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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. In another thread, I was supporting the hire of Snyder. I didn't think it would be a bad hire... Now, I'm not so sure. I agree it probably would be bad for PR. I knew he and Ferry played together, but I didn't know they were roommates and probably best friends. I hope Ferry chooses with his mind and not his heart.
  2. Who's established that's out there? Jerry Sloan, Phil Jackson, Doc if he's let go? I don't see us getting any of those guys. I wouldn't call the Van Gundy's established, maybe a "name"....
  3. Although, I do believe if Ferry does hire Snyder....he wants to keep Smoove. I don't know why, just my hunch. While I have always supported Josh Smith, I'm almost thinking after nine years, cutting ties, is best for everyone. New coach or not...
  4. I'd be okay with Snyder. He brought Mizzou back to relevance, for Mizzou, as a really young coach. That was years ago. He's well educated, people from Duke usually are. He'll have a great working relationship with Ferry and I bet they'll be on same page for roster moves. He's 44. Bring in some young blood, energetic, wanting to prove himself, and a motivator. He left the Spurs because some dude in Russia offered him a boat load of money to be his assistant. He must have some respect in the coaching community, or world???
  5. Curry isn't a PG? He averages almost 10 assists in the playoffs...not to mention 25 points. Honestly, would you really take Jeff Teague over Curry???? It's not even close.
  6. Yeah. I heard it. Mike and Mike are ripping Woodson. One because Carmelo is 18-59 the last two games, and he has 6 assists. Not yesterday....the entire series!! 6 assists in 5 games!! Dude has the ball in his hands 80% of the time. Unreal. Plus the whole Knicks wearing black suits to the game because they're attending Boston's funeral. Stupid. The Knicks might end up winning the series because they have better talent, but it's the first round. I don't miss Woody and his iso offense.
  7. I don't know...it's his child being born and his wife. He's going to be playing in the NBA next year regardless. I would like to see him in uniform, but if he's not, I totally understand.
  8. This isn't a bad situation. It's all speculative, but that's what we do. People wont like Smoove coming back, but if we got those players....that would be interesting.
  9. No more worries about Ferry liking this guy and him coming to ATL. He's going back to Cleveland. Bizarre...but whatever.
  10. buckeye242424


    The refs were terrible. They were consistently bad all game and I was bitching like a little girl in the chat room all game. I couldn't help it. That being said, i'm not using that as an excuse. We weren't winning this game anyway, We looked like we didn't realize this is the playoffs.... I blame a lot of it on LD, Although a supporter, he didn't have us ready to play.
  11. I'm not sure about labels and how you deem the #1 Pg guard position, or #2 Sg position....Curry is probably both?? he has the ball in his hands a lot. Doesn't matter to me, for sake of argument...I'm taking Curry over Teague.
  12. C'mon...he told Carmelo go shoot as much as you want. Go score 30 on iso's on 9-27 shooting. Chandler is the best defensive player in the league, and and an Olympian. Smith is, arguably, the best 6th man in the league and fits perfect with Woody's iso offense. The east sucks and the Knicks have as much talent as anyone except Miami. Roll the ball out there Woody.... Woody's philosophy works better than Dantonio's because he has old heads that can't run. "Sheed, Thomas, Kidd, Camby....all you old guys....play hard defense, and rest on offense because Jr and Melo will score all our points".... That shit doesn't work in the playoffs. I won't be surprised if Boston upsets them. Knicks have better players, but Boston has a better coach.
  13. Korver is a coach on the floor. His one on one defense is poor, sure. But he talks and tells his teammates where to be and go. That can't be dismissed. All around, he's just a better player than Marvin.
  14. While I'll always want Buckeyes on the Hawks, I'm not sure here Diesel. He's a headcase and has a lot of baggage that could rear it's head at anytime. Sure if we could get him at the right price, I'm all in, I just don't know what that is? He loves shooting three's, average rebounder, and not good on defense...really lazy. He likes to shoot and score, which isn't bad I suppose, and may complement Horf well....I just don't know what price....
