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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. You're missing my point. I'm not comparing him to HOF players... I'm saying he's putting up stats this year that players get judged to go into the hall. Collectively, across the board, of all stats you mentioned, he's in select company right now. He averages more steals than Lebron, more blocks than Durant, more boards than Wade. He contibutes at a high level everywher. Not points, but few have averaged at least 18, with everything else. He doesn't belong on the list with theses guys, I'm just sick of hearing how he's dumb, worthless, and his bad jumpers. He's really good,
  2. Sorry Wretch, his bad shots doesn't outweigh what he does everywhere else. And I'm talking the ones he misses. He takes a ton of bad shots he makes... Then we're in the chat room saying "noooooo.... Yes! Smoooove"" Not arguing that. Bad shots yes... Are we better without him? Not a chance.
  3. Not %'s. Straight up stats. Playing 48 minutes, or 20. What you produce. What HOF's get judged on. Smoove has one of the best stat lines of the top 15 stat lines ever right now. Bottom line.
  4. I think you're underestimating the numbers presented... Look at the first 24, before Smoove. Player efficiency is a big statistic. Would you argue with the company he's with? Even in that small sample of top 25?
  5. Only one of 14 players to average what he is currently...
  6. While I'm on my soapbox, then I'll shut up, I swear guys. There's a good chance Smoove will be in another uni next year, and that's weird to me. Just like all of you, Ive seen 90% of his NBA career, or more. He gets shit on way too much from the people that are the biggest fans of this team, us. He's a polarizing player, but gets a lot more crap than any other Hawk ever, and I'm old.
  7. I'm not arguing shooting percentage, or people who are a certain height, or scoring. I'm looking at the big picture of the whole game. He's a very efficient basketball player and he's important to the success of the team. I think 75% of the Squawk' takes him for granted.
  8. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1536428-nba-stars-playing-their-way-into-and-out-of-max-deals/page/4 I think his stats speak for themselves, in the context on the history of the NBA. I'm not arguing about shooting. I've said... I've accepted that one part of his game that is frustrating, yet way too overblown! Dude, does so much more than take stupid shots....
  9. That's just a crazy statement. Proposing that someone could lead the NBA in rebounding if he tried is why the expectations of Smoove around is soooo overblown! He gets 8 a game. He's not Rodman, a one trick pony... He scores, blocks, passes, and gets a steal now and then. I swear, this board thinks he's Superman, and he's not. Accept him for who he is, and accept we're better with him. His stats this year are unlike a lot in NBA HISTORY....
  10. Love Ivan. Want him back. But, he's just a square peg trying to fit in a round hole on this team. He's not a center, and he loses minutes because Horf and Zaza. He's a four, but again... Horf and Smoove will log those minutes. He's going to get a chance to come off the bench somewhere and play 15-20 minutes every night... I hope it's with us.
  11. Hard to believe, I know, but its true. Dolf beat me to the punch to post the link... But Smoove actually is very efficient on the court. We're so focused on his jump shots (when they don't go in) we forget he's an underrated passer, and we take his defense and rebounding for granted because he's "supposed" to do that. If he's so selfish, why does he give the effort on defense and defensive rebounding? We complained when Craws was here, and a lot about Teague this year defensively. They can't guard a chair, lack of effort. I don't read a lot of Smoove sucks on defense posts. Two parts of the court, and he impacts both of them.
  12. I don't buy the "inefficency" argument either. He's top 25 in the league in player efficiency. I'm past the ill-advised jump shots. That's not going to change. I look at his whole body of work during the games, and he makes us a better team.
  13. That's exactly the problem around here. Dude is putting up stats this year that only 14 other players in NBA history has done and nobody appreciates that. Hate all you want on the guy, and call him "dumb", but we wouldn't be in the fourth seed right now without him. That's what seems dumb to me that people don't realize.
  14. Josh Smith is not dumb. That's a very harsh criticism. Does he make bad decisions, and take bad shots, sure. Who doesn't? Fact is, he's an 18 point, 8 rebound, 4 assist, 2 block, 1 steal every night guy. Anyone NBA player that can do that is not dumb.
  15. The question is, does DF invest in Teague and Smoove (with Horf) as our core for the next 4 years this summer?I'm indifferent. I know we would win a lot of games. But something tells me with those three leading us we may still end up being a second round or at best an Eastern Conference exit. No championship. But having Horf, Teague, and Smoove locked up... not bad at all.
  16. I don't hate any player that plays on my favorite team. More to the point, I root for Josh Smith. Point blank, he's one of the best players we have. It's been almost nine years. The dude is not gonna change... How many threads can possibly still be started about his shot selection? I only opened this one because how ridiculous the title is.
  17. He's smoking a blunt and eating Cheetos... Nothing wrong with that. Love ya Mookie. Last night with our uni's was all him... And Smith, Deke, Corbin, Henderson..
  18. Anybody that is in a contract year, especially a player that is going to paid like him, is not going to quit and mope around.If anything, I think he will try to do more, which will probably be a bad thing for us. I expect some monster games, and I expect him to keep chucking bad shots...so, really, nothing different from almost a decade with him.
  19. I'm expecting Smoove to play the same amount of minutes and play like that the trade rumors are taking a back seat. Hes done it for the last three years, albeit, not being the "biggest fish" to catch... He's still a Hawk and we're still in the playoff's, so let's put our best team out there until tomorrow at 3 and roll with it. I hope Smoove puts up 25 and 9, and we compete with the best team in the NBA.
  20. I think we always have to try and build the best team possible, that's sports, and the goal is to be a champion. Sure it looks like LeBron and wherever he plays, will probably string a few together. However, he's one injury, ACL tear, away from opening that door for anyone. See D Rose, see Noel from kentucky...you just never know.
  21. I don't care who we get in return. Josh isn't coming back unles he gets a huge contract or Dwight comes, and neither is going to happen. Just trade him for whatever and move on...it's better than letting him walk for nothing.
  22. Marvin was just dealt a bad hand. He HAD the tools to, maybe, be a "star" at one time, it just wasn't meant to be. It's not going to happen in Utah, just another bad card he was dealt....The dude didn't start at NC...only played 22 minutes a game, in one year! 2nd overall pick. Not his fault, but can you imagine the pressure? He's 19 with absolutely no idea what the NBA..hell, basketball is about?Then you throw in the success of Paul and Williams....I feel bad for the guy. He'll always be a "bust". I don't blame him for leaving after his freshman year at NC, taking the money....his close people telling him some sucker francise will gamble on him early. But I bet he'll always wonder what would have happened if he stayed another year or two with the Tar Heels, actually starting...!! And playing more than just half the game. Would have he developed more? Would he not have been stuck in a draft class that produced two of the best PG's in the game now...?Then throw in the Hawks. Joe Johnson..francise savior. Josh Smith...gonna get his. Where did Marvin fit? Nowhere. Horford comes into town. Marvin never had a chance in Atlanta. Now his time is gone...I don't care if he's 26, ship has sailed, especially with the Jazz. Hawks and Jazz? What could be two worse fits for him?Oh well, I'm sure he has lots of money...
  23. Best team game I've seen in months. Totally unselfish, looked for the extra pass. Smoove, Horf, and Teague all had a great game. We we,re pretty much clicking on all cylinders tonight and I enjoy games like that.
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