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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I've given Woody some love for his game one decision making. I thought he did a great job with Marvin as far as his minutes. Some were a little upset we he got pulled half way through the first while he was hot, I was ok with it. It showed me that Woody stuck to his game plan...which was to get Marvin some burn early, then get him out. I commend him for sticking to his guns. I thought Woody had some timely TO's, if you will ignore the pun. Defensively, he looked like a genius. I'm sure there were a crapload of people that were watching the Hawks for the first time, and to see us limit the league's leading scorer had to open some eyes. People around here are aware that we've done a decent job on Wade all year....but to execute in playoff time is a different animal. Kudos to Woody! Go Hawks! (I could do without the gaudy championship ring, but hey, maybe it's a mindset with the young Hawks!)
  2. Funny you mention that particular moment in the game. When the Hawks built a lead like that during the regular season, it seemed to always disappear in the blink of an eye. Not this time. Kudos for Woody using a TO at that moment. Despite the lead still at 19, he felt the need to nip it in the bud right away. Great move. Follow that with a perfectly run set play in which Zaza muscled himself in the post and got a point blank lay-up to squash the run. Good TO, good play call after the time-out. Seems minute, but it was encouraging to see Woody make some productive decisions.
  3. The talent is there for us to get to the next level, I agree. When we speak of focus, mindsets, too much iso's/1 on 1, and energy, that falls on one man's shoulders. Of course, Woody. The personnel is there to make the jump to the next level, is the coaching? Can Woody get these guys focused? Can he get them to share the ball more and not put the pressure all on Joe? Can he manipulate substitution patterns to play guys that are bringing the energy and sustaining it? We'll see.
  4. No he's not. Nobody is, for that matter. Woody is staying put.
  5. They wouldn't like it. We see a repeat of last night on Wednesday, the national media's dream of LeBron vs. Wade will disappear, and they will find another angle to peak people's interest. It's all about ratings and money, and they will surely find something else to promote.
  6. They can hate all they want...it really doesn't matter. We keep winning and all the negatives will do a complete 180. Before we know it, they'll be talking about the Hawks being a sleeper to win the East! It's just the way it goes.
  7. It should. He had no business making that play. But, I doubt the NBA will use it. JJ is the poster child for the Hawks. Probably always will be as long as he's a Hawk. Those adds feature the stars of the league - KG, Paul, Carmello, Joe, Duncan - faces people recognize. Despite that 99% of the players in the league probably couldn't make the play Smoove did, he's not considered one of the elite - yet. I think any commercial or league promoting campaign involving the Hawks will always revolve around JJ.
  8. True. A 30 point win, or a one point win in OT, same thing. Just one win. However, how we achieved that one win is why people should be excited. Woody needs to use the film from last night as the formula on how to beat these guys. Bibby getting nine assists, Smoove playing above the rim and not outside, Horf's defensive presence, and the energy from EVERYONE, including our bench players that didn't see the court. Last night was the blueprint to get passed the first round, stick to it. Woody does not have to scrap his game one preparations, they were dead on. This is what is exciting to me.
  9. It's not Webber's problem, or fault, that the competition was not up to par with him during his prime. No matter who he was playing against, he was still expected to produce at an all-star level, and he did. That's like saying Wilt is not HOF worthy because of the type of competition he played against. Ridiculous.
  10. Wow. Few and far between when I read Woody out coached someone around here. But, last night, he was making good decisions. Easy to say when we won so handily, but he was making good moves. I thought he did a tremendous job with Marvin. More specifically limiting his minutes. Marvin played hard with the time he was given, and was a definite boost for the team. Woody's timing on his TO's were on the mark. Miami made a small 6-0 run towards the end of the third...Woody could sense the momentum shift and nipped it in the bud. After that TO, he came out with a set play that found Zaza right under the basket for an easy two. Whatever preparation Woody had for these guys worked. Whatever he said to Bibs and Smoove, he needs to repeat Wednesday.
  11. I'm expecting Marvin to contribute. He needs to peform at the level he did prior to his injury, stastically on offense and his defense. I believe if the doc's didn't think his back would be near 100% they would have shut him down. He got a couple games under his belt and has had enough practice time to get his legs back. I hope so at least, the Hawks need him.
