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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. It doesn't matter what Marvin does, he will never live up to the expectations placed upon him around here. Save he puts up 20 and 10, which is impossible playing with the guys he's playing with. There are possibly 2, 3 all-stars on the Hawks (possibly 4 with Craws in the pipe dream we live in). Marvin is not in a position to warrant or justify such a lofty draft pick, not with the talent around him. He's in a no-win situation. Marvin just needs to continue being a solid starter on a good team and continue what he's doing. He doesn't complain, he plays hard, he's a good teammate. Marvin is no different from JJ, Smoove, or Mo Evans, any player who makes bad decisions or misses easy shots. It's just magnified for him when he makes a bad play because a "number 2" draft pick should be all-NBA every year.
  2. It is what it's all about, I agree. The point is to hoist the trophy, I get it. But damn Hot, how long have you been a fan? When have the Hawks ever, realistically, had that opportunity? Nique in the mid-80's...Mook, Smitty, Deke, mid to late 90's? Even then we had to deal with Bird's Celts and/or Lakers, or in the late 90's, Jordan's Bulls. That's about our peak, at least since I've been alive. For a true, live and die Hawks fan...which I am, most here on the board are, and I think you are....nights like the other night vs. Phoenix, didn't "excite" you? We've had more National TV coverage this year than the last decade combined....that doesn't make you raise your eyebrows? Enjoy the season man, I wan't the trophy too...more than anything, but enjoy the ride. Hell, who knows what happens tomorrow. We could be 13-69 next year.
  3. Getting guys to play motivated for every game is a tall order. There's only so much a coach can say, motivationally, over an 82 game season that wouldn't be repetitive. Besides, many of these guys have been here for years...they've heard every motivational tactic Woody has to offer. BUT, figuring out a way to score when shooters are cold is something else. That hasn't been addressed. I understand that most teams lose when shooters are cold, but we have nothing else to fall upon or try. Face it, JJ, Craws and Bibby aren't shooting well, our chance of winning is 0. That shouldn't be with talented front court players.
  4. This team is a tease? Clean up their act? They're leading the division! I don't think you understand in your own mind what "cleaning up their act" actually entails. I want to see them compete at the highest level possible too...but how can that be measured? It's all subjective. If you haven't realized over the course of 82 games and 6 months, teams are going to look and play differently on a nightly basis. It's human nature. You can't expect them to be gangbusters every single time on the floor. It doesn't happen with the Hawks, or any other team in the NBA. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times? Why do you think the season is so long? It's because at the end of the day, the most consistent teams over a half year, rise to the top. Right now, we're at the top....and even you admitted, we're a 47-50 win team, which could possibly win the SE. That doesn't excite you at all? Stupid question....disregard.
  5. We're in first place in a division with three teams (Us, Orlando, Miami) that have 3 of the best 5 records in the East. We're moving into the later parts of January. After tomorrow, we'll be half way through the season. I'd say we're doing just fine....
  6. Been my, one and only beef -albeit big one- with our coaching staff. I know we average a ton of points a game, and all that, so there's merit in saying that our offense is "a-ok"....but it's not. When I read articles like this one (loved it, the behind the scenes stuff is awesome) it just supports my belief every game I watch them - we don't know what we're doing on offense. Our points per game are higher because we have another top-notch iso weapon coming off the bench. But hearing woody just stating "you're gonna score, forget about offense" is strange. Our offense is iso's and fast breaks...run. Then again, we're 25-13. Who am I to point fingers? I can deal with the selfish, 1 on 1 half courts sets forever if we keep this up.
  7. It's a nice problem to have as long as Woodrow is able to handle that responsibility...You're right. I'm under the impression that if we we're able to bring him in, at the 400k range, really, it couldn't hurt. Most, if not all, championship teams have a solid bench. Stack would solidify that aspect of our team IF he's still got some gas left in the tank. Everything over the summer until now points that he does, but if so, why has no other team has looked at him or gone further and signed him? Let's say Stack is still capable of producing, and he brings in his leadership and experience. With where we're sitting today, 25 wins...all that jazz, how could you not take a chance at this point? I think the major issue with signing Stack would be cutting into an already low number of minutes for our rook...which is a valid argument. But, we're GOOD right now, without a huge contribution from Teague. Who knows how long that window of us being in this position will last? Win now, and bring anyone in who could help us! If Stack still can do it, go for it!
  8. I think bringing Stack in would stunt the growth of someone, whether it be Blink or Rio, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the wrong thing to do. It's all a matter of opinion. Do we stick with what we got and continue to try and get the young guys some time...or do we improve our bench and add another vet for a serious championship run (not like we're not serious now, but the signing would open some eyes). The thing is, if we sign Stack, he's going to play. He's not going to sit out as long as he has, and worked on being healthy to come back and ride the pine. He will take minutes from people, that I'm pretty sure of that.
