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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. Quote:

    Why don't yall just come out and say it? "Those "chinks" can't play basketball, their league isn't better than our Church league teams and that Yi only played well against our USA players because they were bored."

    You folks are as ridiculous and the above statement.

    Brandon Crump is the best player in the league for Heaven's sake...There is no way he could EVER make it in the NBA.

    Face it, it is an awful, awful league.

  2. I think if you change the #12 pick in the Gasol trade to the #3, that trade gets done...eventually.

    Then we could take Crit at 11, Thad/Jeff Green/ Julian Wright at 12 and Splitter at 21.

    We would have to include Lue, Speedy or AJ in the Philly trade...

    Then we'd have:






    Who would back up SF?

  3. Quote:

    I think we can remake the team a little with a few good trades...

    Here's How I would play it:

    Marvin for Miller, 12, 21.

    I would package #12, Chillz, Zaza, and a future first 2010 for Gasol.


    #3 = Yi.

    #11 = Critt.

    #21 = Morris Almond.

    Gasol, Yi, Smoove, JJ, and Miller.

    Lo, Solomon, Shelden, Almond, Salim, Speedy and Critt off the bench.

    But do you really think we could get that much for Marvin?? Particularly when they already have Iggy?

    Also, don't you highly doubt that we could get Gasol that easily?

  4. I know he is a 28 year old scrub who will NEVER, EVER see the NBA.

    And if someone like that can put up 26 points in less minutes than Yi put up 14 points, then that tells me you really can't look into Yi's stat's against us IN ONE GAME to figure out very much about him.

    Like I said, using that logic (his stats in one game), then Lavrinovic would be a star in the NBA.

    Yi has potential, but please don't crow about how amazing he's going to be because he scored 14 points against team USA.

    And also, as I pointed out, he got absolutely railroaded on defense.

  5. Quote:

    smoove put up those bricks when playing SF

    smoove's numbers are much better at pf than sf

    he's the same size as amare, etc...he's a pf

    Yi is a 4, who is going to get absolutely railroaded on defense for the first 2-3 years.

    If Smoove is best at PF (I agree), why the heck do you want Yi?

  6. If Yi's 14 points and 9 rebounds in 30 minutes really impressed you that much, let's look at how some other country's players did against the US.

    Puerto Rico- Daniel Santiago, C, had 12 points in 24 minutes

    Lithuana- Ksistof Lavrinovic, C, had 26 points in 23 minutes

    If Yi had a "spectacular" game, I guess Lavrinovic is the next Shaquille O'Neal isn't he!!?!?!!?

    I mean, he had 26 points versus the BEST America has...

    Lavrinovic for the #3 pick, woo hoo!!!


  7. How did he do against them in that game defensively?

    We already have our PF (Josh Smith), we have absolutely no need whatsoever for another one.

    That's why I'm leery of Horford as well, I doubt he can play C...If he can though, I'm all for him.

  8. Quote:

    did yi play center in those games?

    or did YAO?

    Yi was the biggest player in China's line-up...They played 3 guards and 2 forwards, therefore he was responsible for covering our big men.

    What a GREAT job he did!!! He could definitely play C in the NBA with defense like that!!!


  9. Check out our big men's stat's in this game!!!

    Howard: 2 for 3

    Brad Miller: 5 for 5

    Elton Brand: 5 for 7

    Chris Bosh: 4 for 5

    Combined FG % of our big men: 16 for 20, or 80%!!!

    Yea, Yi can play C RIGHT NOW!!!


  10. Quote:

    Keeping J.Smoove at the 4 is ridiculous.

    If you think keeping a 21 year old at a position where he put up some pretty sick numbers (again...16.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, 3.0 bpg) is "ridiculous", then I don't really have any desire whatsoever to carry this conversation any farther.

    If you can't see Smoove's potential at the 4 after last season, there's no point in discussing this with you.

  11. The position that he averaged 16.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, and 3 bpg AS A 21 YEAR OLD?!?!?!

    That is beyond stupid.

    We have no need for a 4 in this draft.

    We have no need for a 3.

    Needs are PG and C.

    Taking Yi doesn't solve [censored], unless you're planning on trading Smoove, which would be far dumber than drafting Yi.

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