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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I got to see it first hand. Yes, I was there....Thanks D, pour salt on my wound. Here's to another 10-2 season and a loss in a bowl game....
  2. No. Best conference in football. Ohio State is 0-12 or something like that, vs. the SEC. That says it all for me...I hate it too.
  3. It's not that the talent wasn't there at Michigan, they just were/are being out coached. Too bad Tressel doesn't have the same success with anyone outside the conference. 2002, even though that long ago, is the bar in which OSU is measured. I admit, Miami should have claimed that title....but it is what it is. I'm just glad I could witness a Championship in my lifetime. Who knows when that will happen again....if ever. Screw USC. hahaha, 105,000 will be drunk and ready to rumble!!!! That being said...if I had to bet money, which I do, USC covers the 7 pt. spread....as much as it pains me. Pryor might need to run for 150 yards and throw for 250 for the Bucks to have a chance....
  4. Yup. Match-ups, the situation, who has played well....it will or SHOULD be different everytime. These types of questions/answers rely totally on the HC. That's why Woody gets paid....he has to make those decisions. At least now, he will have a solid roster of at least 12, instead of 8....
  5. Henne was 0-4 vs. the Buckeyes. At least he may throw to some guys that can catch. Sorry, I had to get my jab in...USC is coming to my house and after the last 3 years of national exposure and failing....well...
  6. Yeah, he has the height, length, abiltiy to be a legit PF...but there's been nothing in his career that will show us that's where he belongs. The coaching doesn't drive him to that position. Nor does the coaching allow him to float out of the perimeter. He obviously wants to be a perimeter player. There's got to be a middle ground. He's a mix, 3 and 4. At least in his current situation. It's weird, but Woody should address it. Let him shoot to keep teams honest....the midrange game....but post him up now and then. Let him guard the opposing teams PF if needed, but throw him out on a perimeter guy some. He has the physical abilities to do both.
  7. I'm predicting Dolfan, that Ted Ginn, will finally live up to the Top 10 pick. Three years is finally enough to learn routes, learn the game. It's about time to show what that kid can do. He was as raw as it gets, but the most explosive player to come through OSU in a long time. I loved watching him play because it was a TD waiting to happen every down....I miss it.
  8. Yeah, he's 7'0, 260 lbs. with NBA experience and a reputation. Plus, he's smart. Can't complain with that addition to the team...
  9. He's too big to be a SF. He shouldn't be shooting the three, unless he proves he can be consistent. Even then, he better be wide open, He doesn't need to embrace the mid-range jumper, he just needs to improve on it and make teams think about leaving him open from 15 ft. Right now, teams won't even guard him. The mid-range jump shot doesn't need to be a staple in his game, but something that needs to be addressed by the opposing team, at least. Anything with driving the basketball, pump faking and attacking, posting him up now and then, I agree! He's never gonna be a typical SF. In the same breath, he's never gonna be a typical PF. With his skills on D, and his height, weight, the abilities on offense that's still evolving....he's an mix between the typical 3 and 4 position. It's funny....BK wanted all these guys to be interchangeable....and now that he's gone, even Sund sees that perspective. Crawford can play mulitple positions, Teague too...Joe Smith can rotate from the 4/5.
  10. You can drink yourself sober, especially if you eat during. Food and light beer kill a buzz. Case in point, I was heading to a Tool concert, we had a hotel room. I probably had 5 Miller Lite's, had a nice buzz rollin', thinking I'll get two, maybe three 6 dollar beers at the show and be great!! We decided to grab a bite....I didn't overeat or anything, but it wasn't the same "buzz" I had prior. I ended up drinking more than I planned...point is, for me...eat before the heavy drinking starts....don't kill the buzz in the middle.
  11. While on the topic of beer....I tried Select 55, the Budweiser product...."the lightest beer in the world"...It's awful. Unless you're a fan of water slightly flavored with beer. MGD 64 tastes a TINY bit better. My opinion is that if you drink light beer, sacrifice the extra 40 calories per bottle and drink the classic light beers. Don't waste your money.