  15. It's all subjective and a matter of opinion, but, If I had to choose between Wall and Teague, that would be tough. I agree there. But Curry and Conley. Curry is a no brainer for me, I'd take him over Jeff. And what Mike Conley has done since the Rudy Gay trade has shown was his abilities are. (Not being a homer) He was handcuffed with OJ Mayo and Rudy Gay...now that he has full reigns, he's a pretty damn good PG.
  16. Defensively, I agree. Having a 7 footer that can defend is, for sure, a plus. Rebounding though, not so much. Rebounding is all effort. Rodman was 6'8...prolly the best one ever. There are so many long rebounds now because all of the jump shots deep that SF's can average as many boards as a true center.
  17. He's got a bad attitude and his knees are shot. He's not worth the chance. Other than Dwight, there's not really any true center's anymore. Even if Bynum is healthy, it's almost not worth it. The game has changed. It's guard and perimeter oriented. Think about Durant, Dirk, Bosh....6-10, 6-11 shooting three's. Not banging down low. I do miss the days, cuz I'm old, of Olajuwon, Ewing, Mutumbo, Smits, Robinson, Shaq, Mourning, Divac.....when the center was the most important. It's not like that anymore. When you have one guy, such as LeBron that can guard all five positions, the game has evolved. I mean, our best player has been playing center his entire career, at an extremely high level, and he's not a center. Other than Dwight,if I'm Ferry, I'm not spending money on any "traditional" center.
  18. Teague has had a good year. I think he has improved dramatically and I'm hoping he is our point guard moving forward. It's a PG's league anymore, and he's more than capable. Top 10 though? Not a chance. He's not in the same class as these 10: Paul, Williams, Rose, Rondo, Westbrook, Curry, Irving, Parker, Wall, Lawson. If I had a choice, I'd prolly take Rubio, Conley, and Holliday as well. Just so many quality point guards out there. I do like Teague though. I think the fact most teams have their point guard for the future, we'll be able to re-sign him.
  19. I'd rather play Indiana than Brooklyn. True. But.... Nobody is beating Miami in a 7 game series. Check that, nobody in the East is. It's Bron's time. They'll be in the finals.
  20. Right. My point exactly. His philosophy hasn't changed. He just has a better one-on-one player in Melo than he had in Joe. it's not even close. Plus his role players are better defensively, and all around, have more talent than any team he had with Atlanta,. He's not a bad coach, but when you have better personnel that still fits your philosophy = more wins.
  21. I've never thought that Mike Woodson is a great coach. He improved every year, but when you start with a 13 win team, it's hard not to. His talent improved. He still was the coach that made the Hawks relevant again. But damn, let's be honest here. The Knicks have better basketball players than we do. It's that simple. ISO Carmelo is better than ISO Joe. Tyson Chandler is, arguably, the best defensive player in the league. Defense is his staple. It sets up nice for Woody. I'm happy for him.
  22. I hope a good kick in the @ss isn't literally speaking, because that's what he did!! No thanks to Rice, but.....I'm not so sure that we're getting a new coach. Honestly, I think Ferry offers a 2 year deal to Drew. Look at the hand he was dealt. "Um...Larry, I'm trading away our best player and another starter....and replacing them with role players and expiring contracts. Good luck". I think LD stays, much to the dismay of most.
  23. I've taken my own shots for supporting Smoove as well. I've admitted that he is frustrating, and honestly....I believe it's a time for a scenery change for him. Not because I don't like him or think he's a bad player, but because I think he's done everything he could in a Hawks uniform, in a good way, but change is needed. From a personal standpoint, that many won't know...but D. Thomas from Ohio State is leaving after his junior year despite being projected a late 2nd round pick. Should he go? No...but he's ran it's course at OSU. Same with Smoove. My biggest issue are the personal shots Josh Smith takes around here from the biggest fans. He chooses to play basketball, a SPORT, a certain way. That doesn't make him a stupid, idiot, moronic person. I think it's unfair.
  24. If you're a true fan.....for any sports team, you don't jump ship, especially for one player. Not that anyone cares, but I'm old. Started at 8 years old, and now 36. All Hawks. Love the Hawks. I think Josh Smith has been awesome. Time to go? Maybe. Probably. Yes. But I appreciate all he's done for this team (not over)....it's been almost a decade!!!
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