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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I wish the best for Smoove. For three or four years when we, well, just plain sucked....he was a guy I still watched every game to see. However, entering his 9...or 10th, year, it's time to cut ties. I really don't see him being an addition to a team that will bring a championship. Because the money he is going to make, will hinder the cap and his decision making is so poor. Honestly, 82 games a year, for the last decade and I find myself yelling "No,no,no...YES!" and "No, No, No....dammit!!!!!" Unfortunately, the latter was cursed more. Good luck Smoove.
  2. that was 1989....more money than magic, bird, and jordan
  3. Millions From Heaven The Atlanta Hawks' Jon Koncak was a center of little renown—averaging 6.2 points and 6.1 rebounds, career—until he signed a six-year contract worth $13 million. Now other lesser NBA players should find gold at the end of the rainbow
  4. lol...me either, really. I'm old, but going to college at Ohio U, Athens, I saw and smelled enough...That's a funny pic...
  5. Do I have to be the one? How many all star teams did he make while a Hawk? We're relevant again in a large part because of him. Hate on him all you want, and root against him mainly because he's just old now and all his good years were in Atlanta. He was never injured, won us a ton of games. Not playoffs, but who has? Nobody...Not Nique, Smitty, Deke...how can you hate on the guy?
  6. I get that, but he really had a decent year. And he's young! He is frustrating and I believe that has to do with the culture. I'm not very smart, but I think Smoove probably brought down our chemistry. They spend too much time together. Teague still performed. New coach, new teammates, new environment...he'll get better. Now, if CP3 agrees, fine...but that's a pipe dream. Teague is so much better moving forward than Mayo...it's not even close
  7. I really want to know why everyone hates on Jeff Teague? I can't figure it out....He's no Tony Parker, but hell, I would take him over OJ Mayo today and twice tomorrow...
  8. I said Speedy too in my thread, I didn't hate Sura so much cuz I wanted us to win and he was posting crazy numbers....meaningless, But I didn't hate him
  9. Damn, I know that's an old picture because that DELL is ancient...but that Bud looks stinky!!!!
  10. Guys, Jeff Teague rode the pine for a couple of years and didn't complain. He's improved every year, and is so young. I don't understand the hate, other than he just seems disinterested playing....but his stats don't say so. His demeanor now is like, "I told you I can play, why did it take so long"....If he;s our PG next year, I'm okay with that. The Smoove hate has hit it's peak...It's been nine years, maybe his time has worn out, and I get that. I bet I've watched 90 percent of his career, and we wouldn't have been in the playoffs the last six years without him. And he went through a 13 win season, come on. I don't hate any Hawk, but if I had to choose one dude that frustrated me the most...It's Speedy. I'm sorry he didn't work out, but seeing him on the bench on a suit every night pissed me off...
  11. I don't know? He was on The Herd show yesterday, and I was on my lunch break and listened. He pretty much called out "the Lakers Coach" and said he didn't utilize Dwight or Pau enough...and pretty much blamed Kobe's injury on too many minutes. Phil wanted to come back with that group...My guess is, with Phil being engaged to Jerry Buss's daughter, there's some kind of drama there. And with his new book coming out where he calls out Kobe....there's something there where they didn't want him back. But hiring D'antoni was such a bad move for the players they have...
  12. Team chemistry failure on the Lakers this year was strictly on coaching philosophy. D'antoni was the worst hire for the age and expectations of those players to run that much....
  13. I agree. It's a culture change. They're going to bring years of experience under Pop on how to do things right and change the mindset of the francise. I agree, totally, that talent is just as important. But who's to say Manu or Parker would have had the careers they've had without being developed by solid coaches with the right attitude and philosophy?
  14. Nodding my head.... 1. No offense to Joe, and I appreciate his worth all those years. He made us relevant. But for some reason, I wanted Brooklyn to fail. I don't know why, i just did. 2. Hate the Lakers and all the drama. Glad they got swept too. Not because I'm hoping Dwight jumps ship....I just love when the Lakers and Celts lose. 3.I rooted for Memphis anyway. The Grizz have good players, and I'm a fan of Conley....for obvious reasons. Dude is good. It just took getting Mayo and Gay out of town. A PG with his skills having the ball in his hands with Randolph and Gasol...well, they're in the WC finals. 4. Woody has no offensive game plan....ever. Exposed again. I mean, his team got the number 2 seed. But when it matters....the playoffs, chuckers don't advance. 5. I love more draft picks... 6.Yeah, I figured we wouldn't beat Indiana. But our boyz played, and didn't look like idiots. They played. better team won. The only thing I'm hope I'm wrong with....is Miami. They're not to Indiana. They're not losing to anyone in 7 games. I mean, all hell broke loose when Chicago beat them in game ONE...it was one game!!! What happened...well... we know. NOBODY is beating Miami in 7 games. King James and co., welcome to ring two.
  15. I love you guys, and I enjoy reading all of the posts....I'm here every day, But to be the turd in the punch bowl....that's me. Dwight isn't coming to Atlanta..
  16. Al is a great player. He's an all-star. He'll never been a Tim Duncan. I mean, Duncan might be the best power forward to ever play in the NBA.
  17. Don't be hard on Alan Henderson...He was hitting his peak and playing at the top of his game when he suffered that eye injury in Cleveland. I was there. I saw it. Pretty much ended his career.
  18. And I'd take Al Horford in a heartbeat before those three,,,
  19. Lopez is in a guard dominated team, and gone. With a much more talented team than we had this year. Didn't get them anywhere, Bynum is a turd in a punch bowl that hasn't played for years.... Hibbert is surrounded by better players than he is. He's decent, but riding the coattails of his team....
  20. Okay, Noah is a legit center, I left him out, and he's good. But most seven footers aren't banging down low anymore.... Durant, Dirk, even bust Barngani.....Chandler can play defense, in the post...he cant defend the perimeter. And he'll score 5 points a game. It's not a 7'0 center league anymore. Horf can guard anyone that is a traditional "5" to a point that team wont dominate us.
  21. The game has changed dude. There's only three centers left...Gasol (Marc), Dwight, and Hibbert. None of them are going anywhere. Horford is a center in this league now...He's been doing it his whole career, and it's not going to change...
  22. Prolly not good enough, but I don't think Ferry will overpay for him. Horford and any other serviceable power forward will be helpful. There's only a few true centers left....Howard, Gasol, (marc) and Hibbert. We could get another all-star level PF and have a good duo, with solid 3 pt shooting and still have money. I dunno...just saying
  23. I honestly don't believe Ferry is putting all of his eggs in one basket, unless CP3 and Dwight come. And I doubt that, I mean, I really doubt that. Just because we have all this cap space doesn't mean he's going to blow it all this summer and think we're instant contenders. I see him hiring an unproven coach...I still think a San Antonio tie, the two that have been mentioned. I seeing letting Josh walk. He'll re-sign Teague and Korver. And he'll snatch up a big from Utah. My guess is Milsap. A frontcourt with Horf and Milsap, which shooters like Jenkins, Teague, and Korver would be solid. Prolly a 5-6 seed solid again, but I don't think Ferry is planning on winning it all next year. And, he wouldn't break the bank.
  24. I agree with LD's out of time-out plays to score. Granted, it was Smoove getting a pick to the high post and throwing an oop to Horford, but still. It worked more than it didn't....
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