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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I've been pulling for him all weekend. It's unprecedented what he did. He's running out of gas in the playoff. What a shame. But, still amazing. Poor Stewart Cink. Guy is going after his first major win, and everyone in the world except his family is rooting against him.
  2. buckeye242424

    Matt Barnes

    How many roles does a player need? Wow, asking a player to play D, shoot the three effectively, and rebound is enough. How many roles does Joe have? Score? Would you really prefer Matt Barnes to be our starting 3 man over Marvin? Seriously, Is this a joke?
  3. buckeye242424

    Matt Barnes

    I agree. Sure he would add depth, but that's it. My lord, reading this thread, he's the guy to get us over the hump?? Very comical.
  4. I disagree completely. I think it was hilarious. My only recommendation, other than see it, is to get it on demand or rent it. I saw it only with three other couples in the audience, a matinee in the afternoon, but it's uncomfortable. If you're not strong in your sexuality, don't bother. If you're not familiar with Bruno....bone up on the character's backround. It follows the same type of shock that Borat brought, but more. It's jaw dropping, cliche', but the best I can do. Other than funny.... The Hangover was more entertaining, personally.
  5. Lack of confidence, I'm sure stems from Woody. Being buried on the bench would wear on you mentally. Being out of shape, there's no excuse. He's relieved to be out of Atlanta and get a fresh start, and he shows up out of shape? Hopefully, for his sake, before fall he's take care of that issue.
  6. That's my thinking. Bring in some bodies. We're like a ferris wheel here debating what "bigs" are still available and who we should get. Bottom line it's slim pickens which ever direction we go, unless we trade. So bring in whomever to add some depth to our bench.
  7. Not good. Lacking confidence? Where have I heard that before? Speaking of shape, per Sekou, Bibby, Horford, Solomon, Randy all putting in some work today. Just another reason why I wanted Bibby back here. He just signed a 6 million dollar contract, but two days later, he out working with teammates.
  8. I seriously doubt we sign another PG, veteran, to back up Bibby. Unless it's Flip. Flip would be the only option there, but it's a stretch. Minutes being the issue. The PG position is solid. The two guys that Sund brought in last year, will be the ones left out in the cold this year. Mo Evans will be lucky if he's playing 10 minutes a game. Injuries happen though, it would be nice to have depth.
  9. Reality check hit him. Better (extremely) late than never. Good move RJ.
  10. Agreed. If I would have heard that a week ago, I would be under the impression he was back in the NBA. I've been looking at his Twitter. If it's really him, he seems frustrated, more specifically with Sund. I'm thinking there were plenty of opportunities for him to play elsewhere (which IMO what he wants) but there was nothing good enough for Sund to pull the trigger. So, he ends up back in Greece - other than money - probably not happy about it.
  11. Thanks for the article. Sounds like to me he's saying all the right things! Good for him, I hope he shows us good things this year.
  12. I think those qualities pretty much go out the window in a situation like that. It takes a special breed to do what those guys do. That's fights are as savage as it gets. How can you exhibit any kind of respect after beating someone's face in with your bare hands?
  13. The guy is 7'0 feet tall, probably 260. I know that's what's intiriguing. But he played in 70 games this year, over 17 minutes a game and averaged 3 boards. Not impressive. Just over 6 points a game isn't exactly setting the world on fire either. I don't care if you're comparing him to air, don't use Rasho and Amare in the same breath.
  14. You did. You peaked my interest. Numerous troubles with the law. Harassing female students, started a bar fight, and drug charges. Could be more, I read enough.
  15. You are correct, sir. 03-04. 12 games. Little over 4 points and 8 boards a game,
  16. I like the fact that Dorsey is a bruiser...just from memories at Memphis. Character issues worry me, if that's the case. We have a few potential "characters" on our team already.
  17. Andrew Bogut worries you? He killed us last year? He played in one game vs. the Hawks and had 9 points and 6 rebounds. That doesn't scare me.
  18. Me too. I thought the same thing. He must be content being a back-up. They overpaid for Hedo as well, I wouldn't think it would be huge deal money wise. Strange.
  19. Bring him in. Re-unite Woody and Wallace. They won the ring together.
  20. Marv's not here yet. How many athletic 7 footers are out there? Who?
  21. Geesh northcyde! Take it easy....LOL Seriously, you have some valid points. I'd be there if I could supporting our boyz...but I live in Ohio.
  22. Similar yes. Royel was playing with the cupboard bare at the PG position. I don't think the Hawks thought he was the PG of the future, unlike Teague. Teague is going to play, it's just a matter of how much, which his performance will decide. Being a rookie, he needs to get some experience, unless he just isn't capable. I know there needs to be flexibilty there....point being if Bibby or Crawford are playing well at the PG spot, Woody shouldn't just yank them because he needs to get the rook in....but if Teague has some idea when he will be inserted, I think that would be beneficial.
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