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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I wish the best for Joe. He had a big hand in making us relevant again, by that I mean competitive. It's not his fault he's making the money he is. It's was the Hawks, and now the Nets' decisions. I will predict this, as long as he's in Brooklyn, which will probably be five more years..his all-star appearances will stay at six. He's not the one option anymore, the alpha -dog. There's nomore iso-Joe, no more the ball has to run through him. Hell, he's not even a second option, let alone first.It's DWill, Lopez...then Joe. He's going to revert back to the player pre-Hawks, when he was in Phoenix..spot up 3 point shooter. He's been to the FT line 4 times in almost in over 100 minutes played this year.I hope I'm wrong...and I know it's only the third game, but someone that makes that much money is goingto be expected to do much, much more...and I don't see it happening.
  2. I can't believe we won either... I was shocked when I looked at the score this morning. I'm not going to lie,I went to bed after the third quarter. I learned my lesson, kinda po'ed at myself for missing that ending.Luckily, I record all Hawks games so I can watch it later. I guess I need to re-train my brain that this is a new cast of characters. For the last few years, 90% of the timewe would have folded like a cheap tent and moved on to the next game being down like that.Kudos for us!! Great win!Off topic, but I was curious and I like to follow old Hawks. JJ - so far, 14 pts. 2.7 reb. 2 assists a game. Not an earth shattering start, and Brooklyn is 1-2 and got smashed last night. Marv - 10pts, 3 reb. Sound familiar? Although, I read he played really good D on Kobe last night.
  3. A cancer? Really.... We're two games into the season and just because we had a good win on the road without Smoove, he's a team killer?Funny things around here...if it that was Smoove putting up 23 pts. and 12 boards, instead of Horf??. Give him a max deal!!! Dude didn't even play and he's a cancer..... Dumb.
  4. I loved having Joe here, I think he did all he could to revitalize this team. The NBA season is a long one, and I've watched 95% of the regular season games as long as I can remember, and I appreciate the solid regular season's we've had recently. I just feel better when the Hawks win. That being said, I'm excited for next season even though I don't think we'll be very good. I haven't really "soaked in" all the new blood coming in, but I think we could be a 6,7,8 seed. I'm hoping for that anyway. Point being, I've enjoyed our guys the last half decade, but change was needed. They did all they could and would have done, and it was time to close the chapter on that group and start an new one. Yeah, 2012-13 means a lot to me just like every other season the Hawks play, I'll be watching.
  5. We also have the Warriors at home on the 29th. I think if we can finish this month with a winning record, 7-6, it would be a success.
  6. There's a reason he got the money he did... He lived up to it. JJ won the game tonight.
  7. Zaza isn't the one of the 20 worst players in the East. He just had a double-double the other night, and plays solid defense. He had a bad night...move on.
  8. CNNSI says it's not as bad as initially reported! YES!!! Hahahaha...Nice. Since I've come to grips with the injury, I found that to be funny.
  9. I understand the FT's, I do. I was screaming in my hands watching Teague miss those FT's. I know the goal is a gold trophy, and honestly, the team we have won't get there yet, but whatever. I just want the people on this board, after 8 games, this effed up season, not to mail it in already. I think we've held our own in this crazy start, even with the missed opportunities. We can still win a lot of games, and I think we will. That's the point, right?
  10. I'm glad the NBA is back and having our Hawks back, selfishly, makes my winter better. However, even though these guys are "professionals", and being paid money that's insane in a sport, or insane period, I'm going to be sympathetic considering the circumstances. We all know 9 games in 12 days. That's pretty intense...even for a pro. I can't imagine the travel then trying to play games. (Again, they're getting paid millions, but we don't think about that as fans while watching games). Point being, as fans on this site, were 5-3. We beat Miami with the studs, we lost to Miami in 3 OT's. We lost to Chicago after being up 19. We just won on the road after a 3 OT stressful game. Sad thing is, we could be 7-1 after playing 3 games against the two best teams in the East. I'll take 5-3 at this point and I'm looking forward to CHI tomorrow. 3 games in 3 nights. Let's consider the schedule now, teams they play, and the shortened season. This team can play... I'm not pushing the panic button.
