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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. What's considerable growth in his game from almost 16ppg and more than 7 boards, in one year? Let alone energy, blocks, dunks, and out of your seat plays? What do you expect from a player that is just beginning his prime?...and putting up those numbers? One or two less bad three point attempts?
  2. Of course there's a bias Diesel. You're polling a question to die-hard Hawks fans comparing a current Hawk, to a non-Hawk. A current Hawk that has been a part of a turnaround that had us at the bottom of the NBA. Bias? Without a doubt...as apparent in your results. I'm not sure what you were trying to prove by even asking that question....other than everyone here loves the Hawks.
  3. Mike Bibby is the leader. The coach looks to him, obviously, to be his "coach on the floor". We've seen what he's meant to these young guys since he arrived. JJ is the lead by example person, he's the all star. But not vocal. However, he knows how much Bibby's knowledge of the game, a veteran, and still produces at a level - stat wise - that is extremely productive. Horford can lead by being a good example, hustle, just wants to win. Bibby brings that all important and not measurable "intangibles" that coaches rave about. All I know is that things got a whole lot better when Mike Bibby came here. With Woodson's obvious deficiencies as a coach at the offensive end, Bibby at the very least, has some sense of what Woody is trying to accomplish.
  4. I don't think it's a trust issue as much as the guys that weren't part of the 8 man roation - Salim, Othello, Solomon, Hunter, etc... - they're just not that good yet. Woody ran those 8 guys primarily, IMO because those are the NBA caliber players the Hawks had. The Hawks needed to add depth, hopefully Crawford and Teague can help.
  5. None of them. I think those three held serve or got better. We were behind them significantly as a four seed last year. We'll be lucky to be in the same situation, playoff wise, next year.
  6. He's wanting Marvin to step up like Joe, Josh, and Bibby...as far as scoring. It's not like he was wanting Wade numbers. Sabatoge? Not even close. It's not wishful thinking to hope any player on your team steps up as a second or third option. He wasn't asking for Marvin to turn into "the guy"....
  7. When you call him a tractor riding, bumpkin, or whatever you called him...it had to do with his race. Whether you meant it or not, it's racial. However, I agree with your opinions on the media, and blowing it up...but it's the off season, they look for anything
  8. Did you make that comparison because they are both left handed? I did...lol.
  9. Not happy about his contract? He's in the final year, what, he wants an extension? Not happy about it? LOL, that makes me laugh. He better be content he has a job. The writing is on the wall Woody. No extension. You just won 47 games. You have, essentially, the same team back - some would say an improved roster. My guess is we'll eventually bring in a big or two as well. Don't start the season off 8-17 or something, you'll be out of a job.
  10. He'll have some more time to get into shape. According to the beat-writers, he's playing stronger than anyone else. He won't be expected to play big minutes, if, he makes the team. Plenty of time to get into game shape.
  11. Amen to that! hahaha. Sekou loves his twitter! It's all good though, never had this much info on the Hawks in July.
  12. Yeah, me too Floyd. Keep him out West. The way the East has improved, ugh. Now if we can keep Boozer out of Miami....
  13. In any case, Ben needs to tone it down a little. Know some people from Pittsburgh and the rumors are aplenty. He likes his women and booze. There are so many pictures of him floating around at bars piss drunk waving his tongue at women. But a rapist? I highly doubt it.
  14. I don't think JJ is a kucklehead. Woody has done nothing but praise him. He's the "horse, we're going to ride him", or however Woody alsways answers in regards to Joe. It is contradicting when you watch him in situations like this, when he's stressing how to get into an offense, off the break, making the appropriate cuts to get open, etc. Maybe in his current system of offense it's taking too long to get started...24 seconds isn't alot of time to do a whole lot, but it sure seems to me isolation happens too frequently. Maybe it's a combination of both. Not an effective scheme offensively, and players, Joe, feeling like that had to shouder the entire burden,
  15. Depends on the definition of dominate, right? Cleveland was clearly the best team during the regular season last year, IMO. But we saw what happened in the playoffs. Orlando was a sleeper to win the East, even win 57 wins.
