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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I agree. It's not like Za is a force or cog in the middle either. He's a decent center. But signing him, or having someone to replace his production is crucial.
  2. Not giving up what has been suggested to acquire him...even if it's feasible. No way.
  3. You need to factor in the style of play when looking at the Knicks. I doubt you would see those kind of inflated numbers if he were in a Hawks uni. I don't think he's worth 10 million per., IMO.
  4. Marcus Camby is a walking medical chart. No thanks.
  5. We picked up Jamal Crawford too. Whether he's a point or 2...doesn't matter. Hell would freeze over before you would ever see Acie Law in a Hawks uniform next year. Dude had his chance here, whether he was given a fair shot by Woody or not...it's moot.
  6. Huh?? LOL. That ship has sailed. No parties involved wants that to happen. You do know we drafted a PG in the first round correct?
  7. Yikes. You have to be able to do more than shoot, like get to the rack... Jameer Nelson?? Derrick Rose??
  8. Doesn't surprise me that Houston may or may not be looking at Zaza. With Yao's career in jeopardy, my assumption is that Houston would be targeting any and all bigs that may be available.
  9. Money. Needs. Of the 10 guys you just listed, 7 of them are perimeter players, 8 if you include Smoove. We would get hammered down low with that team defensively. Our rebounding would be atrocious.
  10. Whew. Glad this was a newbie having fun.. I about lost my lunch. Get this thing outta here
  11. My fingers are crossed that our draft this year might help that. As far as attractiveness.. Were not there, I agree. But were on the right path. Still really young, and the last couple of years have helped. In reality, IMO, despite the playoffs... Were still fighting an uphill battle. Our ownership.. Who wants in that mess? I don't think players are sold on our coach... AJC says he's respected around the league, I just don't buy that. We just can't compete with the Celts or Spurs in FAcy... We just can't! It's that simple.
  12. We're not going to win a tug of war battle in regards landing free agents versus those five teams mentioned. Boston and LA deserve any player they can get because they've earned it by having a history of a committment of winning. The spurs are in the same class in the last decade, dominance. LeBron is the best player on the planet, Dwight the best big man... Who wouldn't want to play with those two? Sure it sucks... But of course were going to lose out to that handful. No use worrying about it.
  13. Do we really want Ron Artest, Josh Smith, and Jamal Crawford on the same basketball team with a coach that has no control over his players? We would need a plethora of doctor's available at our disposal, and not the physical kind.
  14. Yup. My guess Smoove could give a rat's *ss what Chad Ford or any other media person thinks. The Hawks paid him big money, if they trade him now, he has the last laugh. Why give a guy 55+ million dollars then trade him a year later? Unless it's an obvious upgrade in the GM's eyes...and I can count on one hand how many players that may be.
  15. He's not a weak spot. You're dead on. People tend to base the type of player by where he's picked. Since he was picked third, he's supposed to be the second coming of MJ. It's unfair and unreal expectations.
  16. 4). No way Rick Sund lets his first draft pick rot on the bench. He saw what happened to Acie, he added to it w/flip. Teague will be getting minutes.
  17. I agree 100%. Even with his bad decisions, Smoove has shown he can pretty much do anything on the basketball court. Not many players have that ability. It's all about timing with the desisions he makes. It's hard to write that he needs to mature after his 6th year, but he does as far as his BB IQ - No thanks to his coach. X's and O's, defense, energy, hometown kid...just too many positives.
  18. He would be a upgrade over anything we have right now.
  19. Smoove needs to be here. He's been a cog in this machine since he came into the league, now were good....he signed a huge deal which was well deserved. Even for (injury prone) Amare, Smoove is worth more to this francise. I would be terrribly disappointed if we traded Josh Smith. Just too many good things happening right now.
  20. I don't consider Miller a great point guard either. IMO, both have their strengths and weaknesses. Both bring different things to the table. Why not stick with the guy that's been here to work the other two guards, new to the team, into the mix? Adding three new guards to this team will take a learning curve with the system and the other players on the team. I do think that Miller, overall, is a better player...but chemistry and knowing your team is so important.
  21. I compare him to Rodman, since this is a basketball forum. On the court (stage), awesome performer, off it... Shady and scary as hell!!
  22. I would prefer to keep Bibby. Since he's arrived he's been a leader for this team. He's developed a chemistry with our young studs, and been that one constant veteran the last year and a half. Were already bringing in two new faces in Crawford and Teague to throw in the mix to gel, let's not add another. Bibby may not want to stick around because of his new back court mates, but it's willing to at the right price, it's a no brainer to me.
  23. I'm on board. Listening the the clips of his interviews the last couple days, he seems confident, he has a swagger. Why not make it easy and just bring Bibby back? Cmon Rick..
  24. That's too funny. I'm speechless...I'm not sure how to even respond to the question. Nice work...
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