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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I'm stating that the margin of error is large when drafting. There's some accountability there, sure. But, to call Billy a complete failure based on what he did in the draft isn't fair.
  2. Again. You're falling under hindsight is 20/20. At the time, who's to know those two players would turn out they way they did? Derron Williams did not even play the point position most of his time in college! Dee Brown did. How did BK KNOW Derron Williams was going to turn out to be the type of PG he has been. You can say, we passed on a need. Well, that may be true in our eyes. However, it was his choice to draft players of interchangeable parts. If you want to ridicule him for his overall team philosophy, I understand that. But to blast a guy for draft picks is unfair. Unless you're Nostradomus. There's a reason it's called LOTTERY picks. They're all a gamble.
  3. I find it hard to blame/praise a man for draft picks. It's so difficult to determine what type of pro a player may be, unless it's an obvious choice at number one. Even so, how many are obvious? For example, Orlando went back and forth on Dwight Howard or Emaka Okafor. I think we all know they made the right decision, but at that point in time, we're they certain? The draft is a crapshoot. We can't call him a complete idiot for passing on CP3? Who knew he would turn out AS GOOD as he did? On the flip side, at the time, we were ridiculed for taking Smoove at 16 - awful pick correct (see Jay Bilas) - but he turned out to be a cornerstone of this turnaround.
  4. Well done. Rookies need to earn their time. It's a simple as that. Just throwing Teague out there because he's more athletic and quicker than Bibby is not in the best interest of the team. Unless he proves otherwise.
  5. You're right! I was agreeing with your inital post! I think Crawford needs more time than Flip received this past year.
  6. I'd take it! I'd like a little higher overall FG%...but the 3's and the PPG would be just fine....
  7. I'll look at the glass half full... 1. Woody - Bringing him back was a forgone conclusion. He's cheap. He's earned it. Yes, I believe that. Sund would be crucified for letting him go after what the Hawks have done the last two years. That being said, Woody is under the most pressure this coming year than he has had as a HC. 2. We may have the same cast as far as minutes, but to not factor in ability is wrong. Bringing in a 20 pt. a game scorer can help the team in many ways. Especially for our All-star. Crawford should ease JJ's minutes, as well as his scoring load. Jamal is an upgrade over Flip. 3. See #1 4. See #1 5. It's still early in the FA process. It appears Zaza isn't getting a whole lot of love from other teams, hopefully increasing our chances. Give it some time, and I bet Zaza will be back. 6. There's not a lot of "big" names out there. The ones, Shaq - Sheed - VC are veterans that are chasing rings. They're joining teams that were/are legit Championship contenders without them. We're not at that level to land those types of players, yet. But we're showing so far we still have a committment to build on the last two years. 7. David Andersen is a BIG. A huge need for this team. We have his rights, it's possible he may join the team. Of course were hopeful he will join the squad. It doesn't matter that he's European, he would fill a void that needs to be filled, plus adding depth. Like stated earlier, Boston, Orlando, Cleveland are the cream of the crop in the East without adding the pieces they did. Washington was going to be a team to be reckoned with if healthy anyway, Mike Miller and Randy Foye don't instantly vault them into a top 4 team in the East. Miami and Toronto...."what if's" and "mights". Until they do, no need to lose sleep. I'm happier holding serve, if that's the case, than taking a step back. We don't resign Bibby or bring Crawford over, I'd say we would be taking a step back. Not the case. Rick Sund should be commended for the job he has done thusfar dating back to last year. I'm very pleased with the moves he has made thusfar. Compared to our last GM, he's been the brightest spot in this francise in a long time.
  8. Maybe by default. They had some guys get hurt.
  9. Life's too short man. Just about everything you mentioned, except the vacationing spot is out of your control. Try and find a new place to relax and tan. Instead cherish your family and friends and things to close to you.
  10. Bold statement. Especially the last 10 words. Diesel is ready to pop....
  11. Agreed. But they were still our PG's. That reinforces his point, Bibby is a big upgrade.
  12. The living roster feature enables the game to download up-to-date statistics, player ratings, and behaviors and trends that reflect how the players are performing in real life.
  13. Orlando didn't make it to the Finals having a rookie point guard running the show. Jameer did quite well in that role when he was healthy, once hurt, Hedo took over the responsibilities. It's true that in the Hawks current offense, or whatever, the PG's role isn't as important. Given. But there's more to it than just dribbling past half court and passing off. There are fast break opportunities sprinkled in there. Besides, with JJ forcing doubles everytime down due to our personnel, passing off and spotting up plays right into what Bibby does well, which is shooting.
  14. Courtney Lee wasn't running the point. Jameer, all star, was. Big difference.
  15. I hear ya. I'm not burying them, I do think they will be a Top 4 team. However, 57 wins is a lot. It may be tought to match. I should have worded my post differently. I think losing Gortat, and especially Courtney Lee, hurts them in the future. Perhaps not so much next year.
  16. The new TL's are very sharp. Big fan.
  17. I hope. I don't want anymore vague YouTube clips where Bibby may or may not have disagreed with Woodson once this year. Ridiculous.
  18. Which is why he's not a good fit in Atlanta. But a perfect fit in LA. They have two. Phil and Kobe.
  19. Solid Squad. My buddy is currently working on creating all the rookies, he's obsessed. He's got Teague at an 82. A bit high...perhaps, but I'm not complaining. I can't play the game unless I have the exact roster the Hawks have....kinda dumb, I know, but it's just weird playing with guys that aren't really on the team. Same with the other teams, it's just strange. LOL
  20. I don't think you could ever call the all-time NBA steals leader a "liability".
  21. Good points. I'm already thinking we're improving our depth, something that we needed to address without a doubt. I may be in the majority here, but I think Orlando may have gotten worse. Essentially, they gave up Turk, Gortat, and Courtney Lee for VC. Sure it appears an improvement, because VC is a household name and what-not, but I dunno. Stan is going to have to be a master manipulator to keep those guys happy. Rashard, Jameer, VC, Dwight. There's only one ball.
  22. Terrific move. The key is the word "real", "natural" PG on the roster. With the progress we've made with Bibby, I was nervous handing the duties over to a rook or Crawford.
  23. You can't go wrong with an Accord. I have an 08' coupe, and I love it. I know everyone under the sun has one, but there's a reason. My brother-in-law has a 97' with over 220,000 and it's still running nicely. No issues at all.
  24. Hedo Turkoglu would have a differing opinion on what a couple more million would mean....
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