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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. C'mon Dr. If the other guys don't see JJ as the "leader", then there is a problem. JJ is the guy - whether right or wrong - it's been thrust upon him to continue this teams success.
  2. How could you not call him an advantage offensively? He's HUGE! Stronger, more athletic, bigger....BIGGER! He doesn't have to be talented to be better. Orlando's play when they're in trouble equaled every player clearing out - letting Hedo drive and throw it off the backboard so Howard can grab it and dunk. How's that not an advantage? It's such an easy cop out. Something I assume every team would want.
  3. Probably not. That's what Craws and myself would argue over and over about. Which he would win because he has the numbers, stats, etc. to do it because he's good at that stuff. I'm not. I'm basing my argument on my own eyes. The bottom line is, Collins can't guard Dwight Howard, to answer the question. I would take Dwight Howard as my starting center over anyone in the NBA. I consider the NBA to be the best players in the world, hence I would take him over anyone.
  4. So in other words, if you had the choice of placing Yao Ming as compared to Dwight Howard on the Hawks...you would pick Yao??? To each his own...
  5. Huh? I'm in an argument whether or not Jason Collins can guard D. Howard on another thread. Collins?? Seriously... Kinda funny to me that's the first person you mentioned over the likes of LeBron.
  6. They shouldn't have to be "average" one on one scorers. They don't know what to do when JJ is out becuase JJ IS the offense. When he's not on the floor, we look even more stupid because the entire "system" is Joe Johnson. There's a reason he's burnt out and worn into the ground. If he's not in the game, we are five guys standing with our thumb up our butts because everyone is lost! (Why Flip was so important - he was the ONE guy that could create his own shot = career year = our head coach is clueless).
  7. Introduce myself to Yao? I'm good. Any center with decent athelticism can defeat D. Howard? Maybe in a game, perhaps, but not over the long haul (a series). He's the best center in the league. He's a physical freak, and he's 23. He may be raw as Smoove, same age, I get it. But Howard impacts a game in a way Smoove can't. Rasheed Wallace? Really? I'm not overrating him, if you really think so...open a poll. Who would the Hawksquawk want as their starting center? My money says Dwight Howard wins in a landslide. But that's just me. And to answer the original question, NO, Jason Collins cannot guard Howard 1 on 1.
  8. Collins might be able to throw his huge body around and contain another huge, aging body in Shaq...today. D. Howard. Not a chance. The guy is the best center on earth, he's a physical freak -at age 23. There's not anyone, let alone Collins, that could guard D. Howard to a point he's not effective.
  9. This is where we'll miss Flip. He was the one constant last year that could get into the paint and score.
  10. All things we do poorly. Basketball 101. (Save the arguments we only have 24 seconds and only 15 after we finally get past half court. - I get it) Other teams around the league move better, set more screens. How bout flashing our PF or Center to the high post when JJ gets doubled. Everyone stands then floats out behind the arc.
  11. This is something we're in total agreement on. It's ridiculous to let guys like Smoove, Horf, and Marv to sit and watch JJ on the offensive end. It just screams to me we're wasting talents of some really athletic and gifted players. They could be utilized in such a different manner. Coaches around the league must love preparing for the Hawks. "Ok, double Johnson. Good enough, let's have a long dinner"....
  12. Enjoyed your post....and/but we've been down this road and back a few times. The light is at the end of the tunnel....meaning a decision on Woody at the end of this year. The pieces are in place to be best team he's coached as the Hawks coach. There's no more rebuilding excuses, no more "the kids need to grow up excuses". There's a reason Sund didn't extend him - or get rid of him - for that matter. He's put in his time with these guys, and they have improved record wise. Enough to keep you around. But, it's obvious to everyone that he needs to progress signifcantly with his X's and O's. Sund needs to see it this year, or he's gone. Plus, we don't want to waste another year. Pretty soon these young guys won't be young anymore. Put up or shut time for Woody in 09-10.
  13. Sekou stated that Bibby and Horf should be good to go opening night.
  14. Yes, and yes.... how does that affect our current record?? It doesn't. The season has not begun,
  15. It's getting annoying. I could use the same response I used on one thread on eight.
  16. Overreact much? Ok the pre-season means something. What was our record this pre-season? One game vs. the best team in the East least year and they shot better than lights out. On a back to back nonetheless in the pre-season where conditioning is a primary focus. Over the course of 82 games, blowouts will happen.
  17. It's the pre-season. Until this stuff happens when it counts, let it slide. National television is why everyone is panicked...yes we looked liked crap, but take a deep breath and move on. It's one game, and it doesn't matter.
  18. I don't think this statement is entirely accurate. A lot of NBA fans watch games to see exciting plays and watching people with crazy athletic abiltiy given their size. Smoove is a poster boy for this. Do you really think Josh Smith should be in commercials with Tim Duncan, Dwight Howard, and Kevin Garnett? Absolutely not. Imagine if Aldridge was in Smoove's place? It would be comical. The fact Smoove got that gig is because of his ability to attract fans with what he does on the court. Now I will agree that the die-hards, people like us that follow our teams night in and night out might laugh...as you mention....warranted or not, but the "typical" NBA fan that's not as obsessed as we are, would not.
  19. I do follow Sports Guy. I find his writing to hit home on all levels - pop culture, analysis, and very humorous. Even pre-ordered his new book, which I can't wait to read. BUT, he's always hard on the Hawks. I think the playoffs a couple of years ago put a scare in him with his beloved Celts...and he's always had a sore spot for JJ too...prolly because he never panned out with the Celtics and now he's a star.
  20. Last pre-season game - played last night beating Miami - I'm looking for the starters to not play big minutes (and avoid inhury of course!!). I'm with everyone else. I want to see Crawford and Teague. Honestly, Jamal Crawford has been in the league, like a decade, and I can't pinpoint an actual time I've watched him. I know it's happened, but I either don't care because he's been on awful teams or....nevermind, that's it.
  21. I keep reading this over and over, and I don't know how many of us come to this conclusion? The only clear, undebateable fact is Joe Johnson is our number one option on offense, After that, it's anyone on the floor as a second option, and that's it. (Flip the disclaimer here, because he was the option on the floor because of his one-on one skills). How can anyone justify Bibby,Smoove, Horford as a second, third, or fourth option? Or Marvin as a fifth option? Bibby gets open jumpers because JJ is doubled - same with Smoove - to our dismay. Horford gets no sets run his way. Marvin very well could be the second option on offense if we HAD an offense.
  22. Pre-season. He could be 1-50 right now and it's all moot. When, if, he starts the season the same way, it needs to be addresed.
  23. Horford is making it clear - on his Twitter account - that the interview was "overblown" and he never made a bet with Pierce during the 2008 playoffs.
  24. Not me. It's simple. Woody's offense has never changed (I know, beating a dead horse), BUT look at where we were prior to Mike Bibby, and look what we've done since the day he arrived. It can't be debated. We finally turned the huge corner we've all been looking for since he put on the Hawks uni. It's not about Marvin, Smoove, Horf gaining experience = natural progression. The major part was bringing in Bibby who provided knowledge, leadership, and darn good jump shot. The team loves him! That speaks volumes towards your chemistry. Since he arrived, we've won, and look what it's got us at this point. The deepest Hawk team in a long time, mainly because players want to play for a winner. That stuff didn't happen prior to Bibby joining the club. It's not a coincidence.
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