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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. It's not like he has nagging injuries...like a bad back or losing his knees. Dude jammed his thumb.
  2. With our recent struggles, and who knows about JJ's thumb? However, there needs to be a thread congratulating our guys. Another playoff birth! We're in, no matter what. I'm happy about that. Go Hawks, and I'm proud we're still fighting! Congratulations!
  3. JJ talks in circles. He says that "everyone knows their role" in this article. Yet the other day he says "we don't know who's taking the shots the last 5 minutes" WTF? man...that doesn't jive...
  4. Ahhhh...it will be moot. We're going to win. Someone will go off, and put up a monster game...then the board will slob his knob and we'll be playing in the ECF. Then we play our next game and lose by 25. Rinse and repeat.
  5. buckeye242424

    Bad Beats

    I don't wanna continue, I think you hit the nail by saying it's "not pretty". I read the Squawk' everyday, and in my five years plus, I've never had such a negative vibe from the die-hards as I do now. Nothing against your post AHF, you're dead on and the proof is in the pudding. Although, sitting here 40-31 and we're down the toilet is depressing. Everyone has valid points. Coaching, heart, our fan base at home games...it's all true and it saddens me. I'm going to continue to support the Hawks, because I always have...but last night really slapped me in face. Not that I didn't see it coming, but that was the icing for me. I'll be pulling for us vs. Philly tonight, but if we win, I'm not going to blinded from the big picture. The stars are not aligned for us, and there's not one glaring problem. We have a bunch,of problems, and, simply, it sucks.
  6. Completely unrealistic. The guy is human...
  7. It's hard for me to call the guy selfish when the decision wasn't purely his. His entire "camp" was pushing for a max deal...I'm sure his agent surely was, and he was the one negotiating the deal. I also believe that he would have gotten a max deal offer from another team. He was going to get paid that kind of money wherever he landed. I'm not disagreeing with you on how this contract has crippled us moving forward though.
  8. LOL...kinda funny (but true) reading that when it's a home game!!
  9. Following a Wednesday MRI, Josh Smith remains day-to-day with a sprained right knee. Now that we know there is no structural or ligament damage, owners can breathe a sigh of relief. It doesn't mean that Smith will definitely play on Friday, but there is a chance. We'll know more after Thursday's practice. This is from rotoworld per Hawks on Twitter... Good news.
  10. Deron to the Nets for D. Harris and Favors....might be some picks in there, but that's the meat of the trade. Damn, the East just keeps getting better and better. Utah is gonna have to get rid of a big, they're not going to keep Milsap, Jefferson, and Favors. Ooopss..sorry guys...already posted. My fault.
  11. That quote does rub me the wrong way, I will admit, and I'm a JJ supporter. He is supposed to be our leader, our backbone, our captain....and he's saying "I don't know what to do?" Well, the first thing to do is not give quotes like that.... He's, more or less, waving the white flag in our faces.
  12. Really? This is what the Squawk has come to? Personal shots to one of our better players that we as, supposedly , the die hard fans are supposed to support? Lame...
  13. I think it's a more question of character than stats. Horf is a proven winner, see Florida. His attitude, work ethic, and leadership make him a much more valuable player compared to a player that doesn't have those intangibles with similar numbers.
  14. I don't see the Cavs passing up the Hawks next year, unless they make huge moves. The draft class this year doesn't have the one guy that can turn a team around on his own.
  15. C'mon guys, it's been over a half a decade we've been watching/listening/reading Joe Johnson. He doesn't want the limelight, the camera in his face, the interviews. It's just who he is, and just because he's broken the bank, twice, doesn't give us reason to critique him more. He's paid to play basketball, and he does it pretty damn well....especially for the Atlanta Hawks.
  16. I agree. We should be thankful we have two voted All-Star's, considering the circumstances. I'm a big fan of what Smoove brings to this team, and should be rewarded as much....but I'm a homer. Congrats to Al and JJ. Very deserving.
  17. With 7 out of the12 roster spots being a Heat or Celtic, I think we're fortunate we got two all-star's. It's a joke, but we're in the half glass full scenario. Congrats to Al and JJ, they both deserve it with our team and track record. Smoove lost to politics once again...FOUR Celtics (Reserves)!! bullsh*t....
  18. SI.com writer doing his "mid-season high's and low's" and our young point guard is the biggest disappointment in the NBA so far this year. I know it's only one man's opinion, but I think that's a tad harsh. BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT Jeff Teague Think Hawks coach Larry Drew wants to be burning Mike Bibby for 30 minutes a night? Think again. Drew had high hopes coming into the season that the speedy Teague could win the starter's job or at least claim a regular spot in the rotation. Instead, the second-year guard has been a fixture on the bench, averaging just 11.6 minutes. Atlanta has been a graveyard for young point guards since that fateful day in 2005 when the Hawks chose Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and Deron Williams, with Salim Stoudamire and Acie Law (along with the more experienced Speedy Claxton) each failing auditions. Soon, Teague may join that list. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/chris_mannix/01/19/midseason.superlatives/index.html#ixzz1BbM06tdq
  19. At least in this version on mid-season grades, dude realizes we've changed our defense.... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/britt_robson/01/19/midseason.grades/index.html?eref=sihp
  20. I agree. I think he's showing ownership and Sund just how important he is to this current team. When we us the word "core" as we so often do in regards to these guys, it's time to include Jamal. I hope we find a way to keep this guy around.
  21. I don't think we will be making any trades, or significant ones for that matter, anytime soon. As everyone knows, for years now we've been, and are, committed to our "core". Here we are sitting nicely at 25-14 and fighting for home court. The teams ahead of us are all really talented, and we're hanging in there record wise. I looked at our next 15-16 games, and a dozen of those games are against teams with losing records. In our GM and owners eyes, why fix it if it ain't broke? We'll continue to win, and march towards another successful regular season...but the playoffs loom, and we still have the same team we had vs. Orlando last year....
  22. Better ownership. Better scouts. Better players. And Popovich....
  23. Placing Horf at his natural position is also a plus moving Smoove to the 3. Horf has expressed that's where he wants to play, and the dude has been our unquestioned leader since JJ's injury.
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