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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. No. Charles Oakley would beat in LeBron until both benches cleared. The Thugs from NY would beat on Bron.
  2. No I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that I agree with what Ex was writing and what Diesel was stating. The both had good arguments/opinions. Joe's production has nothing to do with other players, he's shooting well now...and it just so happens Marvin isnt there. Doesn't mean if Marvin was playing, Joe still wouldn't have a hot hand. From a team aspect, however, Marvin's talent is missed. We're a better TEAM with Marvin.
  3. to sign Flip does not get enough credit. He fits in perfect with our non-existent offense. Sund was well aware when he came here that the Hawks have no identity on offense. Our buckets come off transition and iso's. He knew this. So he went and signed a player that can create his own shot, will take big shots = has no conscience, is selfish, and talented all in one. When you have no offense, Flip is the perfect player. Someone has to have the skills to score when there is no offense being run. Flip does. Great signing by Sund.
  4. Intentional or not, most likely not, Woody's decision to "call out" Smith during the halftime of the Bobcats game was the best coaching move he's made all year.
  5. Both arguments are true. We have played better with Marvin out, coincidentally, we just happened to be at home while doing so. While, personally, I think we're better with Marvin..I also concede that these past few games without him the Hawks have been impressive, obviously - Big wins over good teams.
  6. Horf, Smoove, and Zaza better bring it tonight from a physical standpoint. Containing Boozer and Milsap is going to be difficult, especially on the boards.
  7. Without a doubt. It was a list compiled of players during that era. it would be totally different if it were done today. Think of how many current players would be on that list now. Pippen would be the first bumped.
  8. Agreed. Even Jordan is debatable. Heck, he had one of the 50 greatest of all time playing next to him.
  9. Ok..a highlight. In 20 minutes of action, the one move that he "blew" by Paul netted us two points. I saw the game. He was a spark, he got us 3 assists, 3 points. Nice. he's tentative. That's what I see when I watch Acie play. He has no confidence. Which is understandable...he doesn't play much. He doesn't push the ball unless we have a clear breakaway with numbers. He can't create his own shot. Even if he has a clear path to basket in the half court he passes. The three points he did score was when someone else created for him. I like Acie, and I think given more playing time he may warrant the nine pick, but he's not given the consistent opportunity to do it.
  10. Cheaper as compared to other teams that offer him money. If his injury causes for concern for other teams to offer bigger contracts, the Hawks could get him "cheaper" than originally anticipated.
  11. It's no guarantee if we do lose in the first round, Woody is gone. Our win total is going to be significantly better than last year. Woody would have shown improvement every year, and the Hawks will be flirting with a 50 win season this year. All the Woody haters may jump my crap here...but barring a total collapse the last 20+ games and a first round sweep of us...Woody will be the coach next year.
  12. I think Acie was a spark for us, and he played well. I wouldn't say he blew by anyone though, especially CP3. The shovel pass to Horford on the break was a 3-1 after Horf blocked a shot. He didn't have to maneuver around anyone. I haven't seen the quickness and explosive bursts Acie supposedly has. I want to see it in the half court, or when they don't have numbers on the break. When Acie has the opportunity to run, he chooses not to. Not yet at least. He still looks like he's playing on egg shells because he doesn't want to make a mistake for fear of being yanked or disappointing Woody. More playing time would remedy this...which is up to Woody.
  13. That's a good thing for the Hawks. We need to re-sign him. If we can get him cheaper, that's a plus!
  14. Chris Paul makes everyone around him better. He creates open shots and opportunities for everyone. Two games is hardly enough time to evaluate the importance of a player. Add to that the fact that West, I'm guessing, took more shots with CP3 out of the line-up to make up for CP's points.
  15. Agreed. He will be sorely missed. It's a shame too. Woodson is quoted as saying he's still walking gingerly. If he's having trouble just walking, being able to play is a whole other animal. Doesn't sound too promising.
  16. Pretty much. Look at the Hawks' PG's during his tenure. Bibby, Claxton, Lue, AJ, Delk, Ivey? Ivey played solid D but he couldn't throw it in the ocean.
  17. Explosive? I don't think that's the correct adjective to describe our offense. Perhaps a fast break here or there might get us off our seats, but to call Woody's offensive explosive is a stretch. Not to mention w/out Marvin in the line-up. Smoove is exciting, "explosive" at times...and Marvin is the next best thing to having an exciting player on offense.
  18. I don't think it was coincidental. Smoove's resurgence after the incident lit a fire into everyone. That, and the fact we're at home. It's safe to say we're a tough team to beat at home. JJ was horrid against the Pistons, but we won, and swept em' for the season. It's a bright spot when your all star has a bad game and you win...especially vs. a good team. That hasn't been the case around here for awile.
  19. Good call. He was back for the NO game that's for sure. I'm just wincing thinking about the next game his jumper is off, and since we don't have an offense other than JJ iso's is cause for concern. From the middle of the 3rd quarter on last night, it was strictly jump shooting...or Flip/ JJ creating for themselves (90% of the time) or others.
  20. Exactly. The old cliche' rings true here....injuries are a part of the game, you move on. By doing so, you have to change line-ups and rotations. Obviously!
  21. We need to sign him in the off season. He needs to be a Hawk. Too talented, too young. He's shown improvement every year...not necessarily stat wise, but anyone that has watched Marvin his first three years can't deny he's gotten better each year and will be a solid pro.
  22. :hush: There might be some scouts from other teams trying to pick apart our offense. It's so well detailed and tough to decipher. Hate to give away our secrets.
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