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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. When I read that I thought the same thing...Gotta think LD has said that a thousand times...
  2. http://www.cbssports.com/#!/nba/story/15054354/for-all-this-talent-smith-is-a-big-disappointment
  3. Me too! Forest Gump was top grossing movie. "The Sign" from Ace of Base was biggest hit....
  4. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/chris_mannix/05/09/bulls.hawks.game4/index.html?sct=hp_t2_a5&eref=sihp
  5. All valid points Nino...I wanna help: Joe Johnson is worth the money he got this past summer Smoove needs to be playing around the perimeter because he's a matchup problem Jamal Crawford is a better than average defender. Welcome Aboard!!
  6. Horf and Smoove, obviously, played way below their potential and what we're used to. JJ struggled at times, and Craws was, for the most part, non-existent. Yet, it's 77-71 late in the fourth. We were right there despite playing pretty bad. I know everyone is disappointed because we lost, but being 1-1 is all we could have asked for. The realistic goal when starting a playoff series on the road is to try and steal one, and we accomplished that. We all knew we weren't going to sweep the Bulls. The stars were aligned for the Bulls to win last night, yet we had a chance to win.
  7. I have the same feeling I did going into Game 5 last series. Gawd, I hope I'm wrong. We're going to have to outplay the crowd, the refs, and yeah, the Bulls.
  8. That is awesome!! haha...Nice Work!!
  9. Yet he's still playing major minutes. Why? Because he means that much to the team. He's going to keep doing what he's doing, and he's going to keep playing....so we might as well accept it and stop bitching about it and calling him names.
  10. He's not an idiot. That's insulting. Just because someone plays a game differently than others want him to play, doesn't make him an idiot. It makes him a coaches headache. That's what Josh is. Just like we deal with headaches, LD deals with Josh. He's a major part of this team, and we're doing pretty well right now. The 3-11 shooting last night was bad, but he made plays in the 4th that got us a big win. Isn't that part of the bigger picture?
  11. Yes, it is a great feeling. I wish and hope it will last. It's funny, let's face it, there are not a lot of "true" Hawks fans that lose days off their lives because of these guys. My situation is unique...live in Columbus, OH, and have the pleasure to teach English to high school kids in a small, rural, school district. Walking down the halls and hearing students and colleagues constantly saying "Wow, how bout them Hawks", and hearing "Geez, what's up with Atlanta?" makes being a lifelong fan so cool! Sure my office is decorated with Hawks garb, it's obvious...but tasting a little success as a fan is awesome. Keep it up guys!
  12. I've seen Teague being interviewed a few different times, and this one was by far his best. Calm, composed. I'm guessing the big win on the road vs. #1 and him playing huge minutes had a major impact....doesn't matter. He seemed confident, a good sign...
  13. Looking towards the future, but nice work ATL PR....good stuff. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/2011/news/story?id=6467089
  14. That's been the broken record theme for over a half decade now....Smoove is Smoove. Take him for what he is. Saying that, he is a major part of this team, obviously, so he needs to contribute. Rebound, good defense, get out in transition, and block a few shots.
  15. Haha..yeah! It's hard for him to get on the court in the regular season vs. some scrubs. It's hard telling what his blood pressure is showing right now. I really hope these vets, and I do call them vets - 3 years now in the 2nd round - have in mind to help him. Granted it's been ugly, but someone needs to step. Teague will be extremely anxious, I hope it turns into positive energy.
  16. Twin is a notoriously bad rebounder. I don't think starting him increases our chances on the boards....
  17. It's a very good approach, and it could work. LD needs to evaluate the minutes who's guarding Rose because our match-ups with the rest of the bulls are favorable. Call me crazy, but we match up with the Bulls better than the other two teams left in the East. While I would love to have Kirk, not happening. Damien, Teague, and Joe or Marv could give us solid minutes on him. We're not going to flourish if Jamal is guarding Rose the majority..unless he's getting a few 4 pt. plays.
  18. Jamal is going to play the point, IMO 20+ minutes if Kirk is out. It just all depends if he's making shots. He needs to offset his defense with his offense, obviously. He can't get big minutes guarding Rose if he's not making shots.
  19. I'm looking at the glass half full and since it's Friday, there's time. While chances are slim he'll play game one Monday, I'm hoping. Teague is going to play. He has to. I think he should grab the bull by the horns (pun intended) and run with it. Look, we have enough scorers, he doesn't need to worry about offense. What he can do, and should do, and be told to do, is bust his *ss guarding D. Rose. He's athletic enough to hang with Rose, that should be all of his focus. If Jamal is guarding Rose since Kirk is out, Rose will be licking his chops. LD needs to pull Teague aside and tell him his role, with Kirk out, is to be the stink on shi*. Easier said than done.
  20. Just another national media writer that doesn't know much about the Hawks. If he did, he would know that Collins will not be starting. Silly.... Twin may get the nod early in the series, strictly on his effort and defense on Dwight...However his minutes will be cut in half, to be favorable.
  21. OMG Dolf....YUCK. Ugh...I wish I hadn't looked. :idhitit:
  22. I stand up during free throws. And I always walk my dogs during halftime.
  23. I support LD, just like I supported Woody. However, the decision of the defensive philosophy vs. Orlando had to be a group decision. Sund brought in more big bodies to combat this series, and Twin got in better shape. Good motivation for Twin, get in shape and you'll play. I do agree that this team was sleep walking post all-star game waiting for this chance...so far, so good. I'll reserve judgement on LD after the season is over.
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