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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I agree. Horf is going to demand more money than Smoove's situation awile back. I don't think 50-60 million gets him to sign. Nothing is going to happen with him until this time next year. In an earlier thread, Horf is quoted as saying he doesn't know...which is the right answer. We can pretty much let 2010-2011 season go forward...and not worry about this and speculate. I don't see an extension happening now, I would be ecstatic if it did, but Horf and his camp will let this all play out after next season.
  2. Broken record here I'm sure, but I would like to see Marvin in a offense where he's not stuck in the corner watching Joe and iso ball. He would be so much more effective on the offensive end if we could run him off some screens and get him more 18 ft. looks.
  3. Huh? 7th? First off, I think you're missing a team. What have the Bulls done to make themselves better this off-season to make you believe they're better than the Hawks going into next year? We just beat the Bucks in a series, and don't give me the Bogut argument. He was healthy the majority of the year. and they achieved a 6 seed to our 3.
  4. I would prefer the King to stay a Cav. Simply put, I dont' want to see Wade, Bosh, and LeBron on the same floor, scary. Sure, I can see chemistry issues early on, and the rest of the team might be a bunch of scrubs, but it's the NBA, every player is good. IMO, let's hope LeBron stays in Ohio...
  5. Player B is a walking triple double when his head is on straight. Player B is a hometown guy that is one of the most athletic, if not THE most athletic, player in the NBA. It's difficult to choose who I'd rather have, because, like you've stated, Player A is everything. Player A is what I would want if I was Larry Drew. But if I was Rick Sund and one of them needed to be traded to make us better, that's almost impossible to choose. So my answer is let Smoove continue on, and do what it takes to extend Horf a year from now. Keep em both... without a doubt.
  6. buckeye242424

    JJ's Signing

    Yes, especially in the regular season. People, well, everyone, can point to his awful playoffs...but the fact of the matter is, he got us to the second rounds in the first place the last couple years. With the players we have, he will get more chances to prove himself in the playoffs. Im looking forward to it.
  7. Yes. No one can argue his improvement, his jump shot alone was obvious. He's an All-Star playing out of his natural position, that's impressive. His attitude and passsion seem genuine. It would be silly to see him go.
  8. Hahaha...Joe Jackson! Geez, media will print anything... even in the Philippines
  9. And then what? Be terrible for a couple for more years, let Smoove get close to where Joe's age is now....and do what, roll the dice in the lottery, gambling? Man, I had enough of that stuff. I've enjoyed the last few years, having success in the regular season, and the opportunity at the chance to be a contender. Granted the playoffs have been disappointing, but the regular seasons have been great. We have Joe, Smoove, Horf. Three SOLID pieces to continue what has been started. Why speculate where we're gonna be in 2014-15? So much can happen by then. We all should be excited about 2010-11. The Hawks are going to be good again, and that's sweet....
  10. I hate him too. Hell, I live in Ohio...it's overkill with LeBron. To each his own, but there's been players I've not liked on the Hawks before, but it didn't matter to me. I cheer for the team an organization, I want them to win no matter who's out there. So for me, the chance at getting, arguably, the best player on the planet - I'm all for it. I do understand the hatred, and if people would give up there loyalty as a Hawks fan because of him, I get it. Not me though - get him here, that would cement us as title contenders for years.....
  11. I believe if LeBron somehow, someway, in another world, ended up in Atlanta, this board would explode....in a good way. I'm with many of you, that his antics are extremely annoying, and he is so egotisitcal and me,me,me... However....I want to win. I don't care how it happens, or who does well, as long as ATL is ahead on the scoreboard at the end is all I care about. There's no one on the planet better than LeBron right now (save Kobe for arguments sake, but he's not available). I can deal with the dancing on the sidelines, and the posing, and the powder...if it all means W's and rings for the Hawks. Dealing with him, how bad it would be, nowhere compares to post Deke/Smitty/Mook to 2007 era....now THAT was brutal.
  12. This thread was a backhanded compliment, correct?
  13. Don't you find it weird that the guy with a two inch vertical and the slowest player in the Hawks starting line-up is a perennial all-star? Obviously you don't have to dunk everything or be a track star to be effective. And when was it required to be given a nickname to be a "star"? Joe has played 350+ games for Atlanta, and other than one circumstance, he has had no problems with fans.
  14. Just got caught uip on this thread, but I think it's kinda strange/funny that such a die-hard Knicks fan, "more than spike lee himself", spends a lot of time on a Hawks' fan based web-site. You have to be intrigued with the Hawks on some level. Really, it's a compliment. Spike wouldn't approve....
  15. He's has to be the #1 free agent in Hawks fans' minds now, looks like he'll be around another half decade or so...
  16. I don't understand why LeBron isn't getting 100% of the vote.
  17. Al's too nice to fire anyone...I'm sure he just "let him go".
  18. No, you're not the only person that thinks any of that. You're dead on. What gets me is the national media is STUCK on pointing out JJ"s playoff performances the last couple of years. Granted, they have been...well...not good, but for everyone to totally hang your hat on the playoffs is unfair to Joe. Especially when 90% of the national media didn't see Joe play during the regular season except for the All-Star games and playoffs, people forget we won 53 games, largely because of him. The two biggest critics of Joe, from what I've read have been Bill Simmons (columns and tweets) and Bob Ryan (PTI). Interesting to me, a die-hard Boston fan, and a Boston Globe writer. Just a little salty seeing a Celtic first round pick doing so well not in green and white....Too bad.
  19. I disagree. Woody was forcing Joe to dribble so much and turn his back and start backing down his defender. It was our best offense, because it was the only one. Otherwise, we would continue to have Smoove jacking up poor shots with Bibby/Marv standing in the corners. Horf's game is continuing to develop, and he's only been here half the time Joe has. Woody repeatedly, OVER and OVER stated during his six years here the Joe is "the man", "our horse", "our all-star", and "we're gonna ride him"... Joe was blatantly forced into "ISO Joe"...I dn't blame him one bit for hogging the ball or pouinding the hell out of it because he/we had no OTHER CHOICE offensively. And let's not forget, 53 wins. It says something. I hated it. I yelled at the TV just like everyone else on the offensive end, but I don't blame Joe. He gets a lot of criticism, prolly deserved, but hey, he's making the most cheese, it comes with the territiory, After all, being "the man" deemed by your coach, you deal with it. That being said, I do agree with one thing, the ISO Joe is not gonna totally disappear. We can't expect that a full 180 change is realistic. I do hope we see improvements offensively, but we're not gonna bust out Phil's triangle in 5 months.
  20. JJ had an awful performance, and the fans acknowledged it. Right or wrong by the fans, I dunno... He may have "gone to work", but all he did was show up.
  21. Agreed. Something that C. Bosh didn't do in Toronto, be discreet. For once, JJ's quiet, almost non-existent, personality may help him in the end.
  22. And the speculation continues....Joe is doing what he's being told to do, and probably the right business decision. I don't blame him for standing pat and letting things play out before he signs the dotted line. Has anyone mentioned nobody can officially sign yet...joking. Point being, why tip your hand when there's no need to? Let all the media predators print and write what they want. I think when it's all said and done, Joe re-signs with the Hawks for the offer he was given.
  23. I don't blame Joe for not getting more pieces here to build a championship team. He's not the player LeBron or Wade are, not on the court, not in personality, not in endorsements, nor passion for winning or attitude. Joe is a step below those two on many levels, especially gaining respect of his peers.
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