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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. Except I don't even have the luxury of having "flaky" friends...For me its basically a full blown recruiting job.

    Out of my good friends, I am the ONLY Hawks fan.

    However, I do think if the Hawks win some games this year, I can get some of my friends to watch.

  2. Woody gets a lot of criticism from all angles, but we have to ask ourselves...Given the youth of the team ever since he was coach (I believe we have been the youngest team in the league every single year...Correct me if I"m wrong), could anyone honestly have expected us to post a better record than we did??

    When judging a coach, many make the mistake of using a universal, objective scale (i.e. did they make the playoffs, how far, etc.) that is simply not fair.

    Not every team has the same level of experience and talent...Woody took this position with the understanding that this franchise shouldn't sniff the playoffs for AT LEAST 3 years.

    I would say that at least in '05 and '06 this team has OVERACHIEVED from how many wins I would expect given our team and the injuries.

    However, that being said, I expect playoffs this year, or else I expect Woody gone.

    I am confident he can get us there.

  3. I'm not the most knowledgeable fan, but I have to say Sasha Pavlovic has got to be the worst starting SG/SF in the NBA last year.

    I couldn't stand watching him in the playoffs...I thought he was just flat-out awful.

    Basically the worst player on the court at all times, IMO.

  4. Haven't been on here too often lately...

    I know the court ruling made it so the restraints against us SHOULD be lifted...I haven't seen confirmation yet that that has occurred, though.

    Has there been any chatter about the extension getting done?

    Are we any closer??

    We have to have it done by Halloween, right? Or else wait for some period of time to negotiate again?

    Last question: What range should we be expecting? Something like 5 years 58 or so million?

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