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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. We just looked like a different team. Same faces, different team. Just witnessing MOVEMENT and back door lay-ups....we've been pining for this for years. I don't think it's overreaction, we're all just giddy.
  2. Marvin is going to benefit from the new offense as much as anyone. He had 15 points, but only took 6 shots, and made 5 of them. I think as it becomes easier for everyone, Marvin will get more looks. Despite the stats, I was more impressed with him on the other end. I've always thought he was our best on the ball defender, and he showed it. He locked down Rudy Gay! Loved his play defensively.
  3. That prediction makes me depressed... If the Hawks don't make the playoffs this year (barring significant injuries, which always is an X factor), going into next year that means Craws is gone, Horford is gone (if we don't get something done really quickly coming up), and JJ's will be the worst contract ever signed. The Hawks are way too talented to not make the playoffs in the East....doesn't matter who is the coach. Unless LD's changes completely disrupt our team, a coach could just roll the ball out to our guys and tell them to go play and we should be a top 8 team.
  4. Champ: Lakers MVP: Durant ROTY: Wall Coach of the Year: Sloan Defensive POY: Howard 6th Man: Barbosa MIP: Jrue Holiday Celtics, Heat, Bulls Lakers, Thunder, Spurs
  5. I agree with this and, most if not all of us, agree that Smoove shouldn't be shooting much at all...but some of the game is getting through to him, at least last year. The fact the much ballyhooed 3 pointers were almost non-existent last year shows growth. The fact he was the biggest all-star snub last year has to carry some water in his head. It's not rocket science for him to figure out that his game, stats, and reputation were raised all over the NBA when he took that aspect out his game was beneficial. I'm hoping the lack of understanding a new offense so soon is a direct coorelation to him jacking up shots. My fingers are crossed that once these 180 degree changes to the offense become natural, he'll shine...Dude is so talented, we have to keep hoping.
  6. It might be premature to say that he is regressing under Drew because he hasn't played a game that means anything yet....but, I can see the concern. I'm hoping it's just a learning curve in changing what you've been doing over the last 6 years, and perhaps Smoove's basketball knowledge isn't as advanced as JJ's or Horf's, and it's going to take Smoove longer to get comfortable. As far as the jump shooting and reverting back to old habits, LD stated (in the most recent AJC article) that he is still preaching to Smoove to avoid taking bad shots....so much that Smoove "snarled" at him during the Miami game. I can see those two butting heads, it's a definite concern.
  7. I'm concerned. Just read a piece written by M. Bradley for AJC, and the gist of it was there's no "buzz" so close to the season. And I completely agree. Something is off...there is no buzz, no feeling of excitement going into the season. And I think the players are feeling it too. Quote from Craws: “Everyone has an opinion [as to how these Hawks will fare],” Crawford said, speaking after Wednesday’s practice. “It remains to be seen. We’ve got a whole new offense, a whole new system. I hope we’ll be able to take the next step. But you never know.” "But you never know." Not sure about you guys, but that doesn't sound optimistic at all. I'm concerned. Back to the original post... I think it's going to take time, and hopefully we'll get better at the motion offense. But there will be growing pains. It's a complete 180 from what we've done in the past, so it's going to take time, and we'll take our lumps. The first 10 possessions vs. Orlando were awful...all jumpshots, no post play, no penetration....
  8. Yes. And we need to treat this game as such. Right now, seeing the "new offense", we could be in for a rough early season. The team is trying, looks like they are running what the coaches have been preaching, but it's a complete 180 for what they've done the last 6 years. Just in the first 10 possessions, not one shot in the post/paint. We move the ball, but we end up going iso in the end. I get it's early, pre-season, what have you....but we have alot of work and learning to go. We look like a fish outta water offensively....This change is so extreme, we're gonna pay early on.
  9. Ha! Good observation. Never realized...
  10. I thought he signed a 3 year, 9 million dollar deal prior to the beginning of last year?? If not, I'm wrong. I'm just saying, he's not going anywhere, he's under contract....he still can help the team in one way or the other.
  11. I don't look at it as being "stuck" with Bibby. Though I agree with everyone, that he's an obvious liability on D, and his athleticism is gone...he can still help us. And, he's not killing us financially. 3 million per isn't going to break the bank. Despite not being a captain, I still believe he's a leader on our team. I believe he is a strong locker room voice...I think LD chose to not make him captain because his minutes are going to be cut so much. He can still shoot, still lead....
