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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I remember that night...I was happy with the Chillz pick, shows how much I know. I hated then Josh Smith (who the hell is that) pick, but that turned out pretty damn good. Although, l think I'm in the minority there...
  2. True, but you can make that statement about every player on the team. Who can argue that we've been relevant in the East the last six years without Smoove? JJ of course, but he's gone... Still relevant without him. Horf, yes, probably our best player. But we wouldn't have had this much success, or currently this much success, without Josh Smith.
  3. "definition of insanity"... ??? WTF? It's a freaking game, the Hawks are a better team, right now, with him.
  4. Weve had our best winning streak on the road in two years. It was the fourth game on a six game trip, out west and we started 3-0 on said trip. One bad game by our PG, who has been playing great, but we need a new one now. And the Smoove haters were just waiting for a bad game like a fly rubbing its front legs together...
  5. Once again, Ferry is moving his chess pieces in the right way. We only have three players, 3!, under contract for next year. Horf, Jenkins, and Lou... blink is a RFA. And our team is surging and playing awesome right now. I can see him smoking a Cuban spinning around in a leather chair imagining all the possibilities. if He can get Smoove back at his price... Great! I'm a fan! But if someone has the sac to offer him a max deal (which I think will happen) so be it... And I think Ferry has other plans moving forward. Right now DF has all the chips and a good set of cards... Lets beat the Suns tonight and keep this rolling.
  6. True. I think any NBA coach can win with their offense. If they have the right personnel and talent. I doubt when Spolestra was spoon fed Bron and Bosh, to go with Wade, he figured his particular philosophy was the best. I think NBA coaches have to adapt to the players they have. I mean, look at Dantoni... He wanted to run constantly but it didn't take him long to figure out he just has all-star old heads that can't move like the 25 year olds...
  7. Me either. I don't have an answer. I don't think anyone does. Smoove is a polarizing player. I want him back, but not for max money. And you're post is on point. I keep thinking that some team out there is going to look at his numbers, star quality, and age, will break the bank for him. Even though their GM probably hasn't seen him play nearly as much as half the people on this board. Call me crazy, but some team will give him more than Ferry will, and he'll bolt.
  8. It's leverage. He's in his free agent year, probably his last significant contract. He's 31, and has played well. He's not stupid... Of course he's going to spew to the media of his old teams how he respects them and would listen to offers. It's shrewd business on his part. I don't read much into it... If the cash is there, and DF wants him, he'll be back next year.
  9. Very good tandem! I think I'd take LeBron and Bosh if a gun was to my head though.
  10. I don't want to waste possessions, but every team does throughout the course of a game through turnovers, fouls, shot clock violations, and bad shots. It's part of basketball. We just have a player that chooses to take bad shots...I've accepted it. And why people call him stupid and dumb is played. He's going to keep doing it...and as long as he does everything else and keeps putting up numbers like he is, a playing at the level he is, we're better for it.
  11. I would not prefer to play the Nets. I'm not saying I don't think we could beat them in a seven game series...I just would hate the constant JJ references. And the fact he has performed so bad in the post season, the law of averages means he's going to step up at some point, he's too good. Why not do it vs. his old team, and that would piss me off.
  12. buckeye242424

    PLAN "B"

    Gross...I would like Hickson in a Hawks uni too, but it wouldn't make me chub-up...
  13. Good point. I'm gonna sleep better being 3-0, rather than 0-3 on this trip! I just want it to last...
  14. Great performance. I said in another thread, I'm afraid the team is peaking at the wrong time. I've been a fan too long, that's my glass half empty...
  15. I'm guilty! I'm as happy as anyone! Carpe Diem!
  16. I agree that Ferry has an impact, and LD deserves some credit. I think those stats have improved dramatically that we don't have Joe anymore. Loved him, but he held us back in those areas.
  17. I don't get it.. It's the same shit. He took bad shots at bad times. Actually, he did both. Par for the course...But is anyone gonna argue we beat Utah at home without him? I hope not.
  18. That's only because we're old and used to the norm..
  19. Oh... We gotta give Teague money. Well deserved. Nevermind.
  20. If Smoove will be smart and not break our bank, we have the money to bring in better pieces! I'm not convinced he won't take a max deal and leave us just yet. Gawd, I'd love to get Smoove back and lure Jefferson here. A Horf, Jefferson, Smoove front court??? That's three 6'10ish guys that can shoot and run. We have the money!!!!
  21. 24,14,7... And wasn't the best player on the court! We're peaking too soon... Lol
  22. Do you think he would stay in Atlanta for not max money, if Milwaukee offers it to him?
  23. I get that. He's no where near that kind of level. That's where I've been mistaken, I'm sorry.I just know when people look at stats (not rings, all-star appearances, etc) Smoove is having a year right now that isn't an easy accomplishment when you look at his whole game... Which stemmed from my first argument that we need to look at what he does all over the floor. If he finished the year right now, with these stats, that's why he'll get max money somewhere.
  24. His stats, right now, 14 players in the NBA, history, have collectively done. Pts, boards, assists, blocks, steals... On average.
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