  9. buckeye242424


  10. JJ Smoove Horford Crawford Bibby Not my question to answer, but I was intrigued.
  11. I agree. Nobody can question his heart and intensity, but his offensive game is not at the level of most NBA players. Couple that with an offensive system that relies primarily on individual talents, Woody is hesitant to leave him on the floor because it would be like 4 on 5 (save offensive rebounding). But sitting where we are now, middle of January and in the thick of everything, I like having him back - just for his energy alone. Reading some tweets from some of our players, it appears he's well liked...not that Othello wasn't, but guys seem to be happy he's back on the team for now.
  12. Things tend to even out over the course of 82 games, as far as games you should win....like the ones above, and games you win that could have gone either way. Sure, I think we SHOULD have beaten the Knicks, NO etc. but if you would have told me we would be 3-0 vs. the Celts, I wouldn't have believed it. I think our record mirrors what kind of team we are, so far. We're on pace to win 53 games, I'll take it!!
  13. Tell that to your fans then, Perkins. Every single time Bibby touched the ball, he's still getting "booed". Seems like those simple comments he made a long time ago tend to stick around....Especially after beating them 3 times this year.
  14. He'll become a better shooter, mid-range 15-20 feet. He'll have to. But even year 7 makes him only 25 years old. Physically bad. But mentally, 7 years at his age?
  15. All my argument is based on is the fact the dude isn't jacking up three's this year. To me, that's evolving as a player to his strengths as he gets older. Hell, if it takes him two more years to figure out that the 23, 18, 16 foot jumper isn't working, he'll get it.
  16. First post.. Seattle Sonics emblem. Are you hoping the Hawks are going to be relocating to the northwest? I have no clue about the lease agreement, sorry.
  17. Shooting 3's and shooting 15 footers are two different things. I don't think Woodson has ever said, "you're not allowed shooting the ball unless you're in the paint"...I just don't.
  18. He will. Sooner or later he's going to grow tired of being an entertainer and start becoming a basketball player. The guy is the best center in the league right now strictly because of his size and freakish athletic ability FOR his size. He'll get sick on the dunk contest(s), and the half court heaves before games. I always group Smoove and Dwight together because of their AAU experiences and knowing each other, you guys know the story. But the truth lies in maturing and their age. Both 24. Six years in the league and they're still babies out there playing the game to have fun. They both have so much room for improvement and they both know the sky is the limit. Dwight will get to a point where dunking won't be the only weapon in his offense, albeit it's still a good one...
  19. Maybe Woody hasn't TOLD him to not shoot jumpers. Besides, we all know Josh struggles shooting, but at least they're not 3's! His game has matured...it is perfect? No, but he's starting to get a clue. MIght as well bench these guys for good then because: a) Joe Johnson will always dribble way too much because that's what he's supposed to do....be the scorer. Our options are limited on offense. b) Marvin will always seem invisible, it's the way his game is going to be in Atlanta...despite getting his 12pts and 5 boards and better than average defense. c) Bibby can't play D. He's getting old and that's not his role anymore for this team.
  20. True that. Especially guys that have been playing together as long as they have. Their roles should be defined, I totally agree. We still don't have that vocal leader during the games and in the huddle though. Bibby shows flashes, but his leadership is more X's and O's. Horf has been getting better, and he's been more open in the media. The ideal guy for this job is JJ...he's the all-star...he's the player other teams prepare for.
  21. I don't think it's a big deal. It's a shame that we may need, or benefit, from a player's only meeting....but in the course of 82 games, slumps happen. It's a positive thing that they know they shouldn't be losing 4 games in a row, and are trying to do something about it. Also, it holds some players more accountable. It's not just the coaches chewing on them. Knowing your teammates know who's making the mistakes or being lazy has a different feel than just the coaches.
  22. Really Buzzard? What's there not to like about the -5 wind chill this morning? I found it invigorating walking from my car into work. Seriously though, if he leaves this team to any of those three - Knicks, Bulls, Nets - for similar $$$, he's taking a step back. Being almost 30, I would hope he would want to stay and build on what he has been a huge part of here...I like reading that he approached the organization, sign that he may want to stay put.
  23. Joe Beast's (Smith's) rap song about the Hawks. They play it every time the Hawks take the floor at Phillips. I haven't been to a game this year, so this was the first I heard it. Got a kick out of it... http://www.slamonline.com/online/blogs/the-links/2010/01/links-joe-smiths-hawks-anthem/
  24. Who cares? It's the way professional sports works, in all facets. The Hawks are finally a blip on the screen, a team on the national landscape, and you call them a fraud? It's crazy, I'm just curious of your motives? That's all...
  25. What's the difference between being "great" and "winning a lot of games" Mule? Geesh, not many teams win alot of games...
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