  12. They wouldn't. That's why you won't find one. But experts of various media outlets that do have a say about the HOF say things like this: Webber always put up big numbers (he averaged 20.7 points, 9.8 rebounds, and 4.2 assists for his whole career.) and will likely be a candidate for the Hall of Fame. Webber's soft hands and natural court sense made him one of the most prolific big-man passers in NBA history. The Golden State Warriors did not make the playoffs during the first 12 years after they traded Webber. In 1997, he led Washington to their first playoff appearance since 1989. They would not reach the playoffs again until 2005, seven years after trading Webber. Prior to Webber's arrival in 1998, the Kings made the playoffs only twice (1985 and 1996) since they moved to Sacramento from Kansas City in 1985. Webber was ranked #64 in SLAM Magazine's Top 75 NBA Players of all time in 2003. Webber was ranked #11 in an Espn.com experts poll of the top power forwards of all time in 2008. Webber is one of only six players to have career averages of 20 points, 9 rebounds, and 4 assists (Four of which are Hall of Famers: Baylor, Bird, Chamberlain, Cunningham. Kevin Garnett is still active)
  13. Me too. He has to be able to make adjustments during the game. Although, when the scoreboard comes on, Woody can sometimes look like a deer in headlights. Luckily, we're facing a team in which it's not too difficult to comprehend what needs to be done to win. Hassle Wade all the time, don't let Beasley get 30.
  14. It is going to be an interesting off season. I have a lot of faith in Sund. His two moves bringing in Mo and Flip were perfect fits. He seems to have a good eye with evaluating roles players have in a system in place, and then fills those positions adequately.
  15. I agree. We do need execute and focus on ourselves and not so much Miami. This in turn all falls on Woody. Preparation, preparation, preparation!! Get them ready Woody!!!!
  16. I guess this post might be banned for my lack of basketball knowledge in regards to Webber's ability to score. I guess 20 a game over 13 years says he was chopped liver shooting the ball. As far as other Hall of Famers, Webber's career is on par with PF's that are a lock for the HOF. Hell, he averaged more points and assists than Tim Duncan has in his career. Oh, right, can't compare him to Duncan because he has all the rings and star players on his team. How about Barkley (22 pts, 11.7 boards, 3.9 assists) or Malone (25 points, 10 boards, 3.6 assists) ? I think it's safe to say those two are locks...and Webber's statistical career is in no shape inferior to what those two did. He may not be worthy, not my decision...but to think he doesn't deserve a sniff of the HOF for what he did in the NBA strictly from stats is stupid. In 2001, Webber averaged 27, 11, and 4.3. One could argue he was the best PF on the planet during that time.
  17. True, all-star games, MVP's, All NBA's, are opinion and not reality. The reality lies in the statistics over a 13 year career, which I mentioned in a previous post. Webber's career will get HOF discussion, how could they not? I could care less about how Webber's jumper looks, or Smooves....the bottom line is if it was effective. Webber's jumper was extremely effective. His last few years, he was playing on one leg and had to rely solely on his jumper. Bird's jumper wasn't the prettiest or most fundamental shot in basketball, but I would say he could shoot! I would take a Chris Webber five years into his career over Smoove in a heartbeat. Where do we sign up! If only it was possible....
  18. I'm not a big fan of Stein from ESPN, but he did mention: Marvin Williams -- one of the eight players Mike Woodson is likely to rely on and one of the most important members of their D-Wade defensive cavalry. Marvin's defensive presence is an on-going debate, but having him back as another body to throw at Wade is huge over a 7 game series. Not only a body, but one of the best Hawks defenders at containing the ball - keeping people in FRONT of him. The key to containing Wade is forcing him to make 17-20 foot jumpers. If he is going to beat us, make him do it by hitting mid-range jumpers. Marvin's height and length gives him an advantage defensively over Mario. Marvin's athleticism gives him an advantage over Joe. Also, by Joe not guarding Wade can decrease the chances he gets in foul trouble. If Marv can play his usual tough defense, with Al and Josh behind him to contest shots, our chances of containing Wade improve tremendously. Once Marvin got hurt, I ruled him out for the playoffs. Everyone moved on thinking he was done in 09. Getting him back this time of year was an extremely pleasant surprise, and we're going to need his D.
  19. If each player can follow through on what you think needs to be done to win, I think the Hawks would have a chance to beat anybody in a 7 game series! Go Hawks!
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