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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. Quote:

    One question Jdu...

    Back a few years ago... When Lebron James was labeled the King by Nike... Would you have passed over him because all you ever saw him play were much smaller HS players? IF not, why not?

    I think that should take care of that!

    Let me put it this way...If I was just about any team EXCEPT the Hawks, and I had the #3 pick, I would ABSOLUTELY consider taking Yi, and depending on what my team looks like, probably would take him at 3.

    However, we are the Hawks, we don't need a SF or a PF, it would solve nothing about this team.

  2. Quote:

    Aside from your occasional Boxscore peek, have you watched Yi??

    This guy has skills that translates well to the NBA.

    For instance: Height, Speed, hand eye coordination, balance, good footwork...

    With these things as being his foundation, it doesn't matter who the competition he played against was... it translates into the NBA.

    Yea, you can make just about anyone look like a superstar by watching their youtube highlight clips.

    He could be a great player, but one thing I'm sure of is that you haven't seen him enough to make a judgement on that.

    And it doesn't really matter if his skills translate, because if they do, it will be at SF or PF, and we don't need more young talent at either of those positions.

  3. Let's first look at the competition he is playing against...

    Brandon Crump, a 24 year old PF from the University of Tennessee, who had absolutely NO NBA future coming out of college is almost leading the league in scoring and is leading the league in rebounding!!!

    27.4 ppg and 14.4 rpg!!!


    THIS is the type of competition Yi has been getting "pushed around in the post" against??!?!?!

    A league where someone with no NBA potential (who is only a few years older than Yi btw) almost leads the league in scoring and DOES in rebounds???

    And people want to try Yi at CENTER????!?!!?


    Give up the pipe dream, if Yi gets pushed around in a league where Brandon Crump is the best player, there is ZERO possibility of him playing C in the NBA....Also, if yall want, I can post multiple scouting reports that say they have doubts he even has enough strength to play PF in the NBA...THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT A GUY WHO IS 7'1, 240 LBS...THAT IS PATHETIC!!!

    Now that we've established he can't play C, let's look at how he does not fit into our team at all.

    Yi is a SF/PF...Let's look at what we already have at those positions:

    Small Forward:

    Marvin Williams- #2 pick in '05 draft...Only 21 years old and already has 2 valuable years of experience in the NBA...

    Josh Childress- #6 pick in '04 draft...Good "glue" player that comes off the bench...Plays very valuable minutes for us...We need his versatility and aggressiveness.

    No room and/or need for Yi here.

    Power Forward:

    Josh Smith- 21 year old that just averaged 16.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, and 3.0 bpg...Sky is the limit with him...Enough said.

    Shelden Williams- #5 pick in '06 draft...Had a bad rookie year, but was injured most of it...When healthy, showed the ability to get double digits in points and rebounds...Also showed he can play D when healthy.

    No room and/or need for Yi here...Taking minutes away from Smoove is beyong stupid...

    So, where would Yi play?? If he played at SF, he'd be put in front of a young player that has much more valuable experience and has near as much potential...If he played at PF, he'd be put in front of one of the rising stars of the league with almost UNLIMITED potential.

    Putting him at either position would be taking steps BACKWARDS.

    He could turn out to be a nice player, but I don't want to take a chance on a player that has played against such awful, awful competition and has no place on this team.

    Our only real options at 3 are:

    1)Trade the pick in a package to acquire a legit Center!

    2)Take Conley, then use #11 and players for a C.

    Yi is a jerkoff pick that solves absolutely nothing and makes none of our weaknesses any better.

    If we take Yi at 3, trade HIM for a C, and not one of our own players that actually has experience and similar potential.

    Conley or trade at 3, and I would prefer a trade.

  4. Quote:



    Is the Chinese league inferior to the NCAA? Yi didn't get pushed around much in international competitions. But before you exclaim that the Chinese league isn't more than a glorified rec league, consider that we have been getting our asses kicked in internation comp for the past 10 years. I am not to willing to think that our college kids are better than anybody in the world at this point.

    CBA Stats

    Let's just put it this way...Brandon Crump, a scrub at Tennessee that would NEVER, EVER make it in the NBA averaged 27.4 ppg and 14.4 rebounds.



    Maybe he is a product of style of play. The point is that we expect Yi to be a finished product as a rookie, which is ridiculous

    So why would we use the #3 pick on an undeveloped SF/PF prospect??

