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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I think you answered your own question. I don't want to hate on the dude, because, like you mentioned, he's responsible for much of the current team. But that doesn't mean he was good at his job. I didn't, and don't like the philosophy of running five 6'9 guys out on the floor. I think he was forced out, and at the time, it was either he or Woody. I think BK wanted to can Woody, but ownership wanted him around because we we're improving and he was cheap....
  2. Absoutely. McGrady or Stackhouse would be an upgrade over Mo overall, IMO. Mo is better defensively, obviously...but it would be worth it to me to try and go after one of those guys.
  3. I think having a core of JJ, Smoove, and Horf -with Craws- (albeit healthy) gets us to the playoffs consistently. That's three all-stars, two of which are getting better. Now once we get there...another thing.
  4. I think getting Shaq would have done more good than harm, past the locker room and court as well. But whaddya do? This chemistry thing go me thinking...gotta start with Larry Drew. The way it sounded to me, a major part of Drew's role was to play "good cop" to Woody's "bad cop". LD, for six years, heard all the bitching and moaning from the players. He knows what their beefs are, both with our old head coach, and with each other. He's in the right position now to fix these issues. He knows where the chemistry issues are on this team. (I think the major one is getting the ball out of Joe's hands 99% of the time on offense).
  5. Not too bad...but there are some holes. We need more depth in the front court. Though I'm a fan of Za, his toughness, I don't think he's the only answer backing up Horf, who shouldn't be playing center anyway. After Smoove and Horf, there's not much there I see... SF is also in need of a boost. Marvin is an adequate player, and we could slide Joe over there as well. But Mo Evans has not showed me much that suggests he should be playing big minutes....
  6. Oh...guess 124 million is sitting a little sour?? Why is he busting his *ss to score 70 points in a pick-up game?
  7. I'm curious to know if anyone finds Daniel Tosh as hilarious as I do? His comedy and his writers push the limit as being stereotypical, almost racist...but the show makes me laugh, alot. Am I a bad person? Comedy Central walks the line, but the show gets away with it. People say he ripped off "Talk Soup", which is prolly true, but he's done it a PLUS ONE.
  8. I think it's the 6 inches between the ears. Either he lost confidence in his FT's, or he stopping practicing them...my belief it's not the latter. When you have your own fans, hometown fans, yelling "NOOO!!" everytime you have the ball outside the 3pt. line or even 18 feet away, the confidence shooting anything outside the paint has to be tainted. Even free throw's. He's under the impression that he can't shoot. The stats suggest that, obviously. But FT's, he's been doing that since he started playing basketball? I think it's mental. He's got a little Nick Anderson in him, not as severe, but it's in his head.
  9. I knew about Dwight, but not Rajon. Smoove has all kinds of talented friends!...best C on the planet, top 5 PG in the league...that's cool.
  10. Hmmm. Not only was D.Howard his best man...Rajon Rondo was in his wedding party. Interesting....
  11. I don't think it is, or will, ruin the league. Miami has set the bar, now, I see a lot of organizations follwing suit. Likewise, I see a lot of players trying to join forces with other stars, similar to the CP3 rumblings. Paul and Howard would be close to a "superteam". Point is, the way the league is currenly constructed, if it's in the rules to be able to sign a Bosh, Wade, Bron trifecta, then so be it and I'd expect others to follow. My main concern with "superteams" being constructed, is the geographical location of teams or the historical teams, like Boston, reeling in all the players. Miami, LA, Orlando, NY...that's where they will be formed. Not Philly, ort Milwaukee...or (gulp) Atlanta.
  12. Notice he complimented his boy Smoove in that blurb.... I couldn't imagine a team like that...I'm not gonna lie, that made me chub up a little...
  13. I'll agree that Will Smith did not do himself any favors with what he said on Oprah. I like Howard too, and Smith gave him all kinds of material to work with. Adam Sandler, though, I diagree. I will concede that since he's gotten older, his comedy has lost it's luster because it is immature. But I thought "Funny People" was very underrated, and he showed some acting (not comedy) abilites in "Punch Drunk Love". His early stuff, the Happy's, the Billy's, Saturday Night Live, and his audio CD's, specifically "What the Hell Happened to me" are hilarious. At the time, it was genious.
  14. He's so poor.... he can't put his two cents into this conversation.
  15. He seems he dwarfs other players to me, maybe KB is correct, its his limbs. , Why do they measure without shoes anyway? Nobody plays without shoes. That's dumb.
  16. Dwight Howard is not 6'9. Not a chance in hell....
  17. Ahhh...even better. Make it a "Champions Tour"....Shaq, Rasheed, Ben Wallace, PJ Brown, Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley...
  18. How bout Rasheed Wallace at PF? It is a cool idea....
  19. I'm not undervaluing Smoove, I agree with his impact. However, I think you may be undervaluing Horf. He's no slouch on either end...rebounding, playing out of position - guarding players he shouldn't have to nightly...
  20. Interesting take...but, I can't see Shaq or T-Mac being willing to play and being pumped to ball in Bismarck, North Dakota.
  21. Wow. Impressive! Congratulations Mule!
  22. But if old man Billups, or Westbrook, and/or Stephon Curry are representing us, can anyone defend the perimeter? There's not a lot better than J. Smith! I'd take my chances with Smoove.
  23. This is what Smoove does! Why I posed the question in the first place....Smoove is better defensively than Iggy, IMO.
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