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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Yeah, we're getting some love from the media in the pre-season. But, I'm such a cynic about lofty expectations before I see the product on the court...this hype is irrevalant. I know Orlando made it to the Finals, and is a force to be reckoned with, but losing Hedo leaves a huge ? in my mind. He was the cog in that machine, and he's gone. Point being, just because Vnce Carter replaced Hedo (which seems like an upgrade) doesn't equal more wins. Just like adding Jamal Crawford doesn't necessarily mean he will be more influential than Flip.
  2. It's just one dude though, Mark Stein. It's not ESPN, or even a collaborative effort from numerous "experts" from the network. Still nice to see....
  3. This, by far, is the best looking training camp roster - on paper - that I have seen take the court for the Hawks in a long time. Personally, I would like to see Othello and/or Siler make the club. And....sign Stackhouse. We can debate all we want about where Stack's minutes may or may not come from if we wereto sign him, but that's Woody's job. From a fan's perspective, I see another talented veteran that can still play (so I hear), so I see no reason why we shouldn't bring him in if available. Suddenly, we don't seem so young anymore. Sure the nucleus is still very young, but our road woes are going to be better with the vets we've added already. Throw Jerry in the mix!
  4. I disagree. I think having those two are going to be very helpful to the team...(unless, you're speaking of strictly stats). I don't think we can expect J.Smith or Collins to score a ton of points and grab all the boards. But, strictly adding depth, experience, leadership...that's how they're going to help the team. Collins can bring a mentality to the team that we're not going to be pushed around down low, that could trickle down to Smoove, Horf. Smith is proven player that I'm sure, spurned offers from championship level teams, because he sees the talent here and he can still bring something to the table.
  5. He earned the money that he received from Charlotte. He bailed the Hawks out numerous times last year. He may look back on his career and see that his year in Atlanta was is best as a pro. Charlotte is going to like having a player that has no conscience and can produce when nothing else is working....
  6. Old Dirty Bastard, Big Baby Jesus....whatever he preferred to be called....wins. Anything the RZA produced was quality rap. Even the solo's the "clan" put out had really nice beats, as long as RZA produced it. Kudos to ODB.
  7. buckeye242424


    I understand that point, and nobody wants to see Othello succeed more than I do...but with the additions we've made, it's apparent Sund wants depth, and experience. Experience being the key. Smith, Collins, and Crawford have some miles...I'd rather throw Stackhouse in the mix with those vets than try and develop a player that hasn't proven a thing.
  8. He's being mentioned in the same breath with LeBron and Wade as far as the top FA's in the summer of '10. He's seeing dollar signs. Maybe we're not signing him so he can go out and earn the millions he wants = more Hawks wins! I'm ok with that!
  9. buckeye242424


    It wouldn't surprise me if he did. I agree. I don't see the downside of signing a vet like him....
  10. buckeye242424


    I wouldn't worry about playing time. If he's willing to sign cheap, it won't hurt us. Sund has been adding depth, and I hope talent, to a horrible bench. If we brought Stack in, how could it hurt? I would rather have Stackhouse riding the pine than Thomas Gardner, Morris, Hunter, even Mario...
  11. I think it's an image thing. I don't think he was heading somewhere to go "Rambo" on some people. It sure seems that way with the multiple guns...but I would guess he's just trying to portray a stereotypical "badass". It's really stupid at any rate.
  12. There's security there. Crawford will play some point, albeit, I don't think that much. But in a pinch, or Godforbid an injury, he's serviceable. From what I'm reading Teague is going to get some minutes. If worse comes to worse, JJ can jump back into that role - in dire straits. I don't see how bringing in another guard makes a whole lotta sense to me. Thanks but no thanks Arroyo.
  13. What's this??? I know the game comes out in a few weeks, but this sounds intriguing!
  14. Smitty needs to come back. But, we could go with Deke - that would be entertaining....or Mookie - he could do it, but he would be too busy eating all the arena "munchy" foods! In all seriousness, I don't mind Nique', but the "heat check" thing needs to go. I'm pretty sure someone in the organization, or PR, or television has told him it's played.
  15. My thought is we don't NEED a proven back up point guard. Besides, how do you prove yourself worthy as a back up player? I think Craws and Teague fill a need as both can play behind Bibby. I would rather keep another big than put another guard on the roster.
  16. We drafted a point guard and traded for another that could play point....
  17. Me either! My only hope is that they increased Marvin's rating. He was only an overall 80. He deserves, at least, an increase to an 84. He was such a liability on 09' that I had to bench him. Bump him up! He's earned it! (Why do I feel like Diesel is going to argue virtual Marvin too...)
  18. Come on man..."Princess Bride"...Billy Crystal's character? "Why don't you give me a nice papercut and pour some lemon juice on it?"....hahaha. Love that movie...
  19. Owwww! Johnny Knoxville and co. did that very thing in one of the "Jackass" movies...I think the first, actually. They may have used the webbing of their toes, but same difference. Made me cringe.... I think it's safe to say that Smoove won't be doing much until training camp starts. My fingers are crossed that he's ready Day 1.
  20. That sucks! sekousmith01Action cut short today. Josh Smith jammed his hand on the rim trying to block Teague’s shot. Needed seven stitches to close the gash.
  21. Ginn, Long, Hartline, soon to be Henne...Miami's offense is going to be all Mich/OSU! I don't know if that's a good thing...lol. Intersting converstations com the third week of November!
  22. What do I have to lose? About 2.5 hours of my life.... No offense. I'm happy the ATL women made the playoffs, but I'd rather watch my grass grow than WNBA basketball.
  23. I honestly don't know how much Mo will be guarding Wade. Sure he will be when he's int he game, but with the added depth to the roster....I think Mo may be the odd man out in this whole situation. I hope he proves me wrong, but I see his minutes being cut significantly...
  24. He could do without taking shots at Byron Russel, the coach that cut him in high school...and his kids!!! Why even say to your kids "I wouldn't want to be you"....I don't get it. Sorry, if I was his children and realized that me, my kids, my grandkids will never have to worry about money...ever. I would feel okay about it. I understand it's Michael Jordan, but he could have taken a different angle, IMO....
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