in the last year of his contract and he is going to command big bucks?? Why does that FACT always candidly slip your mind? Based on BKs history of financial cap room intelligence and future rebuilding plan...again Walker is more likely to be moved that Harrington!! Again Harrington is not going anywhere and I have no idea what your premise is other than shooting some type of versatility theory out of thin air, as if Harrington is not versatile. Any more questions??
  15. Harrington will be there in the final edition of the plan. Harrington isn't going anywhere. People can stop with the Harrington being shipped talk. Walker is more of realistic threat of not being in the future plans of this team.
  16. I agree this team is light in the britches. Collier is a joke at center and Walker doesn't play any defense. The only legitimate defensive threat is a rookie that was picked 17th in the draft. It took the coach an eternity to figure that he was their best defensive player and start playing him....go figure. We only have defense in four positions at limited times and that is with three rookies (Smith, Chillz, Harrington and Ivey). That is a problem. We have no interior defensive unless Smith comes over and helps out. Everytime I see Collier playing I scratch my head in disgust trying to figure out "Why in the H#ll is he even out on the court"? We are truly a rebuilding team. We may be very close to the record in total wins this year. Defense wins games and championships!!
  17. It's funny, I would compare Chillz game more to Marion because they have similar mechanics in their jumpshop. Chillz reminds me more of Marion than Smooth. I compare Smooth to a taller Vince Carter because of his leaping ability and athletic ability.
  18. Yeah I totally agree. This was the one terrible signing that BK made in the offseason. I actually scratched my head when I heard we signed him to a contract for over a million dollars. He is not even worth a roster spot. I can honestly say he is a useless piece of running 7 foot sorrinest on the court. I don't think this guy can be a serviceable CBA player, not to mention he is in the NBA. I would cut him immediately and get anyone to take his place. I hope that second year is not guaranteed!!
  19. Now that would be a great trade for the hawks. I would do that trade in a heartbeat!!
  20. I am very happy with his production. I personally think Al has been solid for this team. The best thing is that we have to remember he is still very young and can improve in some areas. I like really Harrington as part of the building core of this team.
  21. No evidently you haven't watched Chicago. The announcers of the game on ESPN said this (not me). They said Chicago runs a lot of their sets through Deng and that he has become one of the their top scoring options. This didn't come from me my friend this came from the analyst of the game who have probably seen more and analyze more of Chicago than both of us put together. And what I witnessed is exactly what they said in the game against the 76ers. Hinrich and Deng were the two players the offense was running through. Deng got most of his points from slashes to the goal and not putbacks. What I saw was exactly what they were reporting. Now this is the only Chicago game I have seen this year in its entirety and Deng looked very good. As for Josh Smith.....You know I have always said I thought Josh Smith was the 2nd best player in the draft this year. Better than Deng, Childress and whoever. You know my stance on Josh Smith. I wanted them to pick him 6 and I debated will several of you guys about that. The jury is still out on Chillz, but he has shown flashes of brilliance.
  22. I just read that......It seems that Josh Childress lofty standing in the league is not as rosy as it was after the draft if he is already in trade talks. BK might be very disappointed in his play so far. I personally say give him a chance to prove himself for at least two years. BK maybe concerned about the public perception of Deng's play and his passing over him. Deng continues to play much better than Childress. I watched the entire 76ers game and he is much stronger than Childress and he slashes to the goal with authority and scores at a high percentage. He takes the ball strong to the goal and usually scores. Right now he is Chicago's No. 1 or 2 scoring option. He is not just getting his points from put backs like Diesel claims. He creates a lot of his points. What I like about Deng is that he plays within himself. He doesn't do anything outside of what is not his strength. He goes to his strength a lot.
  23. As much as I like Josh Smith, he is not ready to take a lead role on this team. He has to work on his ball handling in traffic. I have recently been very impressed with Walker and even recently thought we need to do whatever it takes to keep him, however if he is wanting out then I say let him go. If this is not true, then try to contruct a deal that will keep him and not break the bank. He is a very big asset to this team so this situation is really a catch 22.
  24. Exactly....We don't want to sign him for an extension because of the rules the money would be off the charts. Bottom line is that we need to move Walker ASAP and make sure we get something for him. The longer you wait the worse the situation can get and his value will go down, especially if he is wanting to get traded. Other teams will use that a bargaining chip, saying he doesn't want to be there anyway so you minus well give him to us or we will wait until he is a FA. We better pull the trigger on a move very soon before this gets ugly!!
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