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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I don't want to see a game 6. That puts all the pressure on us, and godforbid, we lose that and have to go back after being up 3-1? No thanks. Survive and advance always.
  2. Yup. He's just not playing. And it's the matchups. Marvin got a couple good defensive boards down the stretch last night, they were at an important time. I'm not saying he needs more time because of a couple of rebounds, but it's not like he's a liability during this series.
  3. Interesting thread. I just want us to win the series. We have work left.
  4. The thing with Smoove is, he's going to keep taking those shots, we all know it. Sooner or later, hopefully, sooner, he's going to hit a few in a row. He'll make a couple three's and we'll be singing his praises. It's just the player he is, and will always be. Good or bad, he's important to the success of this team. I've accepted he is who he is...
  5. I agree. It might not have been the best "D", but he was working hard. The effort was there for sure.
  6. I'm sure there was some contact. With that noggin, it's hard for Zaza to nod his head without causing concern.... I think Zaza was the instigator in all this, I mean, Dwight did throw a cheap shot, but as far as J Rich....all Za. But I'm ok with it, that's what he gets paid to do. I like it. We just need our bigs to step up, let's face it, Zaza had a helluva game vs. Dwight.
  7. Couldn't be much more than buying an Albino Harry the Hawk costume...That ish was funny!
  8. I think it shows that Orlando, flat out, doesn't respect us. With Jameer blabbering about seeing Rose in the next round, and now this...no respect. I guess they have a right to that mindset after last year....punks
  9. I think the fact that it's the playoffs, the house will be full. Plus winning game one, and it's a Friday night, our fans will show...But I'm with you as far as being confident on our home court. I'm hoping those blowouts were just lack of energy and effort. I haven't seen that in the first two games in Orlando.
  10. I don't see how it couldn't. I think even getting to second round regardless of what happens, he's fine. After only one year, and if the Hawks beat the team that embarrassed us a year ago...?? No way they fire him.
  11. Absolutely a zero percent chance Larry Drew gets fired if we beat Orlando in the first round. Zero. A first year head coach, one year in, beats the team that beat us in record fashion a year ago. Then we fire him?? Not gonna happen, nor should it.
  12. My big concern is that we are feeling content winning game one...and our intensity/effort will be lacking. I'm sure the coaches preached we need to steal one of the first two on the road - mission accomplished. Now what's our mindset? I'm fearful of the Magic jumping on us early, and we fold. Obviously, I hope this doesn't happen and we bring the energy we saw in game one. But this bunch had some ugly losses this year, blow out losses. We'll see, I can't wait...one of the most anticipated Hawks games for me in a long time.
  13. The one and only good thing about this spread out playoff format is the ability to rest nagging injuries. We don't play again until Friday, so if he can play, he will. Then rest for three days...
  14. I agree with this. They're best friends, best man at Smoove's wedding. That's competition on whole different level.
  15. Last year was last year, it's over. Sure it was frustrating and embarrassing, but it's done. This Magic team isn't the same team that dismantled us. Hedo and J-Rich are not VC and Rashard. It's a whole different dynamic and a totally different team. They're not the same Magic of old...
  16. This thread is pathetic....
  17. It's not about your comfort zone, it's about her's! Make it memorable for her. Does she even like the Hawks? lol Good luck and congrats!
  18. That sums it up for me. This group is frustrating, no doubt about that. However, I've come accustomed to being frustrated being a Hawks fan, it's always been that way, it seems. Yet, i still watch every game and root like mad to get victories. This particular bunch is talented, there's no doubt about that...but we're so annoyed because they're not reaching the potential as a team and utilizing their individual strengths. Is it coaching? Possibly. Is it lack of heart? Maybe. Who knows? Whatever it is, it gives us stuff to type about.
  19. Sit em'. The season is long enough. Besides, I don't want to hear fatigue as a factor to why we get knocked out of the playoffs.
  20. I feel it was a statement game to the guys wearing the Hawks uniforms. They needed something to build on heading into the playoffs, and beating Orlando had to do wonders for their confidence in each other. Likewise, I think Boston tomorrow is the same thing, same mindset for our guys.
  21. plus one here. I think you have to consider the opposing team's game plan when they face the Hawks. I don't know for sure, but it appears to me stopping Joe is the main objective for all opposing teams. Labeling our best player is so subjective, it's hard to really pinpoint such a thing. Personally, if I had to keep one Hawk and start all over (don't want that, being hypothetical) I would keep Al. But that doesn't mean I think he's our most important/best player....I think Joe answers the ? of the thread.
  22. It's a four quarter game, so they had a bad quarter. Didn't matter in the end this time, and we just beat the team we're going to face in the playoffs. Gotta do wonders for our confidence heading down the stretch.. Nice work Hawks!
  23. C'mon guys, geeze.... We've seen some of these teams lose to a lesser quality club than us, very recently. We've clinched a playoff spot, that is pressure relief, and we've won two in a row...I'm saying 2-2 and the optimist and homer in myself 3-1. Have some faith we might turn some heads heading into the playoffs.
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