  16. One thing is for sure, he will have the abiltiy to throw a different line-up out there, compared to his past rosters. I'd hope he would have the balls to mix it up late in the game if you're behind. You need scorers when you're behind late..! That's what good coaches do....adapt to the situation, time and score, personnel.
  17. Nah, not a chance. Let's just invite every NBA player to Vegas in the off season to play and learn, get better, represent the USA. What will 99% of the other NBA players be doing, sitting on their butts in the off season. This is nothing but a positive experience for a young player, no matter what happens, basketball wise. Now off the court....well, it is Vegas....
  18. You're right. Major injuries don't happen in the NBA. They're terrible. All I'm saying is they we're on the team last year, if they're improving, what's this issue? If they don't play, great! Is it so bad that guys that we're part of the team that tasted success last year are improving??
  19. You may be correct. However, the flaw in your opinion is that we won't get to prove your point because you have to win in the East to get to the Finals. Even if the West were just the Clippers, Kings, and the Warriors, we still wouldn't know if your theory rings true. Gotta beat the "beasts" of the East first...that's all that matters.
  20. As much as I would like to agree, I don't. We have to cope with the hand that has been dealt. The fact is those are the guys that are in our camp, and if I'm reading positive things about them, I look at the glass half full. Truth be told, us winning a ring with Othello Hunter or Morris getting significant minutes won't happen...but looking at the rest of our roster, the expectations need to be as high or better. Considering we were the fourth best team in the East last year, the bar is set. Those two were on a damn good team last year, if they improve slightly, so do the Hawks.
  21. I think it's all about discomfort this being the third week in July. Good for Woody, if we can trust Sekou's twitter. Gotta love technology, the world keeps on shrinking, and we're getting updates daily. It sounds like to me mini-camp is about keeping roster spots - Morris, Othello, and guys trying to make the leap - Siler. Chewing *ss on our number one pick is a good indication of Woody's indictment of put up or shut up this year. There's no more building for the future. It's built. And we've added some accessories with Crawford and a big to be named later. Time for Woody to feel the pressure, let's see if he can come through.
  22. He's ready to win. He wants a chance to play in the playoffs! 10 years of losing will do that to a man. I hope he's not too bright, and calls out our coach for not implementing an offense. Had to get that jab in there, sorry Woody.
  23. That's cool. That must have been awile ago...haha. I have a story of my own, a long time ago. 92, maybe 93..Memorial in Dublin, OH...just a practice round, but that's the only time they sign autographs. Got some pretty decent ones, it turns out. Lee Janzen, John Daly, Peter Jacobsen, and the Golden Bear - out of pure luck - but anyway, the point of the story was I was a teenager just getting pro autographs, I thought it was such a rush - mobs of people around these dude's right?? Yes, well, me and my boy are sitting there watching this black man come off the green (no, not Tiger LOL) and there was nobody around him. Nobody approaching him for a signature, but we didn't care, we were getting as many as we could. Well, we go up to this guy, ask him, he gets this HUGE smile and gracefully signs and Thanks us!! Kinda, I could barely understand his English. At the time, I couldn't read his signature, no idea who he was. Then a couple years later when he started winning consistently, then later the majors came. Good ol' Vijay Singh. Other than Jack, my prized autograph, golf wise. Don't get me started on how many times I've staked out Cleveland for the Hawks. Got Smitty, Mookie, Ty, Lenny, the whole gang! even Jeff Shephard fror cryin out loud. The whole team on one ball, but one guy didn't sign - Deke. He just groaned at me "I don't sign on gamedays".....later I found out it was a Georgetown thing. Neither he, Ewing, or Mourning ever gave autographs on game day. I'm still pissed about that.....
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