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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Woodson isn't going to throw Teague into the mix at this point in the season. Whether you're right or wrong, we won't see it on the court. Bibby has been crapped on more today around here more than I can remember...he did play awful, but things won't change. They shouldn't. With Joe's situation looming, Woody not sure where he'll be coaching next year...a lot rides on these last 20 games and playoffs. Teague isn't going to see the court much.
  2. I agree Mule. I think if JJ bolts, all hell will break loose around here....but we won't be left out in the "cold" (That's my optimism coming through)....However, Can someone from our PR department tell JJ and his teammates that this is a distraction that shouldn't be going on. I understrand that being in NY, JJ's old coach, NY being one of JJ's biggest suitors is going to cause attention....But, JJ should nip it in the bud and come up with a generic, blanket statement he could use from city to city. Something along the lines of "We still have something special going on here. My focus is on my team. I'm not talking about FA'ency." Done. Simple. Seriously, we have 40 wins already. Fighting for a 2 or 3 seed. It hasn't been better as a Hawks player, or fan, than right now for a LONG time. I don't like the fact Joe or Craws, or any player is commenting on what will happen this summer. I sure as heck don't like reading that JJ "loves" his former coach....that just can't be good for team morale at this point in the season. It can't. Everyone needs to button their lips and focus on the task at hand. JJ's time will come.....it shouldn't be about him right now, especially weighing his options for the future...cross that bridge when it comes. In the meantime, CARPE DIEM! We're in a great position in the East, let's see what happens!
  3. I think this statement sums up/answers the topic of the thread.....
  4. There's, without a doubt, a prior relationship on an another team that has an influence. I remember the summer work-outs, or pre-season, whatever, when Joe first arrived. Zaza and he we're chummy....I think Joe's first player he bonded with in Atlanta was Zaza...a rekindled relationship if you will, it's evident on the court now,,,
  5. Steph Curry is a talent, and I'm not arguing his potential. However, let's not start comparing a rookie with 60 games under his belt to a four time all-star and a memeber of the National Team. There's something to be said about longetivity, experience, and consistency. Stats mean nothing when Curry has barely popped his cherry in the NBA compared to Johnson a 29 year old vet, multiple all star....
  6. Al is the vocal leader and Smoove is the emotional leader. I love em both, and I hate writing that they're inferior in any facet or any opinion. Then there's the "but"... Joe is the leader, and he does it only by his ability to play basketball. Which is special. Otherwise, he has no star qualitites. He doesn't: say anything on the court or in the huddle, do commercials, complain to refs, tweet, have a shoe, have a mug shot, appear on TV or radio, or....care what people think. Joe makes this team go, I don't like thinking about him not being on the floor...we would not be the same.
  7. Well, that's like saying without a shot by Horf at the end of third, or Craws steal and bucket mid way through the fourth...we would have lost. I know Smoove is intregal to the Hawks success, but to answer the question in the initial thread....who's the leader? Joe is the leader. It's apparent to me. I bet if you polled the TEAM, the majority would state that Joe is the leader. Joe's the man on this team and Smoove is his "Pippen" if you will....Poor comparison because neither are the legends, but Joe is the engine that makes us run this year. Smoove is capable of taking on this role, and he may have to next year...but not the 09/10 Hawks.
  8. Josh does everything, but he's not the leader. Joe is. I think that was evident against the Bucks in OT, at home. We lost a game to Dallas we should have won at home....then a hot Bucks team takes us to the ropes. But in OT, one guy willed us to a W, and that was Joe. He knew the pressure, the let-down if we lost two in a row at home in OT. Could have been demoralizing. Joe stepped up and delivered.... I've been as critical as anyone about our offense, and I don't like seeing the pounding of the ball and no movement...but it is what it is, and I've accepted it. Joe knows this, put the team on his back and won the game for us. He's the leader. I don't know what will happen this summer, but not having Joe on the team in 10-11 will be a nightmare...at least in the beginning. All our Hawks rely on him, him not being here would not be a good thing.
  9. 18-5 will be a tall task to win the SE division. I don't see that happening. Orlando needs to get in a late season funk for us to pull off winning the division.
  10. Orlando and Cleveland in the second round, I'm worried. But, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. There's no guarantee we make it out of the first round. Same for Boston, they're having issues right now. But that alll could change. The top 4 in the East are strong, it appears....but I can see Boston or...ahem...Atlanta getting knocked off in the beginning. Orlando and Cleveland just seem too strong not to advance past the 1st round. There's no question our second round opponent - Orlando or Cleveland would be a challenge, underdogs. At this point, I would be happy to be in that situation....
  11. I think you're contradicting yourself somewhat. Number one doesn't jive with number 3. If we're not championship or not elite, why are people recognizing it as the Big Four? We have an average coach, a lackluister bench, and top heavy team....but our expecatations are higher? What expecations do you have if we're not championship, let alone "elite"? Being "elite" is still one of my pet-peeves I have with announcers, fans...etc. Someone please define what an "elite" team is, because that word is the most overused adjective when people don't really know what defines it.....
  12. Loved it! But I think the fact it happened at the end of the game might have slighted two other unreal plays by the Hawks. Smoove's dunk when Rose got hurt was just...sweet. Didn't get much talk because of the injury...but my play of the night was Mo Evans' shot. I know he wanted the foul, and it was pure luck...but a running jumper on the baseline 12 feet out over the backboard???....you just don't see shots like that everyday.
