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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. It's human nature for people to complain more than praise. Misery loves company. I can't speak for all of you, but I see it at my job and it's just easier to bit@h and moan rather than be positive and focus on what's right. I agree with you 100% and when I do read a positive post, which this thread began with, I'd like to add that we are still very young even with all the distractions and our shown improvement. Kudos to all that bring a positive thread now and then, but around here, the negative do out weight the positive. On the flip side, everyone around here are die hard fans of the Hawks, and for the past decade it's been miserable. It's going to take more than one uplifiting playoff series and one good season to change the entire perception of this board.
  2. One of his best defensive efforts of his career last night, one of his best offensive nights tonight. Coming into his own...about time, I mean, he's so old at 22.
  3. Admittingly, I am a huge Smoove fan and I think he is extremely important to the success of this francise. However, sitting him last night was in the best interest of the team. Zaza earned the minutes and played as well and hard as I have ever seem him play. Also, he was a better match for Z than Smoove. After all that, we still lost the damn game! So is Smoove more valuable than Zaza when it's all said and done.. Yes! We lost. Maybe Smoove gets a hand on Mo's shot in the corner?? Hindsight is 20/20.. Grass is always greener.. I know. But we lost. No more moral victories.
  4. Don't worry about no one showing!! It's packed!! Go Hawks
  5. Good point! I don't think "garbage time" and Hawks should even go together in the same sentence. When we are fortunate enough to be winning a game by enough to have "garbage time" minutes, they surely aren't going to our starters!
  6. It was post game discussion after the Lakers/Suns. Pretty much a hype fest for LeBron and plug for the Cavs. The only mention of the Hawks was how impressive "Al Thorton's" 20/20 game was the other night...and Avery "mini-Fro" Johnson playing with Tito followed by a huge smile. Barry said something that "the game is big for the Hawks"...Wilbon said nothing. Scott said, well, see above. It was embarrassing. Par for the course by the national media covering the Hawks.
  7. He says he's healthy. He says he can play. He says it's bad timing with Bibby, Flip, and Acie (the high draft pick). If he was going to play, or ever going to play, he would have by now. With around 1/4 of the season left, and we're currently sitting with homecourt in the first round, if we haven't seen him play yet - My guess is that we won't. I think we've seen the last of Speedy in a Hawks uniform.
  8. Of course. That's why I mentioned "Obviously" we know who the most important players are. My point was the importance of Flip to the team and how crazy it is to even compare who's more valuable - Flip or Mo. Not even close.
  9. No. Not even close. We could almost rename this post "to whom does the MVP really belong"...and I wouldn't hesitate to put Flip in the conversation. Obviously, we know who the most important players are on this team, but we wouldn't be sitting at 4th right now without Flip.
  10. Yeah, I caught that too. Obviously, they are not used to plugging the Hawks in primetime. It was pitiful. Avery Johnson tried to cover saying he played with Al's dad....who cares?
  11. Uhh...yeah. Who wouldn't? I think that's asking a bit much from a guy that didn't score last game and sat the 4th vs. the Heat.
  12. I dunno. I live in Columbus and along with the Hawks, love all things Buckeye...duh. I read/skimmed/scanned whatever you want to call it, his blog, and it's hard for me to believe that he is writing it. If so, good for him, but what from what I read, the writer is extremely fluent and intelligent. I'm not saying he's not writing it, or Clarett comes of as "dumb"...it's just hard for me to believe after all the interviews/comments/quotes that he has made (believe me, I've heard them all first hand) that this is the same person. Hope it is! I wish him well, back at OU, also near and dear to my heart, my alum! There's no motive behind having a blog that is a farce...it's not getting him anywhere, my point is that he must be a MUCH better writer than he is a speaker when it comes to grammar. Maybe he read a ton of books in the joint...who knows. LOL
  13. I don't think people yeall at there TV when Josh is blocking shots, running the floor getting dunks, getting offensive rebounds all the while scoring at the same time with reverse slams... I'm frustrated with all the bashing of Smoove. Flip doesn't take stupid shots sometimes? Zaza doesn't make stupid decisions once in awile? Even JJ jacks up an ill adivised shot now and then? For all the things Smoove does for this team, why everyday is there a thread bashing Smoove's shot selection. I have news, it's not going to change. I have two theories of why it goes on: 1. It's not pretty. His jumper is ugly. It looks like it's NEVER going to go in when it releases his hands. All of us, I'm assuming, have played, coached, or watched enough basketball in our lives to realize what a "pretty" or "fundamentally sound release" to a jump shot should look like. Josh doesn't have it. As soon as we ANITCIPATE even seeing him shoot an 18 footer, we cringe...when he misses, we subconsciencely become frustrated because his shot is ugly. We tend to not become as frustrated with let's say JJ, or Marv...when they take a bad shot because it's pretty. 2. Too high of expectations - Let me rephrase - Lebron, Kobe, like expectations. We see the potential Josh has. When we see games where he plays well, like last night, we expect that every single night. Again, that's not going to happen. I don't want to hear we're paying him 55 million, he should play better. There are many, many more NBA players that make a crapload of more money than Smoove does, that aren't nearly as productive. Also, he's 23! He's a baby! He's still 3 years away from his prime. Add to that, he's had terrible coaching in his career, he's only going to continue to get better. Point being - Can we please take the 3-4 bad shots Josh chooses to take a game with a grain a salt. His positives heavily outweigh the negative. Not to mention, when those 3-4 bad shots drop every now and then, he suddenly becomes an all star around here.
