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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. That's a little harsh. Ultimately, I get that JJ is making the decision...but he's getting so much advice and guidance about how to handle this, it cant be put all on his shoulders. If FA's could sign right now, I see more merit in your point, but that's not the case. He knows he has a MAX offer on the table, sign - sealed - delivered. Who can blame the guy for waiting a couple more meaningless days to see what happens? It's just good business, and that's what the NBA is.
  2. Twenty-seven million dollars more. Speaks for itself in my mind. I think Joe re-signs. Hell, no one can officially sign for a few more days anyway...everyone will speculate. JJ would be dumb to turn this offer down.
  3. If Bibby cant cut it big minutes, or gets hurt....and Teague doesn't have the experience and/or game to get the job done, I see Craws stepping in as a point this season. I'm not saying that I think Craws is the PG for the future (obviously), but with a new coach, and two PG's already on the roster, I don't see the point as an area of priority this off-season. We have guys that can fill that void if Bibby and Teague really suck or are hurt.
  4. Carpe Diem brother! Well, said. Lets cross that bridge when we get to it, Lord knows we know what it feels like to be at the bottom anyway...let's keep trying to build on the last few years, max contract to the guy mostly responsible, so be it.
  5. Rondo just signed an extension in Nov. 5 years, 55 mil. I think Boston is ecstatic they locked him up at the beginning of the season, because he's worth a lot more now than he was in November....
  6. I'd rather take a chance on someone new, then sit through another year of watching one-on-one basketball. I'm not saying, at this point, it would be better....but I would be willing to see someone fresh that has some idea of what to do offensively. 6 years was enough.
  7. True. But, not to the level of Woodson. Not after the regular seasons he's posted and the obvious meltdowns when it matters. Scott Skiles ran circles around Woody making adjustments. Stan Van Gundy, he's in a whole another class than Woody. Other than Mike Brown, no other coach has performed more poorly than a coach with a talent rich squad than Woody. New blood, with eyebrows, is apparent.
  8. If JJ choooses to jump ship and sign elsewhere, I don't think putting Craws in the starting line-up would hurt us all that bad - in the regular season. We may not win 53 with the same cast of characters (minus Joe) but we will be middle of the road in the EC...enough to be in the playoffs. I think Horf's steady improvement is going to continue and he's going to follow up with another all-star appearance. But the playoffs, it's a different game. I don't think we're improving our chances of competing in the playoffs by putting the ball in Craws hands...not if we are going for a ring.
  9. Yup. We've been saying this for years. Hard to argue the progression of wins each year, but the playoffs speak for themselves. Different animal. Shame it took 2-3 extra years for people who don't watch them every night, like us, to realize it. All about the Benjamins I suppose....
  10. Your role-playing has caught on D, better get to it!!
  11. Wow. The Big 10 has 3 of the top 6 pre-pre-pre-season? Not sure if that holds water or not, even being a fan. Love pre-season rankings 5 months away....
  12. It's a scary thought, but no, I don't think so. I think money is a non-factor when your team wins 53 games, but suffers the worst playoff series loss in the history of the game in the second round. That sealed his fate. After six years, its apparent he has no offensive gameplan to fans, media, other organizations. Nobody would get in a bidding war for Mike Woodson.
  13. If I were Rick Sund, I would want to fill the void as quickly as possible for a couple of reasons: 1.) Get the Woody era overwith and turn the page on the debacle that was the 2010 playoffs. I would want the players to get Orlando out of there heads asap, bringing in a new coach now and beginning the new philosophies (even if it's the off-season) is a good place to start. 2.) JJ. I would want my star unrestricted free agent to see that the organization is moving forward, quickly, with a new head coach would bring some stability back to the team. If Sund is legit in saying he wants to re-sign JJ, he needs to get a coach in here so JJ doesn't feel in limbo about the direction of the team. There's an element of persuasion there that would be non-existent if we didn't get a HC now. I know the deadline isn't until July, but the luring and smoozing of FA's starts now. I mean, Mike Brown got canned a day after, better believe they will be looking for a coach now - in hopes to keep Bron', and also to move on as well, swiftly. I do see a problem with hiring a coach as quickly as possible, and that is hiring NOT the best candidate available w/o being thorough in the search. Appears $$$$ will be a huge factor and we may hire an asst. coach with no experience anyway....but to me, Atlanta is an attractive job for most coaches in the NBA, for once. We have talent, pieces.
