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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. This is stupid. Don't start threads like this. Even if you do, spell our coach's name correctly. We're not the Atlanta Hawk.
  2. I wouldn't complain. I think Hotlanta will disagree. LOL. Our rebounding and defense (especially guards) will be the concern, if I had to guess...
  3. It's the nature of the beast. The Hawks can't compete with Boston or LA when it comes to FA's. That's not going to change. You're talking about the faces of the league. Organizations that always have a committment to winning. Just get used to it...
  4. That's why you don't waste the talent on a good team by letting a rookie take his lumps his first year. You sign a veteran, a leader, someone who knows the team to run the show. Let the kid learn for a couple of years.
  5. I'm guilty. I've penciled in Horf as a starting Forward/Center for our team as long as he's here...mostly because I love the way he plays, and yes, his attitude. Same with Smoove because he's been here, and he's exciting to watch. I do think, however, that these two have been the best players at those positions the last few years...but I can understand what you're saying if we were to bring in a BIG this year. I would like to add that many people, here, like to look at draft position as a rite of passage of playing time and starting positions. People like to put all the blame on Woody for Acie Law not making it here. Right or wrong? Who's to say? But just because he was the ninth pick in the draft doesn't instantly mean he was going to be our pg of the future. Maybe Acie...just isn't that good?? Like you said. We will see.
  6. I sure would like to hope so. I'm not sure we have the personalities on our team to push for a certain player, unless it's Marion or Amare or someone from JJ's Phoenix days. We have to have faith in Sund. It's his show this off-season, this year.
  7. I wish the guy would just get over here already...How long have we had his rights???
  8. It's not that easy. Our offense, or lackthereof, doesn't put Smoove in the position to be an effective low post scorer. Woody is as much to blame with Smoove's bad shot selection and him floating too much around the arc as the player himself. I do believe Smoove wants to be a better shooter, and known more than just an athlete and dunker....but I don't think he's trying to be Ray Allen. Often he's forced to jack up shots because the shot clock is at 3 and JJ needs help out of the double. Or, he's left wide open in the JJ iso play because his man goes to double. The second scenario is where Josh needs to improve. When he has that choice to shoot a wide open shot or drive, he needs to take it to the hole. He's more effective driving to the basket.
  9. I agree with that assumption. Which brings me back to my initial question. This years FA bigs, or any big. Of course we would make room for Dwight...that's why I brought him up....but I see what you're saying with a player like Heywood, or Wilcox. I don't know Diesel...BK's plan was to bring in a bunch of guys that are interchangeable, and we're still seeing it. Even with adding Crawford. Is he a PG, 2, 3? It is a problem. I see your point.
  10. All Bibby is going to do is lead us back to the playoffs like he's done the whole time he's been here. Teague will see the court. We will not see a repeat of Acie Law. Teague is Sund's first draft pick, he will play. Sund won't let Teague rot on the bench. Bibby is a veteran that knows the system, a good mentor for the young kid. The huge guy from Ohio State is BJ Mullins. I've watched every game he played in college. He's about NBA ready as I am. He's a project, 3/4 years away from contributing anything to a NBA team. Oklahoma City is the perfect place for Mullins because he will be given the time to learn the game and become better. He's a seven footer that averaged 8 points and 5 boards a game, in college. If you want to continue to build on what the Hawks have accomplished the last two years, bringing Bibby back is/was the right move.
  11. So will the team. I'm reading that Chris Wilcox might be the best available "big" we may or may not be able to sign. We NEED Zaza to stay put.
  12. Ok. Horf coming off the bench. Horf and Smoove off the bench. Who cares? Howard's more productive than anyone on our team. I don't exactly understand what you're trying to say. But, if you're saying if in some dreamland, a miracle fantasy land, we could get Dwight Howard....but we can't because we're not honest about our players? Trade anyone! Get rid of anyone! Make room!!! Who cares who it is....
  13. I suppose, since we apparently signed him and Im hopeful that we can go to the Finals every year, the answer is yes. I believe he can lead us there. Wishful thinking, maybe... Seeing that I've never seen the Hawks in the Finals with any current point guard in the league.
  14. Good post. It's hard not to factor in position, and needs. And age for that matter.
  15. Too many factors at play to answer such a generic question. My point is based on the past, what we have accomplished with him here. We've improved. He's brought stability, leadership... He changed our team for the better the day he arrived. The proof is in our record and playoff appearances.
  16. That makes no sense. One team wins it all. Last time I checked, to compete for anything significant, you need to make the playoffs FIRST. The fact is, since Bibby has been here, we have taken that first step.
  17. Does it even matter? He would start at center. There's no debate there. I don't care if were paying Smoove 57 mil to come off the bench. If the Hawks had Howard, he would fit in just fine.
  18. Are you speaking of the FA bigs available now, or a center in general? I mean, if the "gods" gave us Dwight Howard, I'm sure we could find a place for him...
  19. If common ground means playoffs, since he has led us there after years of bottom dwelling, good move.
  20. Thanks dude!! Code worked for me. First issue in a month.
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