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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I'd like to keep him, but I would prefer him in our second unit. I don't know where it would come from or who it would be, but that's why I'm not GM. We need a NBA starting SF, and we haven't had one forever.
  2. It's not Bud. This is a team cursed with injuries and missing our best player for the year, and we're still in the playoffs....
  3. You're right. Why would Cuban say anything else in public? My only point was in his response being so emphatic... "That's dumb shi*".....That's just how I feel about watching my favorite team, and losing on purpose...
  4. Dallas is in the same spot we are.....8th • Regarding the notion that the Mavs (34-23), currently in the eighth playoff spot in the West, are caught in a no-man's land of mediocrity, Cuban was dismissive. Wouldn't he rather be really good or really bad (i.e. tanking)? "Oh, absolutely not," Cuban said. "That's dumb [expletive].
  5. I guess I'm old fashioned, and just want the team I invest my time into to win. Let's face it, no matter what we do, tank or make the playoffs, we've never been a championship team. So my basic logic is...to only change that is to take step one, and make the playoffs.
  6. Great post. A long term vision is an option. But, all of us spend way too much time in our lives watching this team and for them to quit on purpose is wasting their time and our time. I want them in the playoffs. If we make the playoffs...we have a CHANCE. Albeit slim one, but it's better than zero if we tank. I'd rather be in the playoffs with a chance than being in the "lottery".... you ever win a lottery? It's called that for a reason.
  7. I know we've been around this topic many, many times...but it still surprises me to no end how we cleared 150 million in cap space from Joe and Marvin. I don't know how he convinced the brass in Brooklyn and Utah to pull the trigger.... great moves. As time goes forward, we'll keep realizing the impact those trades made....
  8. Right. I don't even know what distinguishes a "super star" as compared to an "all-star". I mean, in my eyes, I guess, they're are only two "super stars" in the entire league. Durant and LeBron. Everyone else are all-stars. Including Horf and Sap...I think we have some respect, we're third in the east. I mean, we're the Hawks. it's the way it's been and always will be.
  9. I have a regulation size basketball signed during the Lenny Wilkins era...he signed it. Smitty, Mookie...everyone EXCEPT Deke. He told me " I don't sign auotgraphs on game day" kinda bummed me out. But, I later learned it was a G-town thing. Ewing, Mourning, they never did either... Point being, it's pretty sweet, but I'll part with it if the price is right.
  10. Yes, losing our best player changes everything. We still have the talent to make the playoffs, but the East is Miami or Indiana. With or without Horf, we're not winning anything. That being said, Coach Bud isn't going to tank. He's been a top assistant to one of the best NBA teams for so long, his first shot as a head coach, he wants to prove himself. There's no lack of motivation from the HC. We will still be competitive all year. I'm not sure about the trade deadline, that's Ferry's job. I'd hope he would realize that we're not winning anything this year except a playoff spot, and if he's willing to give that up for the future, fine. He's made great decisions in my mind so far, and now with Horf gone, his job just became much more difficult.
  11. This. It's a regular season record, and I hope he gets it. Playoffs are another animal. Dana Barros might have a longer streak if he played in the playoffs more. Apples to oranges. Go Kyle...
  12. While I do think a final four in the East is a realistic expectation, I'm not holding my breath. But, I do I think the hawks will be in the mix in the playoffs and could scare some teams. Vol..... Pierce and and Garnett need to be sitting in a rocking chair knitting the glory days. They're toast. Kidd is a joke, JJ spent his prime making us relevant (thanks JJ) but he's done too. D will is fat and always hurt. Brooke Lopez is good, but he's not making them a three seed. I'd take horf over him in a heartbeat. We may make the semifinals, simply, because the East sucks. But, it's all moot, because Miami and Indiana will be there in the end, and barring injuries, those two will fight it out to play for the title for the East.
  13. I think he was ready to move on and switch scenery from Utah. My guess is that he could have signed some place other than Atlanta for more money. I think Ferry sold him on something...whatever it was.
  14. Oh to be a fly on the wall during those negotiations with Paul... I still am dumbfounded on how or why he signed with our boyz and at the price he did. You can say Ferry's feather in his cap is getting rid of JJ and his huge contract, or Marvin...but I think getting Sap here for that deal ranks right there. That being said, hell no! We don't trade him! We're a playoff team, and he's solid and cheap!! If anything, I think we ride out his short contract and seriously look and re-signing him. He'll be 29. I just love his demeanor. If there is ever a stereotype on a player, it's him. I just picture him showing up to practice with a hard hat on, orange vest, and a lunch box...
  15. I don't think Al is ever going to establish himself as a back to the basket type of player. In fact, I think he's moving more towards playing away from the rim as opposed to a post up player. By no means, am I comparing him to Karl Malone, but Malone relied heavily on jump shooting, fade away 12 footers, and playing off Stockton. I think Al is going to continue to improve his jump shooting and range, and not so much working with traditional centers to develop a low post game.
  16. While I agree that next year's draft looks great on paper, and on TV...but there's no guarantees. One thing is for certain, Al has proven himself as a cornerstone and an all-star for this team. While I agree, that we may not contend for a championship with him as our best player...and that's the point...but when have we ever contended for a championship anyway?? Ever...? Point being, I hope Al sticks with the Hawks. And I hope we get lucky in the draft...
  17. hahaha...Ayón now will be donned "our mexican'...thanks GM.
  18. Productive at times? Over the last three years, he's averaged over 15 points and 8 rebounds a game. The dude is 28, in his prime, and he cam here for peanuts. I disagree with the 6th man label. There's not too many teams Sap' wouldn't be a starter on.
  19. I can't quite figure out why Teague isn't a better defender. It's seems like his skill set...quickness, athletic ability, basketball IQ would allow him to be a premier defender, but he's not. Maybe it's just simple like attitude and desire...I dunno. Korver always has, and always will struggle on defending SF's, but it's not from lack of trying or giving effort. I think Carroll is a btter defender than what this thread is giving him. He must be doing something right in the coaches' eyes to be getting the minutes he's getting, and it's not on offense.
  20. I'm a half glass full guy, and I believe this roster is pretty good. Other than Dwight, where are the true centers??? The game has changed. It's not 1995. Are we champion caliber, absolutely not. But we're building, have cap space, and will make the playoffs like the last six years. I think Ferry is doing exactly what he envisioned.
  21. Sap isn't a 3....and Brand is no longer a starter. I think he's a solid back-up. But I like your optimism.
  22. When Crawford put up 26 in the first round vs. the Knicks in 99. He was the next 'Bird'......
  23. I'm glad we passed on Bynum....People in Cleveland are pissed. He's 310 pounds, 35 pounds heavier than his last playing weight. that doesn't help the knees......
  24. No. Al, Paul, and old man Elton is enough....develop Scott
  25. No. I didn't read anything but the thread. Ferry isn't paying anyone 32 million to be beat out by a 19 year old. Maybe at the trade deadline, record, injuries....who knows...? Jeff Teague is our guy
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