  14. I think it was such a no-brainer decision for the Hawks and Woody to go in different directions that Sund didn't want to delay the inevitable. Not good for either party.
  15. I agree, 110%. You can't just roll the ball out there on offense and tell the guys to go score. That's what Woody did, and where did it get us? A playoff record for the worst beat-down. We won 53 games this year on talent alone, that's it. it had nothing to do with the coaching. I'm sure just about every other coach in the NBA, when scouting the Hawks, knew those 53 wins were all smoke and mirrors - because once the real season starts, we're an easy stop. It's not hard to stop iso plays over the course of a game, or a series. Look at our track record the in the playoffs, same story. Our numbers go down across the board on offense, and our best player's numbers go down. Joe's poor performance in the playoff's is as much circumstance than it is his ability. He falters when in counts because he's put in the position, the only position, in our offense to score. When the playoffs start, when it matters, teams (Orlando) will simply take that option away....and what do we have left? Nothing. Except our sixth man trying to do the same things. That won't cut it, and we're seeing the results when it's tried. There has to be a stronger philosophy on offense at the highest level of basketball than one-on-one. There's a reason there are 5 guys on the court. Sorry Woody, you've got to go. Thanks for the wonderful last couple of regular seasons, those were enjoyable, I like winning. But I hate getting downright embarrassed, almost to a comical state, in the playoffs much worse. We simply need a coach with higher basketball IQ. We need a coach that does care about offense and will instill some philosophies, some parameters, about how we're going to go about scoring the basketball.
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/2010/news/story?page=DisappointingPlayers-100510
  17. It is funny! But it in a different way....the song, haha.."Boom, here comes the Boom, here comes the kids from the SOUTH"....that would be us. Go Hawks!
  18. The 3rd quarter was amazing. I give credit to the players. I don't think Woody told them to do anything differently than what they've done for 88 games. They brought energy and the Bucks couldn't throw it in the ocean.
  19. The Bucks aren't better than we are. The Bucks coaches are, but the team as a whole is not. I just can't fathom how we got in this position, but it is what it is. So be it. I liked Craws short and sweet quote "We're ready"....better be. Especially yourself sir.
  20. All I've been reading about is "if" the Hawks play smarter, tougher, and MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, we will win. But nothing has showed me in 5 games this is going to happen tonight. Maybe with the grim reaper standing next us, we will step it up, that's my hope. But I'm hesitant to believe we have the chemistry and coaching to get it done. I'm worried at the first sign of adversity - that being - players thinking "uh-oh, we might really lose", we don't have the leadership by coaches or players to rise above it. Please prove me wrong... However, back to the subject of the thread...if we win tonight....I won't open my lap-top for 24 hours, let alone visit the Squawk! Come on Hawks!
  21. It's hard to enjoy the experience when we blow a lead like that at home in a crucial game that will, more than likely, end our season. I'm deflated. I feel like last night was our elimination game. I can't envision us going up to Milwaukee and winning, not being 1-10 on the road the last three years. It's such a shame after the year we had in the regular season. It's really sad.
  22. I think it's good that he's getting to pop his playoff cherry against a team missing Bogut and we should handle in the series. I would be more concerned if these last two games were vs. a better team...(like Orlando). We're going to need Craws if we have any chance to get to ECF.
  23. It is. I don't feel sorry for any team in the playoffs, let alone only down two games in 7 game series. Enough with the brooms and wanting rest. Apply the boot to throat and try and win by 25 Saturday. We're supposed to win at home. If the series were tied 1-1, this place would be already trying to figure out where our draft pick will be this summer....
  24. I expect any playoff team at home to win ONE game, save the Bulls, but wouldn't surprise me if Chicago stole one. We need to compete with Milwaukee on the road, even if they are inferior...because if we're fortunate enough to win the series, every team left can't be considered inferior to us. New season, regular season is moot. We have to play better on the road during the playoffs to get anywhere we all want/expect to be.
  25. Agreed. I more worried about how to stop a rookie PG than anyone else right now. Let's hope game one was a mirage....
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