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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. The two four point plays were an anomaly, especially by the same player. People can write that they were boneheaded plays and can state that the Hawks can't maintain a lead, or whatever. All I know is that huge spurt the Heat had in the second was due in large part to us, not them playing well. Those types of plays will not happen in the two, possibly three remaining games. Let these Miami people write all their BS that we "are still the Hawks." This guy is stuck in 2004.
  2. I can't. Who cares how we won? It's not like it's game 40 in a 82 game season where you can work to improve. It's the playoffs, win or go home. Last man standing wins. People should be happy that we won...not the process in which we did it. Win ugly, win pretty, it's all the same thing.
  3. Hey, whatever it takes. The players realize if they lose tonight, it's over. Glad to see they're trying to find the answers.
  4. Joe: "Sorry I'm forced to keep jacking up ill-advised shots so much. I really don't know what else to do. Coach keeps calling for the iso play. Gotta do what he wants." Bibby: "I'm the vet. I can carry us when our offense is stagnant. I've been there. Wait, I'm too old to carry this team on my shoulders. Our offense is always stagnant. I'll shoot anyway. As far as my defense...can't help it...I'm as slow as a snail in syrup." Marvin: "I'd help if I could. Can't figure out if it's my wrist, back, or if Woody just doesn't think I'm good enough to play anymore." Smoove: "Wait, did we lose Game three? Sorry fellas, I was asleep until the middle of the third. Why was the game already over?" Horf: "Jermaine O'neal....Hmmm....." Zaza: "You guys need to bring the energy I brought! C'mon!!! I may not be very athletic and have trouble finishing around the rim, but I play hard and bang! Push Jermaine around a little Al, he's a walking corpse! Now where did I put my ProActive.....?" Flip: (In a corner)..."Man, if I could have shot the ball the first three games like I shot all year, I would be getting paid this summer...damn...and maybe we wouldn't be down in the series. Oh well, I played well enough to get another million next year." Mo: "D-Wade is good guys. I'm trying my best when I'm guarding him, but it's not working. Maybe Coach should run a double and help me once in awile." Rio: "I could help on D-Wade!!!! Let me! Let me! C'mon guys....me, me, me!!! I don't know why my *ss is so sore though." Acie: Silent. Thinking. "What in the hell am I still doing here. Where will I be next year. I can't stand Woody." Speedy: "Sorry guys. I'm just taking up space...I mean, cap space...." Collectively: "Hey, if our HC is saying it's going to be tough to beat Miami, then maybe it is. If our GM won't be disappointed if we lose, why should we care?. To heck with it....let's hit South Beach!!!"
  5. Makes you wonder if, within the organization, the thinking is we overachieved this year. With Sund's comments prior to the series starting that if we lost it wouldn't be a "total disappointment"...now Woody with damage control/making excuses. It's like we're not supposed to be the fourth seed. We overachieved. It's like we're satisfied with making it to where we did, and we're meant to get beat by Miami.
  6. Up until game three, I would have disagreed that Miami had the better TEAM. Looking back on what we did over the course of an entire season, and the talent we have, I would have said we are the better team. However, when you factor in COACHING, sharing the ball, etc...all the factors that a "team" encompasses, maybe Miami is better...all we have to do is look at the new banner. I think Dolfan hit the nail on the head, it speaks for itself.
  7. Yes there would. Except it would be opposite. We would be preparing for Kobe.
  8. Symbolism and foreshadowing EX! In basketball terms...LOL. One could only hope...
  9. The first game is dead and buried. Until the Hawks win again in this series, Wade's heroics in game two will completely diminish his struggles in game one on this board. Like I mentioned earlier, we go from playing the Lakers in the finals on Mon,Tues, Wed, - to trading Joe Johnson because he is the reason we lost from Wed. night to the present. Taking things to an extreme are the norms.
  10. Only people close to the team really know the whole story behind Marvin, is it his back, or Woody's decision to not play him, I dunno. But, I do understand why Flip is playing. If you look at what he did in the regular season, and his strengths as a player, it makes sense. Flip does have the ability to create his own shot, when our offense breaks down, or when we iso and nothing happens. Unfortunately, not having a consistent offensive scheme AND the fact we iso people so much, plays right into Flip's strength. Flip has the ability to bail us out with his aggressiveness and ability to get to the rack. That said, Flip hasn't played well in the first two games vs. Miami. We're going to NEED something positive coming off the bench, offensively...he's the best option.