  13. I'm not sure, but we had a helluva a March last year...winning 8-9 or something close to that. Maybe our schedule makers want us to make a move in March. That being said, sure by theory, we should win all those games...but going 9-0 is unlikely. Our four games at home, should be W's...but Charlotte has had our number. D Wade is back, and the last time we played Miami, they throttled us. We know what the Knicks can do to us. Washington and New Jersey shouldn't be a problem - but tell that to a Celts fan. I'm thinking 7-2, which I would take of course...6-3 is very possible.
  14. Why are they flawed in the halfcourt? Could it be because they lack a system, and they look like they don't know what they're doing out there? And if defense and rebounding are the real issues with the team, we're in trouble because those two aspects are what Woody preaches!
  15. Great post Diesel. I love the positive vibes of the thread! I can't get upset with the team either, and sure I still throw out profanities at the TV, but that's sports. I got a dozen texts after the loss to the Mavs asking me "are you aight"...or "Wow, blew that one, you must be pissed"... All coming from people that know I love the Hawks, and that's few and far between in Ohio. Point being, no...I wasn't pissed. I was disappointed, but not upset. Geesh, from 1997 until the Boston series a few years back, we were the laughing stock....the Clips of the East if you will. This year has been amazing, two all-stars (should have been three!)....fighting for the division vs. a Finals team from a year ago...fighting for the 3 seed! Seriously, if anyone is really "upset" with where we are now, they're either in wishful thinking mode that we should be 48-10 or just can't remember the team of 5 years ago.
  16. The regular season is totally different from the playoffs, of course, in terms of intensity and defense. Guys play harder, and give up more fouls to stop buckets. Fast break points, and points in general seem to go down. That doesn't bode well for us, but we'll see.... We're going to live and die using the iso game, I'm used to it. Nothing is going to change offensively - which the numbers say is a good thing - but I know better just watching our team play. The lack of ball movement and iso frustrates me. I hate watching 6'9 athletic, talented players sit and watch the ball being pounded...there's got to be something more productive to be doing. Then again, that won us the game vs. the Bucks last night. Joe came through....
  17. I agree. With Shaq being sidelined for 2 months, there's no doubt he's heading back.
  18. Why try and fix things when they're not broke? We can't run 5 all-stars out there. Our starting 2 man and 5 man are all-stars. Our PF was robbed, and SHOULD have been an all-star. Good teams need glue guys and leaders. I see Marv and Bibby filling those roles adequately, complimenting our all-stars. I agree that there are upgrades at the 3 position, and we always want to try and get better. But Marv's been here, knows what Woody wants, doesn't complain, plays hard. That means something. Consistency on a team is huge. We have 30 wins before the All-Star break. I just don't think (unless it's a no-brainer like getting Craws for nothing) we want to mess with this team right now....
  19. It's not going to change until it's addressed by the coaches. Joe's just doing the same things he's been told to do since he's been here....it's not about him being selfish. I don't think he's a seflish player. This year it seems different because we added Crawford, Smoove has matured and seems like an option on offense, and Horf is an all-star. But Joe's just doing what he's always done as a Hawk.
  20. He should demand more minutes. He's earned those minutes, especially with our team. He can play free, no restraints. It's perfect for him. We had injuries last year that enabled Flip to play more, and have a career year. He did, because he's a one-on-one player that could score on his own. For me, I can't even compare the discussion having Crawford vs. Flip on any level. Craws wins, no matter who's getting 5 more minutes a game or what. Crawford is better for the 09-10 Hawks by a landslide....
  21. You answered your own question, Bibby doesn't play as much. Crawford assumed some of his role, both minutes and scoring. Flip is/was a better defender, but other than Rio, our guards aren't asked to be a shut down defender. We rely on Smoove and Horf. The difference defensively, between Craws and Flip isn't enough to think we haven't improved depth from a year ago. Across the board....we've improved by adding experience, mixed with the same crew that's been there.
  22. I disagree with Crawford and Flip being a wash, as far as impact on the team. Leadership, confidence, just a swagger he gives the team. Flip doesn't demand the respect that Crawford does from other teams. Defensively, we rely on bailing our guards out anyhow, with switching and relying on our athleticism. Flip is better defensively, but not to the point where he's just as important to the Hawks as Craws. Crawford creates a buzz, whatever it is, that just makes us better.
  23. I'd say without JJ we still make the playoffs, but I think we would be right around .500 - and that's good enough in the East right now. Take out JJ and Woody and throw in Chillz and a different coach and we still win over 50 games? I'm not sure I agree 100%, but I do think bringing in a coach that has some direction and leadership on ways to score the ball would be an improvement. Makes me wonder how many wins you think we could attain WITH JJ and a different coach? 60-65?
  24. Maybe as a combo - Bibby/Crawford is not much more productive than Bibby/Murray, but that's misleading. Bibby is another year older, which at his age is significant, and his role has changed somewhat. But if you're saying a Crawford vs. Murray comparison is similar, I disagree. The increased depth is not an illusion. When you add the favorite for 6th man of the year to your roster, you depth has obviously improved.
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