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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I agree. It does...way to go Hawks. I was being optimistic, haha
  2. I'm not sure why. Didn't we sign him last year to bang Dwight in the playoffs? That didn't happen. Hopefully he's insurance if Shaq gets hurt!
  3. Gotcha. Wasn't aware of that, but it makes sense...thx
  4. I know it's just one man's opinion, but if he's semi-accurate http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/chris_mannix/07/29/usa.predictions/index.html?eref=sihp Did Smoove get invited to try out? Did he get cut? I'm puzzled why Smoove isn't on the team or being considered. Why? The lack of front court depth on the National Team is apparent, but no Smoove, no second team all-NBA defensive player? Chandler, Love, Iggy, Lopez, Odom, Gay....? No Josh Smith??
  5. Off topic...Though I agree that it's created a buzz....Poor Carson Palmer. Ochocinco, TO, and Antonio Bryant on the same team? Really? Palmer is going to have to play psychiatrist.
  6. I think Shaq would bring something to this francise. He's not going to sign here unless he sees some potential of doing something special, and he would lead accordingly. If we do bring him in, slowly but surely, we're putting some solid vets Bibby, Shaq, Craws mixed in with our early 20 something's and 4 time all star.
  7. That is misleading, in a way. I think LeBron is closer to 6'9 260, damn Karl Malone running the point. JJ might appear to have a similar body, but he's not faster or quicker. Let's not even go there with the hops...They may have similar bodies, but they don't compare as athletes. LeBron is a freak.
  8. I'll chime in. All I know is I'm going to like seeing Joe Johnson walking out on the floor with Smoove and Horf this fall. We're a playoff team, again, if we stay healthy...and then who knows what happens? I think knowing we won't be a bottom feeder in November trumps what is going to happen in 2014 with Joe Johnson. Cross that bridge when it comes and be happy we got our yearly all star back.
  9. That sure looks like a menage et trois to me....but Jamal looks a little too innocent to me for that, call me crazy...
  10. Yes, I did. Kid had a terrible childhood, and lived in the sewers of Columbus. I feel sour badmouthing him...I hope Crawful is right about his talent.
  11. He's lazy, doesn't work hard. I wouldn't label his athleticism as "tremendous" either. He moves well for a 7 footer, but that's it. He didn't start his one year at Ohio State, and the fact he is such a bad rebounder, for his size, was puzzling.
  12. Yup. Class act. Born leader. Brings his game every night. Improves every year. Now that he has the 15-18 ft. jumper, the sky's the limit. He needs to being playing PF though. This is year four of him playing center, and that's a shame. I know Smoove is the main reason why, but still. Horf shouldn't be banging with the "real" bigs night in and night out like he does.
  13. Didn't we ink him for 5 years a summer or two ago? That's not going to affect Horf next summer. Now when Smoove becomes a FA again, a long way away, I get it...but so much can happen by then...Re-signing Horf is priority number one, in my mind.
  14. I think it would be a shame to lose Craws to keep Marvin, and if it plays out that way, I would be disappointed. However, to call Marvin a "cancer" is way off. He does not kill our team. Especially as a teammate. If anything, I think Marvin tries too hard to be a "team" first guy. I think he tries to make everyone else around him happy instead of being more selfish. I'm sure he's not a problem in the locker room either. Marvin is an average SF. He will never live up to the expectations and his draft pick, but he doesn't kill us when he's on the floor. Nothing great, but nothing horrible either....
  15. I hope, and I like your optimism. While I do agree Teague will get more minutes having a year under his belt and Bibby continuing to deteriorate, I'm not sure about Crawford. Replying to the thread, there's a future with Crawford being a point guard if that's the direction the organization wants to go, but that transformation won't happen this year. He's a natural 2 guard, and we drafted him as such. He's going to be playing behind Joe and Craws, for the most part. I don't see him getting many minutes unless he proves to LD that he just can't keep him off the floor...which might be asking too much playing behind an all-star and the 6th man of the year.
  16. We're not dumping JJ. At the very least, we've stayed pat to be a solid playoff team. Stupid post..
  17. This is the only match-up, that in the long run, wouldn't be exposed...
  18. I think there's pressure on the Hawks, for once. I mean, the last few years of success, we were still "young and athletic" and playing past our means, so to speak. No more of that talk. New coach to instill an offense. Pressure. JJ getting a crazy deal, he has to play, period = pressure. Al Horford trying to back up an all-star year, that's hard to do is pressure. Smoove trying to prove his all-star snub wasn't a fluke, and getting his first bid is going to be tough to match. Teague bidding for his worth will bring out the best in him... I don't see a lot of fall off from 2010 because we have a lot to prove as indiduals, and that will produce wins. It's the playoffs where we need to step it up...
  19. I don't see the Spurs wanting to get older. I think Atlanta is a great possibilty, if the money is right. We're gonna have to offer more than the MLE, for him to sign here. Is it worth it? I think so, just from gate and jersey sales. Even though he's 38, people will buy his garb,,,,
  20. Q. There has been lots of criticism from media and fans around the league about your contract. Have you seen or heard it? A. “Naw. Uh-uh.” Q. There are lots of people saying it’s a bad deal for the Hawks. Does that bother you? A. “There is nothing I can do. You have got to deal with it. You deal with the bad Fan of Joe, but this didn't sound promising to me. Seriously, how could you not hear the criticism? "You deal with the bad"...what's that?
  21. He got the money, kudos to him...I hope he thinks we can win a ring. I'm happier with him signed, If he jumped ship for the Bulls or Knicks, it would be panic mode here.
  22. It's easy, Miami takes the place of Cleveland as the best team in the East. They get the number one seed. We have no reason to think we cant be the three seed again...Hell, the SE could produce Miami, Orlando, Atlanta as 1-2-3...
  23. I see some chemistry issues early on...but they'll figure it out as the season goes on. LeBron will evenually turn into the Magic from the 80's and distribute, then score when he needs to, The Cavs won 60 plus games with LeBron alone...It's scary to think how good Miami will be come playoffs, it's a mini all-star team!
  24. This whole thing is a debacle.... I supported LeBron not even being a fan of him or his team, I was wrong. I'm ashamed....how this all went down, I can't believe it...
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