  12. Nice to read that our star didn't take the 120 million and decide to take the summer off....Joe has always been in good shape, but it's encouraging to know he didn't get fat and happy celebrating his riches.
  13. Interesting hypothetical question. I think Kobe would beat everyone. He can do anything offensively, and no one can quard him one-on-one. JJ vs. LeBron would be interesting. I think JJ would beat LeBron if there we're rules in place...such as you only get 6 dribbles to try and create your score. My highschool coach had this rule, one, to speed the game up, and two, so bigger guys couldn't just turn around and back guys down while pounding the ball. JJ has had so mauch practice playing one-on-one that he is able to create for himself and/or just pull and shoot over people. If LeBron wasn't allowed to take JJ down low everytime, I think JJ would beat him.
  14. He must be getting some bad advice, if he wants 10 mill. Not calling you wrong, but if his posse is thinking - after investing the farm to JJ, and wanting to sign Horf (which has to be priority #1 after Johnson) they're getting big bucks, they're way off base... Craws best move is to play this year similar to the effort he gave last year and see where we stand record wise come the new year. If we're struggling, but he produces, he'll get paid. If we're in the mix" and a team wants to trade players to dump $$$, playing well, he'll get paid. The worst thing he could do, at his age, is sulk and not give effort and play the way he still can.
  15. I don't think it's true. Although I hope it is, I can't find it anywhere.
  16. http://nba-facts-and-rumors.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/22748484/24896353 “I wasn’t close to not coming or anything but it was hard to get on that plane and come here,” Crawford told the media in Atlanta. “It really was. Because I’m in a weird space. I waited 10 years to get here, helping my team to one of the best home records in the league, snagging home court advantage and making the playoffs for the first time while helping the team to one of the best records in franchise history. It’s hard to be a part of all that and then feel like you are not a part of the future. But I’m a professional. And I need to make this clear, I want to be here, I want to be an Atlanta Hawk. If I’m not a part of the plan going forward, then that’s a conversation we need to have later.” Sounds like the professional that he is...
  17. Looks like a lot more than 10lbs lost! Just look at his head/face..
  18. That's a dumb statement by Webber, us not making the playoffs. Granted, with better teams, we may slide, but we're still a top 8 team in the East when healthy. I didn't like the article because of the 15 times he mentioned Joe's contract, and the adjectives he used to describe the deal JJ got. This is the same guy...that if we let JJ go, would say how stupid we were to let our all-star, best player go, after all the progress we've made. Either way, he would find a way to bash the Hawks...
  19. I'm looking at the glass half full in regards to LD. However, I'm a realist, and I don't think our habits and tendencies from the last 6 years under Woody are just going to disappear. For us, as fans, to believe that one training camp, and 2.5 weeks before our first pre-season game, we're going to transform in to a totally different team is not gonna happen. It's going to be a process to grind through, if LD is sincere about reconstructing this team. In the meantime, we're going to continue to see heavy iso Joe. I think our defense will struggle early because of the change from switching (we'll look confused and revert to old habits). Although, it's a long season, and we'll evolve into the new regime (I hope). IMO, though, until the Holidays, we're gonna have to win on talent alone, like last year, and take our lumps at the same time....
  20. It's a feel good article, and Drew has said all the right things thusfar. Getting more physical, getting some movement on offense, and being held accountable for the play on the court. The latter being the most intriguing to me. I don't think Woody addressed the "team" concept from a head coaching perspective as much as he should...However, I think we have upgraded our front court DEPTH, but not so much TALENT. Etan is an upgrade over Morris, but not to the level where we all wanna be.. Collins lost weight, and that's good, but is he gonna "really" contribute? Josh Powell, ok, nice pick up, for depth. Good mid range jumper, alright.... Zaza is Zaza.... I know I'm coming off negative, because I know there's not a lot of true centers out there, and the ones that are, are not available. I just hope adding depth, more fouls, and more physical play is the right move. Maybe it was our only move. I dunno.
  21. 47-35. East is much better, well documented. We'll be a playoff team, but I think a 6,7,8 seed.
  22. I gotta call BS on that. It says next to his name UNCONFIRMED. Fiction
  23. Really?? Is that for real...or just a joke about those three painting their eyebrows on....
  24. Aaahhh. Horford isn't annoying. He's only speaking the truth, he does need help! I think he wants the Hawks to be contenders, just like us, and doesn't this board explode with we need another center?
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