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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. As much as I love Flip and what he meant to the 09 Hawks, if we could get Miller in here to run this team, go for it.
  2. Short/sweet and exactly right. Any more threads concerning JJ with the Hawks should be answered here.
  3. Good post. The one difference about complaining to the refs in regards to Smoove and the HOF's listed above is just that....those guys earned that right in some fashion, through their accomplishments as individuals or through their respected teams. Smoove and the Hawks have done neither.
  4. LOL. "You're Fuc*ing up the rotation"....
  5. That's a good point. With anything else, debate would be an issue. I like the idea of running a poll first, majority opinion rules. Then let the posting begin. I don't see any harm in trying either....what could it hurt?
  6. Pipe dream. Mark Price would resign. Smoove and Howard at the charity stripe...Ugh.
  7. Interesting. I'm on board. I'm just curious to know how the opinions/information gathered would be accessible to the management and ownership. Just a thought...
  8. Acquiring a player with Boozer's talent would help. His talent would help any team. Sure, it's not a position of need, but with his skills, if we could get him, do it. I don't see how having Smoove, Horf, and Boozer all in a Hawks uni would be a bad thing. Sounds like a good problem to have if I were the coach.
  9. We would have to wait and see how that would all play out. But, the dubious distinction mentioned above belongs to Craig Claxton.
  10. I think if we acquired Milsap, we would continue to play Horf at the 5. Re-sign Zaza and he would continue his current role. Between Milsap, Horf, and Zaza...that would be a solid front court. This would put Smoove primarily at the three position, which would anger many around here because he would be floating around the perimeter in the current state of our offense. This would make Marvin expendable, and a good SNT possibility.
  11. Definitely. Yes... Veterans would help. And possibly a new coach. I've never been a Woody basher, but I'm hating on him today for some reason. Maybe I've come to the realization that 47 wins and the second round might me Woody's apex...his NBA Championship, if you will, with this group.
  12. Defense does win championships. However, there has to be some offensive "system" in place. There's a reason why your boys stood 8 feet away from Smoove everytime he had the ball on the perimeter. There's a reason why JJ was doubled all the time. Our team has the inability to stop things that aren't working, and the inability to make adjustments throughout the game. We need someone new at the helm. :computer8:
  13. I am, and have been, with the players. They're young, and it's been well documented. The coaching on the other hand, my patience is gone.
  14. Yes, I agree that injuries played a part in us being swept, albeit a small one. With a 100% healthy Marv and Horf, things may have been somewhat different, but the ultimate outcome of the series would not have changed. Cleveland would still have won the series. Our guys were not prepared well enough, hurt or injured, to knock off the Cavs.
  15. I agree here. Smoove is not mature enough, or smart enough to put it bluntly to carry the label as "leader". That being said, I'm not sure JJ exhibits are the characteristics of other players we consider "leaders" of NBA teams. He's not vocal, he's subdued, and passive. Talent wise, JJ has the tools. It's the mental task of leading during TO's, at halftime - get in the faces of other players. Bibby has shown flashes, with his questioning of Woody and how he uses Smoove. I think Bibs is seeing that Joe isn't capable of being viewed as the team leader, and if he resigns, I bet we see a more assertive point guard next year.
  16. The question arises, would you give up Smoove for the possibility of only having Bosh for a year??
  17. Money talks. Bibby can say all he wants, loves the city, loves the team, coaches etc. But, at his age, this will be his last semi-large contract. Whomever offers him the most money, will get his services.
  18. I see Al being a 14/15 pt. scorer and 10 boards a game player. "Solid." He showed, as a second year player, the potential he has the last 10 games of the regular season. Add to that the intangibles of effort, heart, a solid role model and leader and he is "stable".
  19. Yup. Especially during the lopsided series vs. the Cavs, the only bright spot the networks could key on was our improvement the last few years. Woody is reaping the benefits of it. Anyone outside of the organization, or that doesn't consistently watch the Hawks, would think Woody is heavily responsible for the turnaround. It would be a PR nightmare if Woody is dumped. We would be a laughingstock. I can see it already....the Hawks steadily improved over his 5 years, and reached 47 wins then fire him? It won't happen...simply from the perception alone. Woody will be the Hawks coach next year.
  20. Mike Brown has something that the Hawks don't...number 23. I think we have a good start with the players we have...what we don't have is a system in which to fit. Woody has got to go.
  21. Listening to Hubie call our games makes me wonder if he's throwing his hat into the ring...sometimes. It's like he salivating over the talent the Hawks have, and he's auditioning for the job. He's right on point with the analysis of the Hawks' play, and what we should or should not be doing to improve our chances vs. Cleveland. I understand he's trying to keep viewers during the lop-sided victories, but his basketball IQ is apparent, I agree with Diesel.
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