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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I just read that Rio and Sims were cut prior to today's practice. Siler was cut after practice. Makes me wonder if they gave him one more shot to leap frog Othello for one of the final spots. Stands to reason, that was probably the case - so big fella wasn't too far off. I hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the *ss down the road.
  2. I don't know about worse than Pete Rose, but I agree that Pierce should have never made the bet - even if he was giving a rookie a hard time.
  3. Jemele Hill, ESPN.com Page 2 | Hill's picks The Hawks seem content to be just a flash in the pan, failing to capitalize on the momentum they created when they took Boston to seven games in 2008. Crawford gives them another weapon, but this team won't be a serious contender until Smith and Johnson play like superstars consistently. Southeast: 2 Flash in the pan? Still talking about Boston? We were a four seed a year after Boston. AND...Johnson needs to play like a superstar consistently? Is this person not cognizant that he's been an all-star the past few years. What an idiot.
  4. Not saying that you're "bashing" Joe, but Delonte West was facing an all-star that had no gas left in the tank. Compund that with two important pieces to the Hawks success injured and we're facing the team with the best record in the league. I'm not saying Joe quit....I'm saying he was spent. Whenever we play Cleveland the first time in the regular season, I think you would see a different Joe Johsnon. And if West is guarding him, it will be to our advantage. Point being, cut Joe's minutes - well documented. I'm not quite clear on what is considered "elite". If we're measuring regular season wins, the Hawks wouldn't be too far off in the East. Anytime you make the playoffs, more importantly secure homecourt, we're close. "Elite" to me, in the NBA, means winning championships - and showing that you can compete for a ring consistently, over a significant amount of time. For example, Detroit was an elite team earlier this decade. Not anymore. The only elite teams I see in the NBA right now are the : Spurs, Celtics, Lakers, and Cavs. (I'm sure many think Orlando should be in there, but they need to prove it again this year. One year doesn't make a team "elite").
  5. In Jamal's eyes, the fact that we've had the same head coach for 5+ years is stable. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is a whole different thread, but for a new player, that shows stability. The guy has been saying all the right things. What he has done on the court in the pre-season is exactly what we need. He's leaving one part, an important, part out - his ability to put the ball in the hole! We all know it's there, it's obvious by his track record. It's not a bad thing by any means, but the guy was brought here to score. He's not going to turn into Jason Kidd like he showed against the Wiz last night.
  6. Big Glacier? That's not very flattering. Huge chunk of ice that moves extremely slow, like a foot a day. Not a nickname I would want. Anyway... I believe Hunter will get the nod over Sims. Even though what Courtney did in the Developmental League and his showing as a Hawk has been impressive - Othello knows the system and has worked his butt off to become better, which on all accounts from what I read, he has. I would still like to see Rio make the team. I understand the money he would make this year, and he's not very talented on the offensive end - but it's got to be hard cutting - or firing, I suppose - a guy that get after it every second, every chance he gets to play.
  7. Reliable? Potential to explode? I'm not worried about any of it. They're all teammates, don't beat up on each other and stay healthy.
  8. That's the thing, they haven't stayed healthy. Until they do, I don't "fear" Washington as a major threat to any team. The Raptors are intriguing. Hedo was in the right spot in Orlando, he flourished there. I don't see the Raptors making a huge jump with his addition, with the fact Bosh is looking for a payday. If Toronto starts out slow, they'll fade. Philly could surprise people - IF Brand - stays healthy (same boat as Washington). I like our chances keeping home court in the first round. I'm not dismissing we can't sneak into that three spot either. I predicted 50-54 wins, that could snag a three seed. I also think the Hawks should fear nobody. We can play with any team in the league....
  9. I agree here. I can't remember a training camp where the Hawks have had legit NBA talent actually fighting to make the team. I feel bad for the guys that get cut, but we're competing to win the conference now. We need to be strong 1- through whatever. It's a nice problem for the fans!
  10. 8,200 bear claws, that would be funny! Not taking into account the end of quarter chucks here and there, he's still going to shoot them. At least, that's what I think...I just hope it's not as many. It's all about Woody's "wrinkles" to the offense we've been hearing about. I can't help it, whenever I think of Smoove shooting too many three's, I always go back to Bibby's remarks - or argument - with Woody during a game last year. "If you don't want him shooting it, don't put him there!" I understand Smoove has to become more disciplined, but it's a two way road. Woody needs to change the offense too. It's not entirely on Smoove.
  11. I got a kick out his big ol' cheese at the end of the second one. Probably just happy being in a commercial with the likes of KG, Duncan, and Billups! Good for him.
