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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Luckily, you won't have...unless we happened to make the finals. And the Spurs too..
  2. In hindsight, there's definitely some things Woody could have done differently defensively. However, I don't know what it is. We threw everyone and the kitchen sink at Parker, nothing worked. Some nights nothing can stop a player. 42 and 10 is a monster game. Short of having 10 players on the floor, I'm not sold that any defense would have slowed Parker last night.
  3. Ok, I'll be the guy that starts a thread about looking at the positives of the whole season, instead of post after post of negativity after a loss to the Spurs. We clinched a playoff spot. We're 42-30. We just won eight straight on our home floor prior to last night. We're 3.5 games up in clinching home court. Everyone knows this, but it's just a reminder... these positive things happened with Bibby and Smoove being major parts. I am also well aware that the goal is a championship. This team is not on that level. Changes need to be made to get to that level. Why don't we save all of proposed trades and personnel changes until after the year is done. The team we saw last night is the same team that will be in the playoffs. These guys have done well for a Hawks team. Enjoy it. All the "what if's" are played. It's been a successful year. There are only 10 games remaining in 09-10 and we're sitting in a tremendous spot (in comparison to decades past with this organizaton).
  4. Parker would blow by anyone 99% of the time one on one in the open court. If our chances in the playoffs come down to Mike Bibby stopping Tony Parker in the open floor, then I agree. Luckily, it doesn't.
  5. Exactly. He had a bad game vs. a good team. Smoove has areas to improve, everyone does. Josh Smith, Joe Johnson, and Al Horford are the Hawks. As fans we have to understand it's reality. The francise must not be too concerned with him, or we wouldn't have paid him the hefty contract. It's easy to critique him on bad nights...and it's easy not to praise him when he plays well, apparently.
  6. buckeye242424


    Tonight it stuck out at me Marvin's absence in our defense. One thing he is good at doing is containing the ball and keeping people in front of him. I understand Parker is nearly impossible to guard, but he was making JJ and Flip look bad, and Bibby never had a prayer. I think Marvin could have definitely helped.
  7. When given a chance, we can only hope Acie will turn out like Devin Harris has.
  8. More like he talked...someone else did the writing.
  9. Goodness! With that line-up...who needs Marvin's defense???
  10. Flip should be playing as much as possible. He's taken it upon himself to pick up Marv's scoring load and some. Nique and Bob stressed last night how important Flip will be to us in the playoffs, I couldn't agree more.
  11. From my observations, Woody allows his players to do pretty much what they want on the floor. JJ has free reign to do as he pleases. Flip as well. My guess is that if Woody was coaching AI, we would see the same pattern.
  12. Yeah, I think there was so "politicking" going on. I think he's leaving our options open, and he wants the team to know it. We do have young pieces that may entice other teams. If a superstar "big" became available, I can see us parting with Marv, Acie, the rights to Chillz..
  13. Poor scouting. Obviously Miller wasn't informed that Hawks have trouble putting teams away once a lead is established. “You can’t give a team like Atlanta a cushion because it’ll be too hard to catch up,” said Timberwolves captain Mike Miller. “They can score in bunches and they have a lot of offensive threats, and Flip was the weapon of choice tonight.”
  14. Interesting post. I question the Marvin grade. If giving him a D- is based solely on his play, no way he's borderline failing. If the D- represents passing on the you know who's for him, then I agree.
  15. Keeping Woody for continuity purposes is the right call. He wasn't going to state that he's a tremendous coach and we're lucky to have him!! Despite Woody's downfalls, he deserved a shot at being good and has earned the right to take this team to the playoffs again and see what we can do.
  16. Just like Billy Hoyle in "White Men Can't Jump" listening to Jimi...
  17. Speaking of reaching their "prime", as a team, I figure next year is as good as any. Woody is big about setting goals in the pre-season, this year was 50 wins and home court in the play-offs. With 11 games left, we're darn close. What's the step for next year? Winning the east? Bibby is past his prime, but still has a lot left in the tank to be a key contributor. I think JJ is in his prime right now. I believe JJ is playing about as well as he will play in his career. Three straight all-star appearances, with more to follow, hopefully. Smoove will be entering his sixth year. Marvin 5 years. - Still extremely young, but approaching veteran status as far as years in the league. That being said, they should be playing up to their capabilities in the next 2 years or so. Horford will average a double double next year. The expectations for next year will and should be high. As a team, I think 2009-2010 will be there "peak" year as a team. IF they keep the core together....which includes signing Marvin and Flip.
  18. The fans of the Hawks and Hawksquawk do want Woodson gone. We're the ones that watch every game and critique all his mistakes. Most of us agree that the Hawks would flourish under another coach and/or a different philosophy. The sobering truth, it appears, is that nothing is going to change. With the ownership situation, the Hawks' steady improvement (by record), and a good shot at home court in year 2 of the playoffs, Woodson is staying put.
  19. Interesting post. I can only hope that we can prove the numbers wrong and make the finals. I just want to win a playoff series!!
  20. I believe the Hawks should win this game. Too much riding on this season to lose to an inferior team at home with home court hanging in the balance.
  21. True. They didn't "pioneer" it, but they are given credit for doing so. When people suggest "grunge" music, Nirvana is always in the discussion because MTV and society planted that seed in our minds.
  22. It's a shame Alice in Chains did not receive the same publicity. Once Layne Staley OD'ed, one of the greatest Rock N' Roll band ever died. However, "chains'" will never be viewed as the musicians Nirvana once was....which is ludicrous. Like NJ Hawk stated in so many words, Nirvana went out on top and their music is viewed as iconic. I don't see it.
  23. I believe this is true. Also the fact the Hawks are having the best season in over a decade. Woody isn't going anywhere. In fact, I think he will get an extension. :computer8:
  24. You could throw Korn, Deftones, Limp Biscuit, Nine Inch Nails, and Insane Clown Posse into that category if music is being blamed for the way teens behave. Marilyn Manson has said publicly that his lyrics and performances are just "show" and it sells. Manson is just a smart individual...he knows what is going to sell. I was guilty of it. Bands have been playing towards the teen audience way before, and to a greater extent than Nirvana, years ago. Beastie Boys, Van Halen, and Def Leopard in the 80's, Sabbath and Pink Floyd dating back furthur than that.
  25. Nirvana is credited with the pioneering of "grunge" music. Deserved credit or not, I dunno. They came along in the early 90's and transitioned people from the typical "hair bands" of the 80's into a new form of music. Although bands like Pearl Jam and STP existed before Nirvana, they blew up MTV when videos were still played and thus, mainstreamed into pop culture. Couple that with Kurt Cobain's drug addiction, the "Jim Morrison" syndrome, and he was immediately viewed as some kind of icon and musical genius because it was music people weren't used to hearing. I like Nirvana's music, but the true genius, and still is, was Dave Grohl. The drummer for Nirvana, Grohl went on to Foo Fighters which have produced a number of terrific albums where Grohl sings and plays guitar. Dude can do it all musically...
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