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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Good question. But, viral infection my a**. Nice cover. He's tired. They're giving him these two games off. He'll be playing against the Clips at home on Sat.
  2. Torn Labrum. Ouch. That will sideline him for a long time. I see Orlando making a move. They are not putting this good of a season thusfar in the hands of Anthony Johnson. They aren't going to convert Courtney Lee or Redick either. This is a big blow to the Majic.
  3. Sorry Crimedog, I didn't mean to reply directly to you...I just read the thread "trade Joe" and about fell out of my chair. That's insanity.
  4. I always look at the glass half full, but I'm also a realist. Sure we took Boston to 7 last year, but if we play Cleveland, Orlando, or Boston, which is certain if we make the second round, we're not moving on. I would LOVE for us to finish in the fourth seed and give one of the top three out of 5 teams in the entire NBA a strong fight...
  5. Yeah, smart idea. Trade Joe. Trade the best player on a team that has sucked for a decade and now are 26-17, 4th best in the East. Great thinking. Let's trade our most important piece....brilliant!
  6. Bogut appears to be out again tonight. That's good news for us...considering he averages 10 boards a game and that has been our achilles heel lately, rebounding.
  7. I agree 100%. He wouldn't be a first round pick without starting potential. He will be good is a few years. Right now, he's young and soft. 7 footer that can't rebound in college was frustrating to watch. He's out of Dirk's mold...he wants to play on the perimeter. Typical for Foreign players.
  8. Very good point. All have witnessed our lack of rebounding lately. Hunter is considered a "big" on the bench, but he's not seeing the floor. Too weak inside. Last year was tough, neither he or Kosta Koufous could rebound. Koufus was a first round pick, of course...just because he played great in the NIT.
  9. Carpe Diem. This thread could easily be just the "worst" memories as a Hawks fan over the past decade and beyond. Actually, except for the ones mentioned above, nothing good has happened. When positives are a player on our team winning a dunk contest or making the playoffs, and losing in the first round is good, or one crossover by our stud...if these are the highlights, it shows the state the Hawks have BEEN in. I want to forget. So...all I can look to is the here and now, the present. This season. High - Beating Miami on Dec. 12th after the Texas three debacle. We were reeling, then beat Miami, that propelled us to beat Cleveland. That Miami win stayed the course. Pivotal. Low - Horf and Marv injured right now. We need key guys healthy.
  10. buckeye242424


    IS it even possible for Chillz to leave and suit up for the Hawks this year?
  11. Bottom line is there are two "number" factors that matter. Wins and Losses. I don't care what we shoot, who plays, who's coaching, who scores, who shoots...just win. For the most part, so far this season we've done fairly well considering the dismal past...Winning ugly is still winning.
  12. The only thing is that they play different positions, maybe that's why I doubt it's Chillz spot. However, I do agree with the money issue. Hey, if Chillz comes back to the NBA, that's good for the Hawks, no matter the situation.
  13. I got to see Othello Hunter play a ton, considering I watch the Buckeyes as much as the Hawks and living in Columbus. Personally, I think it's quite amazing Othello made a NBA roster. Not saying he's not talented, but his senior year at OSU at the college level, he was extremely inconsistent. He's not a center, heck, he's small (weight) wise for a PF. However, he can block shots, that's his MO. But, from my perspective and experience watching him play so many times, he has a solid 15-18 foot jumper. People on the board will disagree with me because we haven't seen that in a Hawks uni, but trust me, that's why he's on the team. If 'squawkers think he's gonna come in and grab boards consistently, that's not gonna happen. He's not an inside force, except blocking shots. He's long, with an exceptional reach....very similar to the Bucks current center Dallas Lauderdale. 6'8 and blocks shots. Othello is weak, but apperently has the jumper to grab a spot on a NBA roster.
  14. What's getting under your skin with Bibby? 25-13? Terrific Shooting? Playing his *ss off? How is Bibby, Woody's downfall? I'd think, if anything, Bibby is helping Woody's situation.
  15. It should fade away. Consistency within an organization is key. Woody has earned this year, he's been through NBA hell...he deserves this.
  16. Bibby is the perfect complement to Joe. Too many threes on Bibby's part? If the dude is making nearly half of them, how can that be too many?? Keep shooting. I think it's silly to call any coach in the NBA "dumb"...anyhow, our "dumb" coach has done a pretty damn good job, and I really don't know how people could expect anything more from him/Hawks at this point in the season. Enjoy 25-16, doesn't happen often.
  17. Bibby is the perfect complement to Joe. Too many threes on Bibby's part? If the dude is making nearly half of them, how can that be too many?? Keep shooting. I think it's silly to call any coach in the NBA "dumb"...anyhow, our "dumb" coach has done a pretty damn good job, and I really don't know how people could expect anything more from him/Hawks at this point in the season. Enjoy 25-16, doesn't happen often.
  18. The ball is in our court (pun intended) with Smoove. Sure he's frustrating at times throughout the course of the game, but it's clear, apparent, and a fact the Hawks are better with him on the floor, period. People, I know it's his 5th year in the league, but he just turned 23! Complaining and moaning about a bad shot here, or not having enough spring in his step, or a turnover running the break - they are minute in the whole scheme of what he means 40 minutes on the court a night...one possession here or there does not make Smoove any kind of liability. Too young, too gifted. The Hawks should be happy we locked him up.
  19. As much as I'd like to see us run that line-up out there vs. Phoenix, it's a pipe dream. Zaza will be starting, bank on it...
  20. Orlando, Cleveland, Boston have the top three wrapped up. They all are way too far ahead at this stage in the season. The 4 seed should be viewed as our #1 seed for the remainder of the season. It's the best we can do, and the best possible way to advance tot he second round. I'm with Diesel, we need to make a move, something...
  21. No doubt we're in a funk right now, but in my eyes, I can't stress enough how important it is for the Hawks to keep their eyes on the 4th or 5th seed in the conference. Right now, I see Detroit, Atlanta, and Miami, possibly NJ fighting for those. For those on this board expecting to progress past the first round of the playoffs, our best chance would be to be in the 4th or 5th seed. Otherwise, we will face either Boston, Orlando, Cleveland. We don't beat any of those three teams in 7 games this year. With Horf out, and three tough road games out west, despite not being at the halfway point, this trip is semi-big for us...
  22. Trade bait, expiring contracts, whatever...just get him off the books and outta here. He's a turd in a punch bowl to me. What a waste of what???....36 million? That signing is up their with Koncak's huge deal...but not as bad as Chris Crawford. I still have nightmares about that one...how our francise can give a guy millions and millions of dollars because of one good playoff game still chaps my *ss...
  23. It was a bit long for me, perhaps because it is slow moving at times. Hanks is unreal, as usual. Overall, 8 out of 10 for me. I'm a big believer in the quality of a movie on how it ends...this movie has a good ending, from an entertainment standpoint.
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