  12. If JJ leads us, and Marvin has his best year as a pro, we'll be damn good. Factoring in the talent surrounding those two, I don't see how adding Horf's, Smoove's, and Crawford's contributions would not make us better. It's going to be interesting to me to see how JJ approaches 09-10. He has shown that he can take an inept francise back to respectability....which we are now. All the while throwing mulitple all-star games into his resume. Now, he has nine months to prove that he deserves max kinda money along with the best players on the planet. What will he do? What if his (Hawks career average) of ppg drops 5 points after the first 25 games...but we're winning...Does he become bitter because he won't break the bank, or happy because the francise he helped turn around is having success. Barring injury, the Hawks should equal what they've done the last couple of years. JJ, our best player, contract year...wanting max money? It's going to be a story line how it all plays out.
  13. The title of this thread is lame. Everything the scout said was true...we know Bibby is a liability on defense. Big deal. He more than makes up for his poor defense with everything else he does on the floor, communicating with teammates, and just the respect he has from all the Hawks - coaches and players. It's another hate thread...soon, someone will comment on his "skipping"... When hear Bibby isn't good for the Hawks...I just think. How was our team prior to Mike Bibby? How has our team been since the day he arrived? The proof is in the pudding.
  14. I hope. Reading this thread, I'm excited. I like seeing the stats and hearing about the positive comments from his teammates and coaches, but these are all scrimmages. Means nothing. I'm very optimisitic, and hopeful, with Teague...but until I see it consistently when it matters, I'm not ready to claim him the savior of our PG position. Been down that road before.
  15. That's curious. He was a walking double/double last year. I think a player in his second year, that's solid! What would constitute a monster year in 09-10?
  16. Did you bold the in front of Greg Oden because he's from The Ohio State University? (For the record, I don't understand the pun, it's really strange)
  17. Diesel, I always read your posts with an objective point of view and in a positive light....but no way in hell am I for trading away Al Horford at this point in time, or later in the year. You may be correct about the philosophy and what not, whatever...but I'll stick with Big Al over the likes of Brooks Lopz or Hasheem Thabeet.
  18. Lord I hope Jeff Teague pans out like we all hope he does. Other than an aged Bibby, which has paid huge for us since he arrived, we still need a point guard that we can count on for a long time. Woody simply handed off a worthless offensive gameplan to a guy that's intelligent, talented, and a veteran. His offense hasn't changed since he was first hired, it's just in much better hands with Bibby. Bibby makes up for some of Woodson's deficiency's as a head coach...and we see it by what has happened the last two years. But nor Bibby, or Crawford, or Teague is going to change the glaring fact we have no offense. Adding more talent can only get you so far....and that's not good enough for me personally. C'mon Woody, start utilizing the talent and weapons on the Hawks!! Throw in more set plays, more movement and screens, pass the ball!!!
  19. Not to mention my original response, to the question Marv was asked in regards to his response " Are you going to demand the ball more". He doesn't need to demand the ball on offense. The Hawks are blessed with multiple guys that can score, especially after this off-season! Why would Marvin claim that he needs to get more shots? It's ridiculous. Saying that you have to improve is just common sense, not another reason to bash where he was in the draft as an 18 year old or how he's a bad fit for this team.
  20. I'm not a fan of Woody's offensive scheme. I'm not an advocate of ISO Joe, but I don't think it's ineffective. Our win totals the last couple of years should put to rest anyone that thinks it's ineffective. I do agree that Joe gets other guys wide open looks - but it's a double edged sword b/c - the guy is usually Bibby getting the wide open look. Bibby doesn't score off the dribble much anymore, and he's not scoring by taking it to the basket. Also, the doubles are coming to JJ not because he's a dynamite scorer, it's because our track record, and scouting reports shows, that's all we do and he is option #1. This is where I get frustrated. We have too many talented, athletic players that are not being utilized on the offensive end like they should be. Josh Smith, Al Horford, Marvin Williams, etc. should not stand around and be watching JJ pound the ball. Which brings me to your last sentence....YES! A free flowing - more importantly, ball movement, offense would be great here. There's always a time and place for 1 on 1 basketball, it's the NBA. I get it. But, I hope Woody has some wrinkles in the offense this year. We're not going to get where all of us want to be unless our offense changes.
  21. I'm not being fooled. If the last two were Lenny and Magic...I haven't been alive enough to experience "many". And I'm old.
  22. I'm not debating the trend. JJ had an another guard that could shoot when he got doubled. Bibby can shoot, which would improve JJ's stats (assists) - when he's doubled and tripled teamed! Craw better enhance those stats! Obviously, the brass around the Hawks know the "1 on1 iso" is a problem with our team or they wouldn't have brought in the personnel they did!
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