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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Interesting post, and i agree. Lillard is on my Fantasy team, so I've watched Portland a lot. I'm a homer, but I like JT. And numbers don't lie
  2. Well, he's been inconsistent, documented, but he just dropped 25 on the Pacers on their home floor where they have been very good and we needed a win bad. He looked like the best player on the floor. What FA PG is going to come to Atlanta that is better than Teague? What college kid, if drafted, is going to come in and play better than he is? Nobody.
  3. He was the best defensive player in the NBA for a long time. It's not just the blocks, which should get him in the HOF anyway, he changed how every team was going to plan offensively. Nobody was going to challenge him in the paint, so that's a huge part of an offense. With Deke patrolling the middle, teams really needed to make their jumpshots or they were going to lose.
  4. They scored 23 points in the first half! That's the lowest in the history of their team....Now that could be because our boys saw that NY lost and we had an extra spur in our step, or, Indiana is just in a funk....but either way it's impressive.
  5. Bud, Danny Ferry, Quinn Snider aren't in this business to lose. We're going to, but not on purpose...
  6. Aight... the tanking shit talk needs to stop now. This was the best game we've played all year. 5 guys in double figures and just embarrassed the best team with a home record in the NBA, It's obvious Bud wants to win....Hell, he looked stressed when the Pacers cut it to 17....I thought he was gonna cry. Let's go!!! 4 games vs. Miami!!!!
  7. No offense to you Diesel, but I've been saying this for a month. This team is not trying to tank! They're trying to win, and dammit I'm glad. I hope the beat the Pacers tonight. The Knicks already lost....
  8. Then why in the hell do you even play regular season games? The goal is to make the playoffs. Then, win a series. That's why these guys make millions of dollars. That's why fans spend hundreds of dollars going to games. That's why we spend money on the league pass. It makes no sense for people to waste a ton of money for these "professionals" to purposeful lose....
  9. I dunno, I'm just a fan and I watch every game, and I want us to win. I want us in the playoffs. The next step by making the playoffs is to pull a world shocking upset and get to the second round. We can't have that chance unless we make the playoffs.
  10. The point to play professional sports is to win a ring. The first step is to make the playoffs. Our Gm, coach, and players are not trying to lose games on purpose and I hope they make the playoffs because of that. Of course, realistically, we may get swept by the Heat, if we make it, but we'll still be in the postseason. I guess, as a fan, I want to win every game and losing on purpose makes me not to watch...
  11. The title of this thread is misleading. Our goal isn't the 8th seed, it's moving up....Whether we do that or not is yet to be determined, but Ferry isn't saying we're tanking.
  12. That was a brutal game. Play like that against Philly next week, we'll be the team that ends their streak....
  13. Your salary? I call. Danny Ferry would. Pay me.
  14. We need to keep Sap. He was the steal of Free Agency last summer and backed it up with being an All-Star. I'd be thrilled if we extended him. If there ever is a "lunch pail" guy, it's him. Shows up, does his work, and doesn't bitch. He could play the three, he's shown he can hit the the three. But I wouldn't complain if Al Horford and Paul Milsap were our starting frontcourt
  15. We're not gonna have a major drop off with Shelvin getting his minutes
  16. One thing this win shows, and 5 in a row, is we can end ALL the tanking talk. It's over. This team isn't tanking.
  17. Yes, it is Eddie. When your organization, is obviously, not trying to tank. They've won four in a row and killed a good team on the road. They're giving effort, from the GM, to the coach, to the players. I'm a fan, and I commend them for not throwing in the towel and playing in the present and trying to win games. That's the point.
  18. I've been saying it for awile, they're not tanking...Our GM, coaches,and players want to win. It's the whole point. Wish for us to lose and post on here is a waste of time. Keep winning!!!! What a poor attitude....
  19. Yes, I think we'll make the playoffs. It would be nice to get to the 6th seed, avoid Miami or Indiana, because theyre clearly the best teams in East and will most likely play for the conference. I think we could have a competetive series with another other team in the east. I think we're going to end up being the 8th seed and play Miami. I enjoy discussing playoffs around here, but I'm in the minority. You're going to get more tanking and haters on this thread than playoff talk.
  20. I agree. And now I'm guilty twice. It just made me mad.
  21. This is just retarded. Hate the Fuc# out of them. Then why in the hell do you waste your time on THIS SITE? A Hawks fan site? Stupid....
  22. It's obvious Ferry and Bud, and the team are not about tanking. I respect that. They're trying to win and get into the playoffs. My question is, isn't that the point? Sure, they're not going to win the champoionship, but only one team does. These guys get paid millions of dollars to go to play to WIN...not play half assed in hopes we can get a francise player. The lottery, is just that, a lottery. The draft doesn't guarantee you're going to change your francise. Hell, Cleveland had the number one pick last year...one...and how did that turnout? Tanking is for losers, and as a fan, I'm rooting for the Hawks to win every game. If you wanna tank, why you even watch them or act like a fan?
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