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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I understand your optimism, and even 5 years ago I may go for that, maybe. Not now. He's done. All he would do is take minutes from Jenkins, prolly Harris and Teague. No thanks. Hang em up A.I.
  2. My money is on Lopez too. Pains me to say it though.... On a bigger picture, our chances of making the playoffs just got alot better. Never root for injury, but when a cog in a great team goes down, I'm not sad. Paul and Kevin are too old to rise that team from the ashes....
  3. The Cavs suck. They have nobody but Irving since Varajedoohjohhgohhg....whatever dreadlocks got hurt. I know it's all stupid politics, but a Hawk should have been on that team. We haven't dropped much since our six time all-star was traded. Doesn't that say something? We're just as competitive. The Hawks had winning records the last 5 years, so Joe was the defacto all-star, prolly because he made the most money. Al sneaked in there twice, but well deserved. We're in the same place...and not one of our forwards? it's BS
  4. Love Smoove. I still have his dunk contest win with our beloved 'Nique jersey on"....floating on my desktop. He makes watching the Hawks the last 9 years exciting, and he's been abig part of the playoff visits we've had the last 6 years. He's also very fun to play with on the 2K series on 360 because I'm a loser and spend way too much of my life playing that damn game...always Hawks, ofcourse. All that. No max dude. If he really wants to stay in his hometown....he's gotta take a contractworth about 12 mill. a year. A five year deal about 60 million. I know he'll never do it, and another team will offer him much more....but, that's it in my eyes.
  5. I don't disagree with you, but the politics is bullshit. We're six games over .500 and one of them deserved to represent the Hawks. Teams that have 11 wins don't deserve an all-star. Smoove or Horf should have been there... We're in the playoffs right now, we deserve one roster spot. Hell, I live in Ohio, but Kyrie trumping us is a PR move... The Cavs, as a team, 11 wins??? Dumb...
  6. The title of this thread isn't exactly accurate. He said "it's a devestation" that a Hawk didn't make the team when there are All-stars on teams that probably won't make the playoffs. He was speaking for Al too...
  7. Everyone on this board could coach a 23 year old Lebron to 55 wins. Just roll the ball out there and watch.... No thanks Mike Brown.
  8. Carpe Diem! Seize the day! I watch the Hawks because I want us to win, every game. I can't help it, this tanking bullshit is a cop-out. We tank this year and its not gonna matter if we get the 10th pick in the draft next year. I know we're not winning a title this year... But I'm rooting for this team to succeed. And if that means making the playoffs and losing in the first round, so be it. That's better than getting another lame ass draft pick. Hell, what's been our two best draft picks in the last decade? Smoove and Horf. And nobody wants them here anymore.
  9. If I was at the game, I'd take 5 seconds out of my life and stand and clap for him. I don't miss a minute of watching any Hawks games, and that's a commitment because I'm a fanatic. He was a big part of why we became somewhat relevant again. He deserves it, hate him or not.
  10. Nice!! Love that... Or something that Buckeye has freaking Joey Votto as my avatar cuz I'm too lazy to change it...
  11. Right. Lets get rid of the CP3 wishes. Never gonna happen. Back to the original topic, I don't think Teague is a good defender. I believe by choice... Dude is a freak athletically. There's nobody faster in the open court than him... And he's strong and big for a PG. it's a mindset for him. It's obviously a choice that he works harder offensively.
  12. I usually only post and read posts after wins because I can't take the "chicken little" threads that pop up. I can only take my 10,000 read that Josh Smith can't shoot thread. Dude is gonna be an all star and we wouldn't be a game and a half out of first place in the East without him.
  13. I'm always partial to past Hawks... But I just don't see where he'd get minutes. I'd rather see Korver, Morrow, Jenkins on the floor. I'd rather have Stevenson, just for defense and a better 3 point shooter. Chillz could get minutes on back to backs when Stevenson sits...but I don't think he would make a impact at all.
  14. I do think talent is the number one factor in the NBA for success... coaching is number two. Dealing with ego's, millionaires, and flying across the country for seven months?? Then trying to motivate and teach basketball? It takes a special mind.
  15. We have two PG's... Lou and Jeff are serviceable in this league. Both young and talented. CP3 is amazing, but I'd prefer our combo for money. We're 20-9. We don't need help in the backcourt. Love this team... And we're gonna get better
  16. If this teams continues to play well, and fight for home court in the playoffs.....if a final spot comes down between Horf and Smoove...For the love of GOD please let it be Smith. A few reasons: Horf's been there, won't give a rat's ass if he gets snubbed, just wants to win. JJ is no longer here and prolly got voted in 3 times because someone from the Hawks had to represent. Smoove feels like the leader of this team now, been screwed before, and the Hawks are still good! Just give Smith his due, because if he gets snubbed again... man, he'll try and prove himself more and this team doesn't need it.
  17. That's funny sh*t man... I love these threads
  18. Joe was forced to be a max player so we could stay status quo.... I bought into it because I didn't want to go through another 13-69 year. Now that's over, and we've moved on...So glad we could dump the salary... And don't you think Horf, Smoove, and Teague are happy? Joe may not have caused problems, but I guarantee he didn't build chemistry... Ego's rule in the NBA and I bet JJ's contract was hard to swallow....
  19. That's where I am, good post. I think the contract has an effect on why I don't care if he struggles... Then again, who would turn that cabbage down??? Not his fault, but glad he's not on our payroll...Speaking of, Avery Johnson is fired. 330 million payroll and only a 14-14 record will do that. Wow... Scapegoat. JJ is going to be getting a bunch of shit soon... And he's there 4 more years!!! Allan Houston on 'roids.... Ferry should get GM of the year just for that move...
  20. Yeah, I saw Chillz in street clothes on the bench for Brooklyn on X-mas. Fro as big as ever!!!It's not that I want JJ to fail, but when I see that he lays an egg in a game (seems like a reoccurring theme this year) I kinda crack a smile...I'm not sure why? I should want him to succeed... I guess it's just, if you're not a Hawk, then.... Lose.
  21. Is any body out there rooting for him to suck?? I loved the dude. "blah, blah, blah"... He did do wonders for the Hawks, and that's all I care about. That said, I love when Brooklyn loses, they got spanked tonight and JJ was 5-15... Continues to struggle, and I like it. I feel bad, but I don't. Weird...
  22. It's nice to see the "usual suspects" postings this thread... I check in myself everyday, but don't post much. I think we're all just sitting on our hands. I don't know about everyone, but I.m shocked that were 16-9 with this group. I was totally prepared to be a mediocre/almost bad team this year. We're not, and the Hawks are a surprise. I hope it lasts, but I'm pessimistic. And while I think we're good, the second round is the ceiling with this team.... But hell, that's what it's been the last 6 years... I love that we have so much money to play with and we don't suck... I guess that's my whole point.
  23. I live in Columbus, Ohio. I get your point, our crowds should be better. Kinda funny though, you have season tickets, but get to less than half the games. Isn't that the problem?
  24. Great post. I know it's early in the season, 4-4. But I think this home stand is going to play a pivotal role of where we're going as a team. Look at the teams were playing... We need to win most of these games. The Clips post the biggest challenge to me, but even so, it's winnable. We need to get off on the right foot and beat Orlando. They're depleted, no Dwight, we've won seven regular season games in a row vs. the Magic. I'd be very disappointed if this isn't a W.
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