  14. Sounds like a plan to me. Getting a third scorer more active shouldn't be that difficult to achieve, or try to achieve anyway. There's enough talent to establish that theory. Marvin, or Al for sure. On any given night, Smoove can provide some punch. Flip off the bench can give us that third option as well. Not to change the thread, but I can't get Smoove reverse follow up dunk after Horf's miss out of my head. Just how he contorted his body to finish that play...unreal. Very few individuals walking this earth can make that kind of play.
  15. More than Kudos. There's nothing to doubt about Al Horford's game. He brings it every night. Plays his as* off. He's just a winner, period. He doesn't know what it's like to lose. And to think, he's playing out of position most of the time. 22,21 is extremely impressive for a second year player.
  16. Very pleased! Big win. Great start to the weekend. Bibby looked sluggish..to be expected recovering from being sick. No worries. Props to Flip. In my eyes, Flip doesn't get enough credit around here. We wouldn't be sitting 4th in the east without him. He's been solid all year. He came up with two key buckets in the 4th when Beasley was single handely getting Miami back in the game. A couple nice floaters that kept Miami at bay...
  17. The real deal with Smoove is that he is very important to this team. It's obvious we need him to play well to have success...and it's ludicrous for people to think that he 's not a "core" piece to this puzzle. Lest we forget he's 23.
  18. Ahhh..I think it's cool. You're speaking of just one journalist. I wouldn't say JJ gets no respect. Durant, Mayo, and JJ playing HORSE outside...I'm looking forward to it. Just remember. Woody burnt out Joe so he could be that "all-star" for the team and francise. Thanks Woody, burnt out our star for a game of Horse...hahaha
  19. It's not a good match-up, it's awful. My guess is the game was scheduled a long time ago and the exec's figured they would be matching an Arenas/Butler vs. Iverson/Melo showdown. Just didn't quite work out that way....
  20. You're correct. It is human nature to be the best at whatever you do, and to do so, you need to analyze flaws. I get it. It's just nice to read positive posts about this team every now and then...which is the way it is, instead of focusing mainly on our shortcomings the majority of the time. And as far as talks of trading Smoove, I'm with you there. I have the league Pass, and it's a broken record every road game. If I had a penny for every time I've heard an opposing team's announcer state "Atlanta's frontcourt, with Josh Smith and Marvin Williams are so athletic and long...they're going to be a force", I'd be rich. Point being, I agree with how were perceived - potential - so, we do need to figure it out...even though I see us much more far along in the process than most...
  21. Every team has holes. Every team has issues. I see a 28-20 team, currently 4th in the East. It's just amazing to me that after the dreadful years the hawks have had, and we have a bright spot in 08-09 and it's hardly acknowledged. Still just b*ching and moaning. Oh well, I suppose if we were 48-0, something would still be terribly wrong around here.
  22. I guess I'm a half glass full guy. I'm happy with the current situation. I can understand all the second guessing and problems with the current team...but that's apples to oranges compared to what it's been like the past decade. Maybe I don't fit in around here, but once in awile, people should appreciate the Hawks more, considering this is where the true fans post...it's discouraging to read post after post of negativity AFTER we WIN a game. Minny was ugly, so what we WON.
  23. There's no doubt in my mind, this fan forum boasts the most die-hard and biggest Hawks fans in the country. That's why I visit everyday. I believe everyone should take a step back and enjoy - not worry about the free throws, bad shots, and bad coaching for just a second. Carpe Diem! Let's just enjoy the current moment and season. It's Friday, the weekends is here, we're 8 games over .500 nearing our 50th game of the season. We have 3 guys representing us on all-star weekend. We actually HAVE meaningful games post all-star festivities that will affect playoff positioning. "Playoff Positioning"...man that sounds good rolling off my tongue...in this case my fingers. Take a moment and appreciate the season our beloved Hawks are having...
  24. A hot girlfriend that loves sports and knows more about the topic than me? Turn on, for sure. I mean, anyone that has had meaningful relationship for a significant period of time knows that after a wile, normal everyday dialogue becomes boring and often a struggle. This way, you could always turn to sports to talk about! Plus she's hot....
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