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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Hey, whatever! Maybe he'll realize the importance of movement and setting screens in an offense.
  2. Dead on. People outside the organization, media, bandwagon fans, etc. that don't see Atlanta play on a consistent basis have no clue about our ineptness offensively. They may get a taste during the playoffs...but unless you watch the Hawks consistently, people are blinded by the improving record each year, and playoff appearances. We would be burned at the stake by the media if Woodson was let go. But his shortcomings as an offensive coach are overshadowed by wins and losses in everyone's eyes but the people who sit through the games every other night....
  3. There's an art there. Barkley was tremendous at this. Knowing angles, tendencies of where rebounds end up in relation to where it was shot. Tough things to teach. A lot of rebounding is wanting the ball. However, I do agree that Smoove relies too much on his athleticism in regards to rebounding. Extra work on the fundamentals of blocking out and positioning couldn't hurt. I guess if Rodman hasn't been in the news, or we haven't heard anything about him could only be positive. It seems like whenever he is in the news, it's always some outrageous happening that leaves us scratching our heads.
  4. Smoove being tutored by Rodman?? Interesting thought. I don't know how much Rodman could teach. He just played with heart, outworked everybody for boards. I'm not sure you can teach motivation and fire.
  5. That's just it. Finances had to play a key role in bringing Woody back. He's cheap.
  6. I'm sure the owners are well aware of Smoove's potential and his talent. I agree he's not going anywhere unless we get a star talent in return. I'm thinking with the problems between Smoove and Woodson will warrant at least looking at possible scenarios. Getting us 20 and 8 averages would be hard to turn down!!
  7. I could be mistaken, but I thought I read on here that the Hawks are among the tops in the league in season ticket sales for next season??? I was hoping this was true. We all knew Woodson was coming back. It was inevitable. Not surprising news.
  8. If our owners intentions are to keep Woody around, which I think will happen, I'm sure we'll entertain some ideas involving Smoove. It's no secret Woody/Smoove = oil/water.
  9. Rio. He needs to be shooting 10,000 15-18 ft. jumpers a day. He has to develop some kind of offensive game other than follow up dunks...
  10. Giving him a bigger role, or more opportunities to score, will give him the ball more. However, Woody has to be the one to allow for these opportunities. In the current system, he's a spot up shooter, or he has to create on his own. He has limited movement without the ball, no screens being set for him, etc. Marvin is ready! The system isn't ready.
  11. As much as everyone is saying the Lakers are "soft" and Nene and Martin and co. will push the Lakers around, I don't see it. LeBron and Kobe are on a collision course for the finals. It's what the league wants, and it's what it will get.
  12. Interesting stat. May open some more eyes at our lack of offense. I would like to know how many of Smoove's three's were attempted with the shot clock at that number or below.
  13. Of course he doesn't deserve it. I agree. Hell, on paper, if you were an outsider looking what he has done with this francise, he probably DESERVES an extension. But man, it's painfully obvious we need help coaching this team with offense. I'm perfectly fine with keeping Woody, but we can't go another year without some flexibility scoring the ball. Assistant coaching changes, offensive coordinator, whatever has been debated about here, something. Otherwise, we'll continue to win 45 games with this group. That's not all bad, but the potential to do more is there.
  14. Not that difficult. You're right, other coaches would drool over the talent the Hawks boast in their starting five. Bibbs, Horf, Smoove, JJ, Marv. All five have strengths at the offensive end, and all could be utilized in some fashion. Once again, we've come full circle back to the root of the problem....coaching.
  15. It's safe to say our offensive game plan needs to be revamped if Zaza is part of the cog that makes our offense go. I love his hustle and aggressiveness around the basket. But when he's on the floor, he has to be one of our last options to run sets through of the 5 on the floor.
  16. 29. Yes. Most knowledgeable this year. No he's not fresh on the scene, hence the word I used "still".
  17. So far so good, at least with the Hawks. I'm looking at the glass half full right now, until he does something otherwise. His moves to bring in Flip and Mo were the right decisions. Let's hope it continues. (Stay away from BJ Mullins Rick!)
  18. Ok. Thanks. Dude still has a strong grasp of the game, that's for sure. By far, the most knowledgeable color man I've heard during this year's playoffs.
  19. Marvin won't sniff that kind of point production under Woody. Those are all-star type numbers. I don't see it in a year.
  20. Good idea. In a perfect world, choose issues relevant to decisions concerning the Hawks this off-season, create a poll, gather the majority, and elaborate on why this would be beneficial for the Hawks. Then hope a brass for the Hawks reads it with an open mind!!
  21. Defense isn't the problem. Like you stated. His background is defense, his basketball knowledge is defense. But to become a head coach at the highest level, a coach must be able to develop some kind of identity to score the basketball. If that doesn't work, make adjustments and do something else. The Hawks do neither. One may argue our offense runs through Joe, that's our identity. Fine...but when the double comes, what now Coach? Buptkus. That's what...
  22. I think it's decision making and basketball IQ that is holding Smoove back. Not entirely his fault, he hasn't had a great learning tool as a HC. It is just my opinion, but watching Smoove play, he just doesn't seem to understand the game very well. There's a reason why, and I'm sure it's not with me, but whenever Smoove has the ball in his hands - leading a fast break, or in the half court, I'm always holding my breath. I'm either waiting for a horrific turnover, or a spectacular play. There's no middle ground with him. No consistency. I want to feel comfortable when the so called "leader" has the ball. I want to know that the majority of the time, good things happen when the "leader" is instigating the plays. I just don't feel Smoove can fill that void, lead by example. Not yet anyway....
  23. Another big man that likes to shoot the three. Good mentor to Smoove...lol
  24. Cavobserver probably hasn't watched the Hawks much this year until the series with his boys...let alone the past 5 years under Woodson. Until you watch us consistently, like most Squawkers, it's impossible to clearly understand the glaring weakness of no offensive coaching.
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