  11. It's great Dolf! Thanks for the work! I don't get why people don't appreciate the time you put in.....
  12. I need to chime in on this, obviously, sorry it took so long. His athletic ability was on par with anyone playing the college game last season. He's every adjective you can find to describe an athlete. Problem is, if he's 6'6, like many of the draft reports say, than I'm nuts. He's not that tall...6'5 maybe, big maybe...with shoes. He's not a shooting guard. He can't create his own shot off the dribble at all. If he's making shots outside 15 feet, his feet must be set, and have time. His release is slow... I'll give him credit, he's a worker. His jump shot got so much better over the years, but its' still really not at the NBA level. He couldn't shoot at all when he first arrived at Ohio State. His size, lack of a consistent jumper, and thinking he is a (2) when he's actually a (3) is why he wasn't drafted. (Jon Diebler was our 2) That being said.. I love Lighty, and that's not the homer in me. He is the proverbial "glue guy". He plays his *ss off. Can guard anyone, anyone...(if he's tall enough!). Great in transition, only if going to the basket...he's not fading off for an open three in transition like a typical two, he's attacking the rim. Honestly, he reminds me of Mario West, with a better jump shot, if he's open. He's a smart player, has a motor that doesn't end, and gives everything for the team...Gotta love that
  13. I took the "hump" reference as to beating Orlando...
  14. Wow, this thread is full of hate... I don't understand why you consider Smoove our only go to player, but mad when's he's taking dumb shots....seems contradicting to me. Any teams go to player is going to take dumb shots...see D.Rose. I don't think Smoove is our number one option...
  15. There's a lot of grey area when defining a number one option. I'm not exactly sure what constitutes being labeled a number one option? Is it the teams best player? Is it the guy that averages the most points? Is it the most talented player? Clearly - LeBron, Wade, Kobe, Durant, Dirk, Rose fall into the category of a number one option. We're not getting any of those guys. Is Melo? How about Danny Granger, is he considered a number one option? I'm not exactly sure... I'm with Diesel. If we trade Joe, what talent are we going to get back that matches his? How are we going to get better if we lose him. I'm not talking salary relief, I'm talking on the court....
  16. I think Haslem is having a better series vs. the Bulls than Horf... I'll give you that. But let's remember something, Haslem is fresh. He hasn't played all year. Now he's getting a chance in the ECF with fresh legs. Of course he's going to bring more energy than guys that have 90+ games under their belt this year. But to answer the questing of the thread... Not a chance! Horf is much more talented, and he's still getting better.
  17. We wouldn't be be making the playoffs 4 years in a row if it wasn't for JJ. We get rid of him, we're getting rid of the all the progress we have made. Sure we payed too much, but ownership knew if we didn't get him back, we were going back to square one. JJ needs to be in Atlanta if we're going to continue the progress we've made. The roster needs to be changed, I agree....but not Joe.
  18. The Hinrich deal was a must. At the time, we had no clue about Teague, and there's no way we beat Orlando with Bibby. I agree we gave up too much for Hinrich, but we had no choice if we were going to have the run we did....
  19. To each his own. However, the Squawk appears to me to be a bunch of "lifers" in regards to the Hawks, at least the usual suspects that post frequently. I love basketball, but my interest in the NBA would decline SIGNIFICANTLY if it weren't for the Hawks. No one player, coach, GM, whatever would ever even put the idea in my head of jumping ship to another team, impossible. I couldn't do it if I tried. I'm not saying it's a good thing, the life of a Hawks fan is trying to say the least....but it is what it is and will always will be.
  20. Thanks for the link. I like optimism from an unlikely source....
  21. Saying Al Horford sucks is ridiculous. He had a bad series, granted, but the guy has talent. It's been proven in his track record as a NBA player. What I'm not reading on this board, is giving more credit to Chicago's defense. It was number one in the league for a reason, and last night they played the best D of the series. Nobody on the Hawks could get going, and in a large part, because of Chicago's D. Give credit where credit is due.
  22. The sting of last night still hurts, but I got to give it up to these guys. I was flying high after we beat Orlando, and stealing Game 1 vs. Chicago was amazing as a fan. It's the best I've felt supporting these guys in years. We exceeded expectations this post season and turned heads everywhere. Good season, roller coaster ride, sad it's over. Thanks Hawks. It's going to be a long time before we see the team again....I hope we're playing by Christmas.
  23. Congrats Horf! Great year! Now here comes the he doesn't deserve it because of recent play posts in 3,2,1.....
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