    Where does that fit in on our team with a 21 year old PF that averaged 16.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, and 3 bpg, a 20 year old SF (#2 pick in '05 draft...More potential than Yi going into the draft), Childress and Shelden??


  5. Quote:


    Every single scouting report I've read has said that he gets pushed around in the post (embarassingly awful when you are 7'1 240) and there are very serious doubts whether he could even play PF in the NBA.

    What on earth would compel you to think he could play C???

    Especially immediately.

    I think we are unfairly expecting Yi to be further along than any of the other players that we could potentially draft. I mean he isn't supposed to walk on the court as an all star player.

    OK. Then why not trade him since we already have a ton of young, promising talent at SF and PF???

    Yi makes absolutely ZERO sense for this team.

  6. Quote:

    Is the Chinese league inferior to the NCAA? Yi didn't get pushed around much in international competitions. But before you exclaim that the Chinese league isn't more than a glorified rec league, consider that we have been getting our asses kicked in internation comp for the past 10 years. I am not to willing to think that our college kids are better than anybody in the world at this point.

    CBA Stats

    Let's just put it this way...Brandon Crump, a scrub at Tennessee that would NEVER, EVER make it in the NBA averaged 27.4 ppg and 14.4 rebounds.



  7. Quote:


    We don't need another SF.

    ...and those come infrequently and don't come cheap...we COULD use a Pf, and since we are going to have to make a trade for a center we might as well trade from MW/JC/SW to get one.


    Why on earth would you trade MW over Yi??

    Yi is older, has no NBA experience, and Marvin had even more potential coming into the draft.

    Trade #3.

    We don't need to start ALL OVER with another "could be superstar" at SF...We need to develop the talent we already have, and fill positions where we don't have it.

  8. Every single scouting report I've read has said that he gets pushed around in the post (embarassingly awful when you are 7'1 240) and there are very serious doubts whether he could even play PF in the NBA.

    What on earth would compel you to think he could play C???

    Especially immediately.

  9. Quote:

    I just don't understand why in todays NBA we are locked into having a "traditinal" center. Why can't a line up of 2 large PF's work?????? Teams like Ind, Det, Phx, have gone to this, why does it have to be he is a center? What is wrong with a starting lineup in a year after Yi has been seasoned of (PG taken at 11 or trade), JJ, Marvin, Josh Smith, Yi. I still don't see with zones and the length of Yi and Smith what the problem is. There are only a handful of "dominat' post up big man now. Shelden will get more then his fair share of minutes in those games, but to say Yi is worthless is not thinking outside the box

    Well there's a few reasons:

    1) Smoove is not a "large" PF...He is undersized for the position (plays it very well, though).

    2) There are MAJOR doubts that Yi can play PF in the NBA...Scouting reports say he gets pushed around in the post (understand that is in the CHINESE basketball league, LOL) and might not have the strength to be a PF...Which is pathetic when you are 7'0 240 lbs.

    3) We don't need an ELITE C, but we do need someone that is going to get down and dirty and play some damn defense...Zaza is already a fine scorer from there, IMO, but if someone like Gasol became available, we would have to jump at that opportunity.

  10. What makes anyone think he will be any better than Marvin??

    Marvin is younger, has 2 years of NBA experience, and absolutely had more "potential" when he was drafted.

    Yi is a waste of a pick.

    I think BK is just pumping up his value so we can get more in a trade (fingers crossed).

  11. Defensively, considering Lue got most of the minutes there...And he is awful.

    AJ and Speedy are good back-ups...that would be a fine rotation in my mind.

    Ridnour improved +- on our offense will do more than offset his contribution in the +- to our defense.

    Basically compared to last year's PG position, we would be about the same defensively and MUCH better offensively.

  12. Quote:


    He is nothing close to a center...Scouts have major doubts that he even has enough strength to play PF in the NBA...Apparently the guy gets knocked around pretty bad in the post.

    Don't get mesmerized by his size, Toni Kukoc was 6'11 240 also...Style of play is just as important.

    He isn't physical enough to be a center in the NBA now, but he plays defense like a center in CBA. Download the games. He doesn't play the game like a small forward. He only weighs 11 lb less than Oden. He already weighs more than Chandler,Bosh and Dirk. He already plays center better than Zaza. Why can't he play center better than Shelden and Horford?

    Because every scouting report I've read says that he's soft in the post.

    Think about it...

    If he gets pushed around against CHINESE players, think about what it's going to look like against NBA players!!!!

    That sounds like an absolute DISASTER!

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