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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I don't mind his energy and enthusiasm...it's actually a little out of character for him and a welcome sight to me. I know it was the Bucks, but in the NBA everyone is good and in the regular season anyone can beat anyone on a given night. Plus we've been losing so much recently, I'll take the win and he was a big part of it.
  2. He looks like a poor man's Manu Ginoblili to me... which isn't a bad thing. Bald spot and hair and all..
  3. holy sh*t, you're back. Where you been dude?
  4. It's funny that everyone is saying the season is over when we're still in the playoffs... Yes, I'm the eternal optimist.
  5. i have disagree with you here. Anyone that has spent 20 years under a Hall of Fame Coach is an upgrade over Larry Drew. Sure, you're argument has some merit, but let's factor in he's only in his first season and it's such a small sample size and he's implementing a new system and mentality. I think Bud is a definite upgrade over Drew in being a head coach.
  6. I agree. It was going to end at some point, and now he doesn't have to think about it during games, or whenever, and just play. Great achievement.
  7. Well, to put this debate to bed, they're the top two players in the NBA and I hope we can all agree on that. I do agree it would have been in the best interest of OKC to not trade Harden....But, I don't get into the money and all that other stuff, I don't understand it.
  8. Yup. You're right. I'd take LBJ, you'd take KD....it's all good.
  9. I don't know how dumb he is...I don't know the dude. I know he's a chucker. But I also know he's very good. We can speculate and argue, I just think a Lebron, Westbrook, Harden team beats a KD, Wade, Bosh team all because of LeBron in a fake finals which doesn't matter because LeBron won anyway. It's fun debating. No one has an answer. Maybe since I'm in Ohio and been watching him forever....I think he's the best player in the NBA, and it's really not even close.....But that just me.
  10. Signing Sap to that crazy deal and he was a first time all-star.
  11. What tired act? The facts? No, if you stuck LeBron on OKC with Harden and Westbrook, OKC wins over Durant, Wade, and Bosh. leBron is CLEARLY the better player today.
  12. If you could start a francise....today...not three years down the line....would you really choose KD over LeBron?? I know I wouldn't. KD doesn't even have a ring yet. There's no debate.
  13. I think Melo would fit in Atlanta. I think he would fit on any team. He's that talented. I don't think he'll ever end up in Atlanta though. He's gonna be 30. He's gonna end up in LA or stay in NY.
  14. Let's be honest. It's a big deal becuase he's the best player on earth and the face of the NBA. Besides, he made 8 straight three's. Derfense or not, that's impressive. People are making a big deal about his stupid masks....that's more ridiculous.
  15. I agree. It was obviously a transition year and when we lose our best player for the season... and we still might make the playoffs.
  16. I'm not arguing with you Dolf, my guess is we're prolly close in age...lol. What you're saying makes sense...I just hate seeing us lose and it frustrates me.
  17. I understand your mindset, and I get your reasoning, I guess I'm just too old to think about the future even though your point is valid...For me, when I watch the Hawks, I wanna win. If we get swept by Miami or Indiana, so be it.... 4 more games to watch.
  18. Hahaha...I'm not sure how to reply to that Dolf, whether to tank or not....but to call Ivan a head case struck a nerve as a Hawks fan. That dude left everything on the floor....
  19. He's just pissed we're losing dude. Don't read too much into it.
  20. You guys are pissing me off today....Maybe I'm on my soapbox, but hell.... We're on a free fall...Ivan didn't nothing but play his ass off for us, and he played HARD. I'd welcome him back in a heartbeat considering our injury situation...Plus energy.... we look like a bunch of dead bodies....
  21. Meat on his calfs?? No offense dude.... It's kinda a waste of time. Sorry/
  22. Everyone who spends time on this board wants the Hawks to win. I'm gonna keep watching and root for them.
  23. He averages 10 points a game and 5 rebounds and 1 assist. Sure he's a good defender, but I think it's a little overrated. Those are bench numbers to me. He should get 25 minutes a game coming off the bench. I don't think he should be getting starting minutes, if we want to get where we all want to get. I'm not talking about the Melo's and Paul George's of the world.... but look at the second tier SF's. Hayward, parsons, Young, Batum, Gay....It's not out of the realm for Atlanta to get someone of that caliber. I like Demarre, for his age and money, of course...I just didn't think he's a starter in the league. Not for someone that wants to win a championship. Unless you have LB or KD running beside him.
  24. I've never said a bad thing about Teague on this board once....unless this is it. He's average, at best, PG guard in this league. http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/_/position/pg Jimmer Fredette has a better efficiency rating than he does...SMH....
  25. This. It's simple, he had a terrible year shooting. The article says he's done 28% on three's....
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