  12. Interesting article. I've noticed the increase, I like my cold ones. A part at the end caught my.... Recessions may make people want more beer, says a study from Mintel, a consumer research company. The theory: Beer drinkers crack open more brews during downturns as a form of escape, and also because they're forced to spend more time at home. Plus wine drinkers "trade down" to beer. Makes sense. There's no better time to drink than when you have no money, and you're stuck at home with your wife!!
  13. I'm not pessimistic, but even if the Shaq's, Raheed's and Vince's of the world didn't sign with teams ahead of us....they still would be better than us anyway, IMO. If Cleveland, Boston, and Orlando kept the exact same roster they had last year, they would still be the favorites. Point is, if they did stay pat, I still wouldn't put us past any of those three. I think we'll be better too, but maybe not in the record. I think we'll show more maturity, an understanding of what is going on on the court - all benefits of playing together and the same system (whatever it is). Keeping the same players, adding a few "upgrades" all points in the right direction. However, we're not improveing on 17, 28, 34 or whatever wins, we're improving on 47! That's no easy task...I hope it happens...but, it won't be as easy as some think.
  14. He's the one that made the post. I didn't google it until after JJ, or whomever, tweeted it. If it wasn't JJ, that guy had to come up with that name out of thin air, then post it. Think about it...
  15. Other teams have improved, specifically the "Big 3". I agree with Hotlanta. Which sets up perfectly for us to grab that 4 seed again. I'm not so worried about the 8 game home stand as last year, but more of the fact that 47 wins is easily attainable again as some around here think. Sure, it seems like we have improved as well, which on paper, we have....but getting 47 wins is not something I'm accostomed to being a fan of the Hawks. Last year was awesome, but it's the past. Assuming the Hawks win 50 this year, speculating on the improvement of the roster this off-season, seems a bit lofty to me. Call me crazy, but anytime in the past 10 years I read that 50 wins is the bar, that's reaching....
  16. Thanks. I read that as well. Makes me think that Othello and RandMo might be jockeying hard for one of the last roster spots. Of all the blogs and tweets Sekou has posted over the last three+ months, Othello and Morris always seem to be around working to get better. Good sign for guys that may or may not make the team.
  17. I suppose. He's had other accounts where people are lying about who they are....but this current one, seems legit, in a weird way. Especially now mentioning this dude, Jeff Wernick. I did the typical google search myself and got a couple hits on his name - associated with the NBA. Specifically, being Eddie Griffin's agent a couple years back. Coincidence? Not sure...but it seems unlikely to me that someone "faking" to be JJ would pull this dude's name outta nowhere...
  18. Very nice! I would debate the order of some of those highlights, but all in all, love em! Thanks!
  19. I understand the poor playoff performance shows merit it not playing up to his potential - but take that away and he's been playing about as well as he can. I really don't see him improving at this point in his career. I think what Joe gives us is about all we can expect. We need to resign him. I think it gets done. Sund brings everyone else back from the core, I don't see how leaving the main piece out of the equation will happen.
  20. Hard to compare JJ to either of those guys, even if it's just social networking - like tweeting. Which is another contrast, MJ or BIRD weren't exposed to blogging, or tweets. They were prevalant before beepers hit the scene, let alone cell phones or the internet. I would attribute that "tweet" to what you said, too may drinks in him. He propbaly had a nice buzz, made the comments from his phone in a matter of seconds before really thinking about the ramifications of the comment. I think we can cut him some slack...
  21. Can we not? I don't even like hypothesizing our roster with Acie Law and Speedy Claxton back on.... But I'll play. Mike Bibby hands down. His track record speaks for itself, let alone the impact he's had as a Hawk.
  22. I dunno....I wouldn't rule Othello out yet. He's not the typical "big", like Morris or Zaza. Out of the 5 bigs you mentioned, he's the best perimeter shooter of them all, including Smoove. I've heard nothing but positive things said about him since he arrived, and apparently had a great summer.
  23. It is strange. I thought this "tweet' of his raised some eyebrows: "How u a cab driver and don't know the city where they do that at" Wow.
  24. There's not one comedy in the last 20 years that cracks your top 50 of all time? To each his own....
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