  11. I agree with this. Even though I don't expect the Hawks to play with the mistakes they did in game two - missed FT's, poor shot selection - we all know. And I don't expect Miami to shoot the ball so da@n well either. But, the Hawks may play crappy again and Miami might play lights out again. That's why they play the game.
  12. I disagree with this post entirely. You win as a team, and you lose as a team. One player does not win championships. Rockets have Yao? Denver has Anthony? How long has Yao been in the league? Houston has never made it past the first round with him. Carmelo Anthony? You're not putting Joe Johnson in the same category player wise as Carmelo Anthony? Nevermind, beside the point. You have to have a superstar to do what? Win the NBA championship? That argument may have some merit...maybe. However, this is the first round. Regardless of what happens in this series, the Hawks have more talent as a TEAM top to bottom. LeBron is the best player in the game (in my opinion), but those that disagree - still would have to agree he's top 5. He's been lobbying for more pieces for three years now because that's the only way Cleveland can win the NBA championship. He's surrounded by the best supporting cast he's had in his career...Lebron is intelligent enough to realize even him, one of the best players on the planet needs help.
  13. Wade will shoot right over Mario, just like he did to any other G/F that guarded him. Doesn't mean I don't think he should play. We lacked energy. He has energy.
  14. With anyone with fame and fortune, I'm sure there are NBA players in which this rings true. However, I think stating that NBA players, in essence, don't care, is an over-generalization. I believe there are players that care and what to win, no matter the cost. I think that's why we see the intensity pick up in the playoffs, harder fouls, and tougher defense in the playoffs as opposed to the regular season (save last night from the Hawks). In addition, I'm sure NBA contracts are loaded with incentives (money) for winning playoff games and series' in the playoffs. Players who only care about money and what not do have have something to play for....more money.
  15. Agreed. We did enough things wrong to start a thousand threads about what we need to improve on. It was an ugly performance. We play even remotely like we did last night on the road, we won't see Phillips again this year.
  16. If Joe is lacking something, the "it" factor according to Hotlanta...I surely would like to know what "it" is. If "it" is simply not having the capability to lead this team to "places"..then this organization has never had an "it" player. I've been following the Hawks for thirty years, we've never been to "places"...if places is referring to the Finals. I'd like to see a list of the current players in this league that are "it" players. My gut tells me the list is short....and getting a player with "it" capabilities is not an option for the Hawks. Joe Johnson played terrible. Ok. It happens. Let's scrap it, get rid of a three time all star because he was a contributing factor to one loss in the first round of a best of seven game series???? Joe's going to bounce back, and lead the Hawks past the Heat. Then everyone will be back on the Joe Johnson bandwagon. It's two games into the playoffs! It's amazing, after one win, we're playing the Lakers in the finals around here. We lose one game, now it's time to trade Joe Johnson. How is that possible?
  17. Good post. I don't see the negatives of having Chillz back on the team. Sure the argument could be we have a log jam of perimeter players, and there aren't enough minutes available. I think that's a good problem to have. Adding more talent to an already talented roster is a positive in my eyes. Injuries, slumps, more depth...Chillz can help in all these areas. Not sure about the financial situation involving Chillz and the guys we need to re-sign...but that's Sund's decisions. But, if there were some way to keep this year's team intact and bring back Chillz, it couldn't hurt.
  18. It is. Getting a W tonight would give me, and the fans, peace of mind that our season won't end in Miami. Away from Phillips, we're a different team, which has been well documented. From my perspective, even if we were to lose all three in Florida, we still get to come home and win the series. We lose tonight, it could be the last game in Phillips this year. I'm sure the players don't want that sitting in the backs of their minds...
  19. Oh boy, risky! I like the enthusiasm...but, unfortunately, I also hope you look long facial hair on your lip! LeBron may have something to say about your stach!!
  20. I did notice that! The announcers made a reference to your point as well. Good to see Ivey expand his game. While he was a Hawk, he struggled with a wide open 15 footer...let alone a three. As far as Van Gundy, I've watched the Magic a ton this year. Nothing ever seems to be his fault. He's an intense coach, but there is always an excuse. I understand that the players have to be held accountable for blowing a 20 point lead, but some of that blame needs to be reflected on the head coach. More over, he needs to man up in the media and motivate his players instead of belittling them...
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